loaded up your save, you were at melinda massage at night, off the start i got the option to get her to bend, pick the green text then you will have the option "ask if she can bend"
you did not give ann money at the start of v7, you picked the wrong options, so you will not have the option to buy her the dress and bikini
barbara anal, you pick the wrong options at the start of v7, so you can't get barbara anal scenes
by picking the wrong options at the start, you are missing out on a good amount of stuff like the sex scene with ann after buying the dress and bikini for her, the force ann bj scene after you get melinda to bend and a few other scenes
The right options to pick to be able to see everything at the start of v7 when cynthia shows up
i'm not coming with you, give her the money, i thought to spend the day with you
save your game with the 3 options for melinda
first pick these options here
let's do yoga instead, why mind her?, we'll pay her for the studio, don't, can we try the bending dog pose?, outside shower bj scene, this will unlock gallery 2 image 2
reloaded your save that you made at melinda with the 3 options, then pick
yes, compliment her, compliment her, talk about the wine, ask her about her new swimsuit, can i tan naked?, either option, this will unlock gallery 2 image 1 along with barbara anal, new scenes with melinda at night doing the massage, new scenes with ann