I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.
The label appick is defined twice, at
File "appick.rpyc", line 4 and
File "game/barn_apple.rpy", line 625.
The label appshirtm is defined twice, at
File "appshirtmelinda.rpyc", line 3 and
File "game/barn_apple.rpy", line 1190.
The label mevent1 is defined twice, at
File "Events.rpyc", line 196 and
File "game/barn_cleaning_eggs1.rpy", line 254.
The label bprank is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_prank.rpy", line 208 and
File "bprank.rpyc", line 3.
The label calfstingcheck is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_cleaning_eggs1.rpy", line 111 and
File "calfstingcheck.rpyc", line 3.
The label bfoldparttwo is defined twice, at
File "bfoldparttwo.rpyc", line 51 and
File "game/evening_bfold.rpy", line 187.
The label Gardrep15dial_work is defined twice, at
File "Gardrep15dialogue.rpyc", line 4 and
File "game/garden_roses.rpy", line 286.
The label Gardrep15dial_roses is defined twice, at
File "Gardrep15dialogue.rpyc", line 43 and
File "game/garden_roses.rpy", line 325.
The label jogmel is defined twice, at
File "game/breakfast_jog.rpy", line 176 and
File "jogmel.rpyc", line 42.
The label milkperv is defined twice, at
File "game/breakfast_milk.rpy", line 297 and
File "lactevent.rpyc", line 418.
The label landingstrip is defined twice, at
File "game/afternoon_roomcheck_hallsex.rpy", line 365 and
File "martiniglass.rpyc", line 220.
The label mcheck is defined twice, at
File "game/afternoon_roomcheck.rpy", line 39 and
File "mcheck.rpyc", line 4.
The label mddhd2 is defined twice, at
File "game/evening_date.rpy", line 24 and
File "mddhd2.rpyc", line 80.
The label melev is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_change_bathroom.rpy", line 1 and
File "melev.rpyc", line 4.
The label melhmass1 is defined twice, at
File "game/evening_massage.rpy", line 87 and
File "melhmass1.rpyc", line 46.
The label meltf is defined twice, at
File "game/dinner_bathroom_towels2.rpy", line 430 and
File "meltf.rpyc", line 390.
The label lmv1 is defined twice, at
File "game/dinner_bathroom_towels2.rpy", line 474 and
File "meltf.rpyc", line 424.
The label melvain is defined twice, at
File "game/afternoon_roomcheck_hallsex.rpy", line 120 and
File "melvain.rpyc", line 3.
The label mhelpdw is defined twice, at
File "game/garden_dishwasher.rpy", line 5 and
File "mhelpdw.rpyc", line 3.
The label mhj is defined twice, at
File "game/dinner_bathroom_towels.rpy", line 127 and
File "mhj.rpyc", line 16.
The label melmil is defined twice, at
File "game/breakfast_milk.rpy", line 500 and
File "milmel.rpyc", line 3.
The label mlp is defined twice, at
File "game/afternoon_roomcheck_black.rpy", line 196 and
File "mlp.rpyc", line 3.
The label newappshirttoilet is defined twice, at
File "game/dinner_bathroom_towels3.rpy", line 372 and
File "newappshirttoilet.rpyc", line 169.
The label newhutscene is defined twice, at
File "game/breakfast_jog.rpy", line 483 and
File "newhutscene.rpyc", line 3.
The label gkkw is defined twice, at
File "gkkw.rpyc", line 25 and
File "game/noon_bathroom.rpy", line 339.
The label gkmirror is defined twice, at
File "gkkw.rpyc", line 176 and
File "game/noon_bathroom.rpy", line 460.
The label lblump is defined twice, at
File "lblump.rpyc", line 3 and
File "game/noon_pool_doctor.rpy", line 6.
The label dm_yoem is defined twice, at
File "dm_yoem.rpyc", line 4 and
File "game/noon_yoga.rpy", line 5.
The label pcalf is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_cleaning_eggs1.rpy", line 348 and
File "pcalf.rpyc", line 3.
The label pcalf_pant is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_eggs_massage.rpy", line 3 and
File "pcalf_pant.rpyc", line 3.
The label pcalf_pant1 is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_eggs_massage.rpy", line 42 and
File "pcalf_pant.rpyc", line 37.
The label pcalf_pantc is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_eggs_massage.rpy", line 187 and
File "pcalf_pant.rpyc", line 108.
The label pcalf_pantc1 is defined twice, at
File "game/barn_eggs_massage.rpy", line 224 and
File "pcalf_pant.rpyc", line 142.
The label mgiftback is defined twice, at
File "mgiftback.rpyc", line 258 and
File "game/pool_gift.rpy", line 260.
The label dtan is defined twice, at
File "dtan.rpyc", line 3 and
File "game/pool_sunbathing3.rpy", line 593.
The label mtsuck is defined twice, at
File "mtsuck.rpyc", line 3 and
File "game/pool_sunbathing6.rpy", line 439.
The label roses is defined twice, at
File "game/garden_roses.rpy", line 30 and
File "roses.rpyc", line 3.
The label sbevent1ms is defined twice, at
File "game/pool_sunbathing3.rpy", line 546 and
File "sbevent1mm.rpyc", line 93.
The label droom_menu is defined twice, at
File "droom_menu.rpyc", line 3 and
File "game/script.rpy", line 417.
The label shreward is defined twice, at
File "game/noon_yoga.rpy", line 429 and
File "shreward.rpyc", line 148.
The label tean is defined twice, at
File "game/dinner_bathroom_ann.rpy", line 293 and
File "tean.rpyc", line 142.
The label tevent is defined twice, at
File "game/garden_pruning.rpy", line 59 and
File "tevent.rpyc", line 3.
The label trrewardacyn is defined twice, at
File "game/afternoon_roomcheck_red.rpy", line 609 and
File "trrewardacyn.rpyc", line 46.
The label trrewardb is defined twice, at
File "game/afternoon_roomcheck_white.rpy", line 153 and
File "trrewardb.rpyc", line 3.
The label twfk is defined twice, at
File "game/evening_hotel_sex.rpy", line 663 and
File "twfk.rpyc", line 73.
The label flfk is defined twice, at
File "game/evening_hotel_sex.rpy", line 735 and
File "twfk.rpyc", line 125.
The label bfold is defined twice, at
File "game/evening_bfold.rpy", line 1 and
File "untitled 6.rpyc", line 5.
The label apatfk is defined twice, at
File "apatfk.rpyc", line 82 and
File "game/unused_ann.rpy", line 85.
The label ankfk is defined twice, at
File "ankfk.rpyc", line 89 and
File "game/unused_ann.rpy", line 416.
The label mwilen is defined twice, at
File "mwilen.rpyc", line 3 and
File "game/unused_will_NTR.rpy", line 20.
The label garden_menu is defined twice, at
File "game/garden_menu.rpy", line 1 and
File "yar_menu.rpyc", line 81.
Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py
Thu May 6 18:03:54 2021