For the threesome scene this worked for me. Not sure if it needs to be done in this specific order.
Drink with Raj - Yes, Drink with Azir - Yes, Wash with cold water - Yes, Eat Sobering berries - Yes, Drink to the bottom with Kujin - Yes, A Drink for bravery - No, A drink to family - No, Alcohol games - Yes, Brawl Kujins - Yes, Naughty Maya - Yes, Dance with Kujins - Yes, Put hand on tigers foot - Yes, Glass under the table - No, Kiss Nami - Yes, Naughty Kujin - Yes.
Drink with Raj - Yes, Drink with Azir - Yes, Wash with cold water - Yes, Eat Sobering berries - Yes, Drink to the bottom with Kujin - Yes, A Drink for bravery - No, A drink to family - No, Alcohol games - Yes, Brawl Kujins - Yes, Naughty Maya - Yes, Dance with Kujins - Yes, Put hand on tigers foot - Yes, Glass under the table - No, Kiss Nami - Yes, Naughty Kujin - Yes.