I did not say American Cheese, I said American Singles. The FDA has created 4 categories for Dairy products, including Single Slices. As they go lower and lower on the Dairy content scale (with more and more chemical additives) they eventually lose their legal status as Cheese. FDA doesnt consider it food, only food additives. not intended to be someones entire food source. But hey, some folks love sitting around eating spoonfulls of Cheez-Whiz. Which again, is not cheese. Which is why they misspell the word in the title and use it as a marketing ploy, since they are not calling it cheese, it is Cheez. Which contains maybe 51% dairy in its viscus sludge.
So again, I did not say American Cheese, I said American Singles. Don't blame me, blame the FDA for allowing not-food to be eaten by y'all.
And you proved the effectiveness of their marketing. Since you either did not know, or actually believed it was all Dairy. Capitalism wins, American Nutrition loses. Or maybe you proved the effectiveness of US education. Hard to say which. Maybe a little of A and a little of B.