Huh, I have to say that I really liked this game- to say that it's completely original would be misleading, but it kinda has a charm that other games don't quite have- it IS it's own game. I like the story/plot so far, and it's been kind of a "bottle episode"- not a lot of other characters to interact with (they make appearances, but they're just background scenery for now)- the main story is the MC and his D. I like the characters, the images, and renders are done well. The music can be a tad grating at times, but that's what volume control is for, now idn't it?
The "D" character is cute(?), but she looks a bit off in the face- she kind of reminds me of a "special needs" Charlize Theron, but I can't figure out why. Is it the eyebrows? Are they a bit to high above her eyes in some scenes? Does the shape of her face change? She's still a cutie, but there's just something...different? It is nice though, that she doesn't look like every other D/SD/N/RM in other games like this one- she is unique. The other girls, for what little screen time they had, seemed to appear to be alright.
Why did the little Love/Friendship bubbles appear with characters that you're probably never going to have any type of interaction with again? Are you going to re-visit some of these people in the future (the stewardesses, the girl from work, etc.,.)?
The game mechanics don't make a great deal of sense- had I not enabled Rollback, I would have still been trapped in the purgatory that was that volleyball game. I watched her hands before the serve and the choices weren't always consistent with her instructions.
The squash game made even less sense- there was no point of reference indicating where the ball would go if you decided to wait or to hit it (and once you have the pattern- it's rinse'n'repeat).
IF she's 18, why does she have a curfew- and conversely, obviously, a BEAST of car? It looked like an old school Dodge Viper RT (even the "street-legal" ones almost weren't)- this is not your mother's Oldsmobile... Surely, the Nanny (uh, isn't she 18?)* would either have seen the car by now and/or reported it back to her mother.
Plaster is a band-aid? I thought he was going to put her foot in a cast. In what part of the world is a band-aid called "plaster"- I'm not being a smart-arse, I'd really like to know.
These really shouldn't be choices- a former Marine would know basic Triage, at the very least her injury required a battle-field dressing.
Touching on the Former-Marine thing- they're trying to be incognito and keep this clandestine visit of his to the island a secret from the mother, but neither one of them thought to change his name? The mom isn't going to hear from somebody about her daughter's boyfriend, who apart from looking old enough to be her father, still is somehow connected to the military AND oh yeah, named [whatever you particular name happens to be]. Shhhh, it's a secret.
I do really like this game- yes there's a couple of plot holes here and there, but it obviously isn't fleshed out yet OR anywhere near completion- it is, however, an excellent start and I hope that there are many, many more episodes in the future. I would hope that the pacing picks up a bit and things move a little faster- think DFD, not DMD.
*still trying to wrap my head around this one... nothing yet.