
Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
Sorry, I never heard of this: all the events I know where the MC is enslaved, lead to a game over.
Name of the .tw file? (as long as we don't post any direct link, we're fine)


Nov 2, 2018
the lack of player sub content is disappointing even in the pregmod theres not much...they told me they are willing to add any content others make so if you want content like the mc enslaved you have to write it yourself then the preg mod people will add it
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Oct 11, 2019
Maybe its gender specific?
Yeah maybe I tried female , but I think I finally understand on why of it though, as during the event my character in one of the early choices when it offered a choice once bought a gun , and it is now miltary expert so I guess she doesn't want to go and surrender to be enslaved and choose to blow her brains out. I guess.. maybe it's in the preset settings for the event.

Might be related to a mix of FS choices, and acts against it. First one that comes to mind, is the Eugenics Focus one. Go against that, and they Social Elite might want to .... "take care" of you.

Beyond that, if you activated the option that leads to game-over after a lost rebellion, I might see that happen to enslave you, the 'old' owner.

Both are speculation, however, as I've never had it happen. Only had the first one happen once, and my cyber-soldier, highly devoted & trained bodyguard whooped the Elite's collective arses big time.
Yeah I choose future policies of Eugenics and my character is a female and I do given birth to lot of children from slaves so they're pretty pissed off and also allow my slaves to give birth yeah they're furious they attack me the societal elite but my options that I choose , as I save before taking the choice doesn't lead me to being enslaved I only see my character blowing her brains out if she gives up , I am guessing because in the past she choose to buy a gun and then now and expert in warfare I guess she doesn't want to go down easily.

I also pushes a bit with my second future policies that anyone that hold power should be male and the rest should be female and I am the female arcology owner, lol trying to poke the bear with a very sharp pointy stick against the societal elite, lol

the lack of player sub content is disappointing even in the pregmod theres not much...they told me they are willing to add any content others make so if you want content like the mc enslaved you have to write it yourself then the preg mod people will add it
Well, there are things you can do to get close to that, that is one of the few is that make it so that your futa or shemale or male that have a dick / cock being stronger then you , and his/her cock working and have high degree of trust but very hateful Then you setup the smart piercing to Dom or Sadistic , Then you assigned that one as your fucktoy and you focus on his/her cock. Now if you choose to ride her/his dick the event will be that you slightly be dominated by the said slave. My character background was an ex servant and a woman , could be added to all this that lead to that.

Also I didn't have bodyguard and at time the slave will rebel and rape you in during random after end of week if you do that.

Also choose eugenics and the main character as a woman , check on you personnal affairs after you supported the policies enough there should be an option to just allow your womb to be used to carry children fo the societal elite.

so you're kind of being subjugated to do the breeding task by the societal elite to carry their chidlren in your womb. So it is kind of make the player sub ish I guess ?

Actually I have been reading quite a bit and it take quite a bit of effort to make that into the game, all I come close is just make a clone of yourself then use that as a slave..

wish they had the feature of the body swap where one of the option is that to let you 'body swap' with a slave body , you know like in sleeve where you can just swap into new bodies.. and let you expereince being a slave.. with a new event..or something

Sorry, I never heard of this: all the events I know where the MC is enslaved, lead to a game over.
Name of the .tw file? (as long as we don't post any direct link, we're fine)
Yeah I didn't know that it will lead to a game over, I never encountered the event where the main character will ended up being enslaved and then game over, usually it is just being poisoned by the people that offer weird offer wtihout body guard or death after defeat from rebellion or attack but I can easily turn it off, wanting to see if they added something an event where the player is enslaved.

Actually I was mistaken it was not in tw files it is in js actually, it is located in the src/player/js enslaveplayer.js I figure , hey if they have that on so where is the event that lead to that ? is it just game over or more ? I didn't know so I thought I ask if anyone encounter such a thing in the game, all this time being modified I figure did someone merge that in perhaps ?

Yeah , I intentionally doesn't have body guard I want to see if they add something new that allow my character to be enslaved happy enslaved game over ending at least for me.


Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
The function convertPlayerToSlave is mentioned in two files:
- src\npc\startingGirls\startingGirlsPassages.js (it is used for obvious reasons, when you select "Start over with your relative")
- src\events\ (you are enslaved either because you have fallen into debts, or because you have enacted some racial policy and it affects you negatively)
Not the most idiotic way to get a game over, anyway.
On a side note, if you want to play a management game as a slave, you can try Eratoho K and, if I am not mistaken, No Haven.

Speaking of the MC being raped, this also happens if you are a woman (futa too, maybe?) and you don't install the drone security system in the first X weeks.
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Oct 11, 2019
The function convertPlayerToSlave is mentioned in two files:
- src\npc\startingGirls\startingGirlsPassages.js (it is used for obvious reasons, when you select "Start over with your relative")
- src\events\ (you are enslaved either because you have fallen into debts, or because you have enacted some racial policy and it affects you negatively)
Not the most idiotic way to get a game over, anyway.
On a side note, if you want to play a management game as a slave, you can try Eratoho K and, if I am not mistaken, No Haven.

Speaking of the MC being raped, this also happens if you are a woman (futa too, maybe?) and you don't install the drone security system in the first X weeks.
Oh I see, so that is for starting with relative, I didn't know that. thanks for letting me know. Yeah I am looking and reading somewhere I forget where I read it, I read the condition where I think if you taken eugenics and if you're pregnant and carrying the social elite child they offer to just keep you alive and you're allowed to have 2 slaves but you will be deafen and muted but will be taken care off and only used as to breed societal elite chidren but yeah it is game over.

Yeah I want to find out what to get that ending, lol for shit and giggles.

For the game Eratoho K, Hmm I never tried it, I will though , the no haven game I have played it and yeah it does have the slave leader I find it amusing there is even the other version the cheat version that have more detailed slave leader type where you can train the leader like a slave but the rags system just at further on the game the game start to get sluggish though.

Thanks for the info.
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Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
It should be in: Game Options » Content & Flavour » Incest content is currently...
You can also enable it from the console. Press F12, type V.inbreeding = 1 and press Enter.

Each slave has their personal coefficient (from zero to one). Find the slave in V.slaves, the property is inbreedingCoeff
Same for the main character: V.PC.inbreedingCoeff

Apologies if I have misunderstood your question.


Jun 18, 2018
It should be in: Game Options » Content & Flavour » Incest content is currently...
You can also enable it from the console. Press F12, type V.inbreeding = 1 and press Enter.

Each slave has their personal coefficient (from zero to one). Find the slave in V.slaves, the property is inbreedingCoeff
Same for the main character: V.PC.inbreedingCoeff

Apologies if I have misunderstood your question.
Hello,thanks for responding
this is what i have

setting V.inbreeding to 1
setting V.limitFamilies to 0
Incest content is currently enabled

what it is lacking is the

"She is inbred, with a CoI of 0.125"
"She is in an incestuous relationship with her"

I have done some trial and error with other saves, where i have enabled/disabled incest on a save that has had incest enabled from the beginning and it gets rid of "CoI of 0.125" but keeps " .... is in an incestuous relationship with ...."


Jun 1, 2020
Turning flags on and off from the console will introduce state problems. So will editing family relationships from the console, fwiw.

This might get you back to a consistent state:
ibc.recalculate_coeff_ids( => s.ID))
Other than that, what does her family tree look like? CoI is 0 for non-inbred slaves, and CoI of 0 is never shown.
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Jun 1, 2020
Neither of those functions would issue any output (they work silently), so that's expected at least.

Do you still own the slaves they're related to? If you've sold them, the game doesn't know anything about them anymore (because "missing slave names" is disabled...maybe not the best name for that option).

If you want to send me the save I can take a look.
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Jun 18, 2018
Neither of those functions would issue any output (they work silently), so that's expected at least.

Do you still own the slaves they're related to? If you've sold them, the game doesn't know anything about them anymore (because "missing slave names" is disabled...maybe not the best name for that option).

If you want to send me the save I can take a look.
Yes, i havent sold related slaves

I think i sent u the save via conversation
I just thinking im unlucky

Also what is
"Missing slave names are currently"?
Last edited:


Jun 1, 2020
"Missing slave names" controls how much detail FC keeps about slaves that are no longer in your stable. If it's off, the game deletes everything about a slave as soon as it's gone (through death, retirement, or sale). If it's on, the game will remember their names and family relationships with your remaining slaves (which means it can show "so-and-so's mother was your former slave such-and-such" in the summaries, surname inheritance works for their unborn children, and we can continue to calculate CoI and so on from them as well).
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Jun 18, 2018
"Missing slave names" controls how much detail FC keeps about slaves that are no longer in your stable. If it's off, the game deletes everything about a slave as soon as it's gone (through death, retirement, or sale). If it's on, the game will remember their names and family relationships with your remaining slaves (which means it can show "so-and-so's mother was your former slave such-and-such" in the summaries, surname inheritance works for their unborn children, and we can continue to calculate CoI and so on from them as well).

V.inbreeding = 1 worked, ill probably enable missing slaves now that i know

Thanks again


Feb 7, 2020
I have some daydreams about creating a similar game to Free Cities with a lot of the same gameplay elements, gradual body transformation, running your own country, demographical changes and politics etc, lots of math and stats, hehe.
And i was wondering if Twine 2 that this game is built with is my best bet or are there better choices for game engines for these types of games?


May 31, 2020
I have some daydreams about creating a similar game to Free Cities with a lot of the same gameplay elements, gradual body transformation, running your own country, demographical changes and politics etc, lots of math and stats, hehe.
And i was wondering if Twine 2 that this game is built with is my best bet or are there better choices for game engines for these types of games?
Twine 2 is the easiest to work with and it's open source.
That said, it becomes a nightmare to program once you add in all the stuff you listed above.
The pregmod team consists of over a dozen people, all working on one project.
Though the original version of the game was not written in an upgrade friendly manner and the team has been working on fixing a lot of different things.
And you have to know how to manipulate Twine to the max to add all these cool things, though there is free stuff out there you can modify for your own purposes.

If you do end up starting a game inspired by Free Cities, I'd be happy to help as a writer.
Best of Luck,
-Black Dragon


Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
And i was wondering if Twine 2 that this game is built with is my best bet or are there better choices for game engines for these types of games?
Twine is very good for making a text game: but when it deals with a large number of variables and procedures (such as in Free Cities), its performance may suck. FreeCitiesDev became aware of it and iirc he regretted his initial choice. There's a reason if the current development team has ported more and more code to pure Javascript.
I guess you could do the same: use Twine for the UI and another language (JS or something else through WASM - e.g. Go like ) for the management stuff.
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