
Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So, just a quick update.

I decided to hold out for mid-February hardware deals, unless I see a killer deal on an 18TB+ HDD in the next couple of weeks. I'm currently focused on another project atm, so my current estimate is that I'll get back to the FmF Girl's Game Night story in about a month or so.

Apologies for the continued delay!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
RustyV and I have other projects that we are working on atm.

My plan is to get back to work on the next short story in the next month or so, depending on how things go...
Is this game abandoned? (Current status of thread)


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Is this game abandoned? (Current status of thread)
OK, to make this clear to everyone, Part 1 of FmF IS COMPLETE. That's why it's called Part 1. It does end on a cliffhanger of sorts though. Lots of movies and books end with cliffhangers...

As for the next installments, we mainly share those here to keep things together. I'm getting back to working on the next short story, although my muse is all over the place atm. I'm the main holdup at this point on the next chapter.

As for Parts 2 and 3 of FmF, these are being replaced by short stories as RustyV and I are busy with other things most of the time, but it'd be nice to get the rest of the FmF story out at some point...

So yeah, blame me, but to reiterate, Part 1 of FmF IS complete. The rest of the story isn't yet though, which is why I hesitate to add a Completed tag as the rest of the stories are not Complete. Just clarifying!

Also, I've been without a rig that had my Daz Studio install for about 4 months, and just recently got Daz Studio working again on Uber Laptop here. So I'm about 4 months behind on my rendering cue, and have too many projects going on atm. Again, blame me.

Carry on!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just because...

Not really related to the sets of renders that I need to do, but I needed a distraction sooo...

In any case, yeah working on a set of panels for the next short story. I'm probably just going to do 'quick flashback' style so that I don't have to do a bunch of consecutive renders. That way I won't hold things up even longer.

I just don't have the passion to do a bunch of 'back to back' renders with minor pose changes between each. I'm more interested in conveying the story than doing long drawn out scenes. This is part of the reason that we are transitioning to a 'story' format and less of a 'game' format with FmF. Setting up scene variations with choices requires more renders, and both RustyV and I have other ongoing projects as well.

There is a LOT of 'lore' that has been worked out for FmF, and it's telling the lore/story side that interests me more than showing every little thing visually. I love creating new render art, but my muse likes to jump all over the place, and I found it's best FOR ME to just chase my muse. This is why I've learned to avoid working for other developers on games, as I know my muse will burn out if I'm trying to create longer scenes (which is why I was on the Babysitter team for only a short time).

Also, while a couple of renders of a specific scene setup may tittilate me, stretching a scene setup into a bunch of back to back renders for a longer scene, well that just doesn't tittilate me. Sure, it'll tittilate others, but if my passion isn't in working on that scene any more, well the result suffers... Other Game Developers love doing that stuff, so I'll leave that to the professionals.

Anyways, yeah back to working on something Amy related... carry on!

Crow Lotus

Oct 18, 2018
BIG SIGH!! Much like most games on here, get interested in the game and then "Continued in Part 2" SIGH Was enjoying it until I hit that part.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: OhWee


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Still slowly making progress...

As I've mentioned before, I have a few story elements that I want to add to the next short story installment. Slowly but surely I'm making progress.

And, as mentioned before, going forward the rest of the FmF story will be shared in chapters, because atm RustyV and I have other stuff going on, so we need to pick our battles. I'm more interested in telling a cool story than I am in working out a bunch of 'game-ey' mechanics with multiple choices. Also, I think that recapturing the magic that is FmF Part 1, well RustyV just nailed the dream stuff, and that's what makes Part 1 so special.

So yes, the story is still moving forward, but as a game, while the 'Girls Game Night' story does have a few minor story forks, yeah it's going to be a mostly kinetic novel format going forward from there.

Elle's extended family has a few interesting twists, and that's what I'm back to plugging away at now. As (Elle's cousin) Amy and Jen are good friends, yeah that's the story I want to delve into a bit deeper.

Jen's college friends are cool too, and are the focus of the Girls Game Night story, which I love, but I need to fill in a few gaps between the New Years Eve sleepover and when Jen's settled back in at college. Remember that Jen skipped a grade, so while Dee, Elle and Jen are all roughly the same age, Jen went to college a year early, while Dee and Elle are still finishing out their Senior year in high school.

There's one other story that is mostly ready to go, the Riding story, but I'd like to tweak that one a bit more and maybe add a few more renders before we release that one. It happens the next day, and focuses on Dee and Elle, but is mostly just a fun little story. Jen and Amy have a lot more going on however, which I've teased a couple of times before...

So, yeah, it's going to be a bit longer, but yeah the first part of the Girl's Game Night story is my main focus atm and will probably be the next thing I complete (RustyV already finished his part of the story) so be patient!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Why not?!? It's got head-lights, tail-lights and signal indicators....that's all the Highway Patrol would care about, but they have to USE them first!!!
Kit Cars get away with a lot less, this would essentailly be considered a 'Kit Car'. Some (most?) states require front license plates though...

I am not a legal expert, so do not take this as legal advice, but per some random post on the Final Gear forum...

Well, in Illinois, if it is a low production car, it must have:

-Permanently fixed brackets for license plates both front and rear.
-Permanent illumination for rear license plate.
-Side mirrors or a rearview mirror, or all three.
-Windshield glass if applicable, or if no windshield, a helmet must be worn.
-Permanently fixed fuel tank that is not fully exposed.
-Tires that are approved by the DOT to be used on public roads (no racing slicks).
-Must be in good working order.
Most US states rules are along those lines. Some require that the vehicle also be able to pass emissions tests...

This particular 3D model has everything but license plates and perhaps usable seat belts (most Daz Studio vehicle models don't have working seat belts though, so yeah...). So there may or may not be a license plate/temporary tag on the back end of the vehicle (the Daz Studio model doesn't come with one). As for what it's doing in that pic in the first place, well y'all will have to wait and see...
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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Why not?!? It's got head-lights, tail-lights and signal indicators....that's all the Highway Patrol would care about, but they have to USE them first!!!
well highway patrol might be more interested on something else.
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Reactions: junior366


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Status report, with obligatory random Jen render...

Not related to the story, but I don't want to post any 'spoiler' renders right now.

Sooo, as I've noted, I'm the current delay for the next part of the story. There's a bunch of story related stuff that I want to get out of the way before the 'Girls Game Night' kicks off, essentially to keep things more or less in line with the chronology that I've worked out for story progression.

It was originally going to just be 'Stories by Rusty', but with the bunch of stuff that I'm adding, it'll now be called FmF Stories. FmF Stories by Rusty and OhWee is just too wordy...

Jen and (Elle's cousin) Amy are good friends, that haven't had a lot of time to hang out together since Jen went to College. While Dee and Elle are in their senior year at high school, Jen is on her second year at the University, having graduated high school two years early. So Jen and Amy don't get to hang out very much, as Amy is also in her senior high school year with Dee and Elle.

Amy has a lot going on that was barely hinted at in FmF Part 1, and I want to tell that story. Nathan (Elle's Dad) and Steve (Amy's Dad) are brothers, a relationship that I'll be touching on briefly in this story. They have a sister as well...

There's also Steve's Astronaut career which ties in to this short story , but we won't be seeing any of Steve's exciting Astronaut career/on the job stuff in this update. That could be a whole different game, but I'd rather just focus on Jen and Amy for the time being. See FmF Part 1 for the dream sequence featuring Steve the Astronaut...

Now as to how this all ties in to the 'FmF' theme, well that'd be spoilers.

As for Jen's parents, yeah there's a lot going on already in the current draft, so we probably won't get to see them this time around. They will be visiting Jen eventually at University, but that's a bit down the road.

This story is essentially linear, and as an 'offshoot' of the FmF core story which we hope to get back to someday. This short story is a standalone, but of course while not required, you should probably play FmF Part 1 to get the 'backstory' if you haven't already.

As for what was originally going to be Parts 2 and 3, as I noted those will now be told in a 'Story' format going forward, and as such the 'affinity points' from part 1 won't really be relevant anymore. RustyV is focused on other things these days, so I'll just be adding the buttload of renders that he did for Part 2 to the story in a linear fashion, with his continued input of course!

But that's down the road a ways...

Anyways, just wanted to give a quick status update. As I mentioned, this FmF 'pre game night' mini story is my current focus, and I'm making slow but steady progress. The mini story needs to go through a couple of iterations as I combine words with renders, as I tend to tweak and work out such things as I go along.

All my other projects are currently on cold hold pending the completion of this FmF Story installment. So, yay for the FmF fans?

Be patient y'all! I'm on it!
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