Nah it does not, the only thing he edited is text wrapping, literally nothing else or hes just so bad at english he cant even do basic stuff, the protagonist literally speaks in 3rd person constantly and her and others talk to her with "him" constantly using words that refer to her as a male. Literally any basic level of actual manual editing would catch those, not to mention tons and tons of the usual MTL poetry, that any sane and sober person would not understand at all, think the only ones who actually can understand MTL are ppl who have something wrong with their heads. Was expecting something good for new years or christmas like some proper translation and on both days only see the garbage MTL appear here. I think this is literally over for fan translations looking as in recent 2-3 months we got only a handful of fan translations and the rest are either official releases or garbage MTL.
Maybe if you put in some actual effort yourself and checked the link to ulmf, you would have noticed that all of the dialog isn't edited on purpose (Because it's a lot of work). What is edited, are items, skills, quest descriptions, etc. that make playing the game without a walkthrough possible and enjoyable. Fixing word wrapping was also something that took a bit of research on my part, since this was the first time I MTL'ed something in rpgmaker.
At the end of the day, MTL's are meant to allow us english only speakers to have some idea on how to proceed through the game without knowing JP or having to tinker with a third party tool for translation. It's not meant to be some great experience that an actual translation provides which can take months to years to complete.
People don't like MTL's which is perfectly reasonable and I personally avoid them for many games myself. But they are far quicker than manual translations (It took me around 2 weeks to create this patch from scratch) and for those of us that don't mind decrypting MTL giberish in our head, usually provide a decent experience.
In fact, since I used DeepL for this, I honestly don't even think the dialogue is bad at all most of the time.
PS. If anybody finds and bugs or issues, report them in the ulmf thread and I will fix them. I usually don't check here often so I might not see it otherwise.