
May 31, 2020
Well, because Noone202 made me want to play it again, I fired it up.
And again I bumped into the same problem that made me abandon it in the 1st place.

Setting Rules Assistant to make your slaves slim when they reach a certain weight. Doing it manually is not an option when you have more than 20 slaves. No matter what condition I set, it fires up, but it does nothing.

It seems the "fix fat and skinny slaves" menu option under conditions does nothing. Fat slaves are not put on diet, skinny slaves are not given better food.

I've researched the Weight Loss Pills. With them the rule fires up, but again, it does nothing. The pills are not in their individual Physical Regiment. They are instead put on Breast Redistributors, even their breasts are A sized.

So guys, help. What am I doing wrong?

which version are you using, vanilla or forbidden mod?


May 7, 2020
Try something like this:
- Activation rule: Always
and in the "Physical Regimen" tab:
- Weight: Min -10; Max: +10 (this is your goal)
- Special diets: Healthy diet
Its condition was -10 / 200 (I want that to trigger only at fat slaves)
Target weight was -20 / -11 (pleasantly thin is -30 -11)
Drugs: weight loss pills
Diet: Fix fat and skinny slaves (but that does nothing) - I'll try with "healthy" see how it works.

which version are you using, vanilla or forbidden mod?
Pregmod. (Slightly altered by myself for better Arcology layout, more income and less chaotic changes from corporation.)


Jun 18, 2017
Hi, during end of the week report is it possible just to see simple or abbreviated slave report? Instead of seeing rows after rows of words of slave reports.

For example i want to see if there any change to my slaves:

I know there reports summary in the setting but i don't know which i need to pick.


May 7, 2020
Hi, during end of the week report is it possible just to see simple or abbreviated slave report? Instead of seeing rows after rows of words of slave reports.

For example i want to see if there any change to my slaves:

I know there reports summary in the setting but i don't know which i need to pick.

Left panel |-> Options -> Summary Options - chose abbreviated
devo / trust - mental stats (right column, top)
health - health (left column, 3rd entry)

Granular slave stat numbers - shown

No idea about income or fame.
This is how mine looks.

Later edit. fkn img margins. I could've sworn I set them 2 10 2 2px. Eh.
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Jun 18, 2017
Left panel |-> Options -> Summary Options - chose abbreviated
devo / trust - mental stats (right column, top)
health - health (left column, 3rd entry)

Granular slave stat numbers - shown

No idea about income or fame.
This is how mine looks.
View attachment 1075916

Later edit. fkn img margins. I could've sworn I set them 2 10 2 2px. Eh.
That's not end of the week report, that just normal
Left panel |-> Options -> Summary Options - chose abbreviated
devo / trust - mental stats (right column, top)
health - health (left column, 3rd entry)

Granular slave stat numbers - shown

No idea about income or fame.
This is how mine looks.
View attachment 1075916

Later edit. fkn img margins. I could've sworn I set them 2 10 2 2px. Eh.
That's just normal main menu slave view, not a end of the week report.

what i meant is this, weekly end of the week report.

as you can see, it just bunch of word it just bunch of words. I just want to view stats of any improvement or problem with my slave, especially slave that need constant supervision from me. I'm still learning to use Rules Assistant properly. Sorry if my first post is not understandable, English is not my first language. I'm still struggling to find the right word to explain my problem. Still thanks for the help :)


May 7, 2020
I understand now. I honestly did not saw the top of your post - or did not read it properly - and I apologize for that.

First of all, despite your best efforts, with the unavoidable RNG you might see certain stats decreasing even all the conditions were created for those stats to increase.

Second, enabling pictures will make your reading a bit easier. Biggest problem here are the walls of text, its hard to follow a paragraph spread on entire page width, especially when that paragraph is 10-15 lines long. (that's why I split my own text in easy to read paragraphs - you can check my post history and see for yourself)

Third. I suspect you noticed, 90% from those reports are just useless words, and that becomes increasingly annoying when those words are practically identical for a couple of slaves in the row.

That being said, even the game guide instructs you to save the game, look at the weekly report, note the slave stats changes then load game and adjust their life condition accordingly, I strongly suggest to stop doing that. When you have more than a couple of slaves it becomes tedious, and transforms the games into a grind fest. And yes, format of those reports doesn't help either. I rarely look on those individual reports and I consider them more like a flavor feature than something useful for management.

Setting Personal Rules will make you sweat blood at first, but once you set it up properly everything becomes a breeze. I cannot upload my set of rules - they depend on each person settings, but I can help with setting them. I had a problem myself with them for a long time til someone helped me to correct my mistakes. So what I'm doing here is giving back a bit from what I've received.

I do get a familiar vibe from your play-style and I'll take a wild guess and say you've played Rimworld, Fallout Shelter, and other games that require pawn management. What you need to remember - the only pawn that matters is your character and treat the rest as they are - replaceable pawns.
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Jun 18, 2017
Second, enabling pictures will make your reading a bit easier.
i dont like picture much tbh. The 3D picture has annoying postures and no cloth but at least its offline. The 2D picture require me to be online and lots of step to set it up.

that becomes increasingly annoying when those words are practically identical for a couple of slaves in the row.
it does annoyed me. The only thing make stop playing. Good obedient slave that have everything like right clothing, makeup, body type for each facilities and task and i always ignore them since they're perfect and making me money/rep. I just want to monitor special care slave such as slave with ugly body, i may need to do surgery to make them more feminine but i dont want do it too much that it may cause the slave even more unhealty and hate/terrified more than necessary. Then i have break them again spent more wasteful time on them. Thats why i need to know is there any changes to my special care slave to my methods,I want to make sure they're improving their trust/devotion and other stats etc.

That being said, even the game guide instructs you to save the game, look at the weekly report, note the slave stats changes then load game and adjust their life condition accordingly, I strongly suggest to stop doing that. When you have more than a couple of slaves it becomes tedious, and transforms the games into a grind fest
yeah it does getting annoying... Tbh i always do that, getting bored and sleepy reading all those text.

Setting Personal Rules will make you sweat blood at first, but once you set it up properly everything becomes a breeze. I cannot upload my set of rules - they depend on each person settings, but I can help with setting them. I had a problem myself with them for a long time til someone helped me to correct my mistakes. So what I'm doing here is giving back a bit from what I've received.
yeah i'm still learning how to use Rules Assistant. I may had consult you after this but i need time to find the right word and sentence to explain my problem :(

I do get a familiar vibe from your play-style and I'll take a wild guess and say you've played Rimworld, Fallout Shelter, and other games that require pawn management. What you need to remember - the only pawn that matters is your character and treat the rest as they are - replaceable pawns.
I never played that game but i have played Prison Architect.


May 7, 2020
1. Plastic surgery actually increase their devotion and fear IF you have proper training. (Use the links at the bottom of main page to access your weekly focus and select the necessary trainer. You get bonuses for each, but the most important are medical and hacking)

2. If they are virgin & ambivalent fuck them. Will increase devotion. Then restore their virginity and fuck them again. Do not "use their holes" - will get bad quirks. Use 1 separate action for each orifice.

3. My "business tactic" goes like this. Buy slave, (auto)apply rules according with her devotion, health condition, weight, asset size, etc, drop her in clinic. After her health issues are solved, she appears in penthouse automatically assigned to "rest" with improved devotion and acceptance/fear. If she's still in dark purple (hateful) drop her in cellblock. If cellblock is inactive (fear too high) drop her in SPA. If she's yellow (accepting or ambivalent) & virgin go to #2.

If after that she becomes light purple go for light surgery: removal of body hair, eye correction, liposuction, breast reshaping, etc. If you have proper training (master) in medicine, her health will be minimally affected AND her affection towards you will increase with each procedure. Do plastic surgeries for as long she's in green (top screen, 1st sentence - "surgery recommended"). When it turns yellow send her back to clinic for one week - assuming your rules have a health component (put on curative when health is lower than say 50).

After you are able to do invasive surgeries (narrowing shoulders / pelvis etc) she's basically good to go. I put them on public service til they reach "masterful entertainer (100)" then on whoring til they become "masterful sex slave". Then I drop them in brothel and forget about them. From there the rules assistant take care of the small adjustments in their diet, drug / hormone administration, inevitable increase / shrinking in their body assets, pretty much everything.

4. I'm more than glad to provide help.
It's actually fun to talk about the game, because I hit a point where there is nothing more I could do. All the future societies I wanted are adopted, all the Arcs are under my control, the corporation cant be extended more because will start register loses and the army + mercs are fully upgraded. Can't even buy more slaves because all the sexual services are +150% covered. And I honestly can't bring myself to start over because it was a fkn long way to reach this point. Going for a new game plus is also out of question. would be tedious to sort 100 slaves to pick the ones I want to keep... and PC age will not be reset - so I see no point in that either.

Btw, English is my 3rd language. :p
So stop apologizing, I know exactly what you feel about trying to say something and people understanding the opposite.
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Sep 23, 2018
What do I need to get to play this game to the fullest? I got pregmod. Do I still need the base game? Are there any other mods you think everyone should have?


Sep 25, 2017
huge shot but are there more games that let you basically customize a character/slave to your liking and then fuck them like free cities does?


Active Member
Feb 3, 2018
I am running the latest update to the ongoing project/mod Which Must Not Be Linked (PregMod), and I gotta say I am really loving the new OpenGL renders by Elohiem. Give it a try if you haven't.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Yeah it's surprisingly good, though it suffers from not doing the extreme weight classes very well as expected. Emaciated and some Skinny would be dead. The arm thickness needs some work in particular. Even with anorexia and such, there's still some mass there. Emaciated should straight up be removed, it doesn't even try to follow any kind of anatomy. They're straight up missing bones lol. Skinny is workable at least.

Above "Fat" doesn't really hold weight like a real person would (Should have more around the midsection and rolls and such), but it does a better job than I expected it to. It tries to keep the midsection visible I guess which is understandable. The clothes would be a nightmare otherwise.

Interesting that the age affects their appearance too, hmm. Guess there's no alternative hair yet or ever? Wonder if it'll ever add clothes. Is there some way to make it zoom in and out quicker? Damn it's slow.

Cool advancement though in paper doll type stuff, a lot of brothel games could benefit from that system.
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May 31, 2020
I am running the latest update to the ongoing project/mod Which Must Not Be Linked (PregMod), and I gotta say I am really loving the new OpenGL renders by Elohiem. Give it a try if you haven't.
How's the pregnant model on the OpenGL?
And what about clothes?
They have that down yet?
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