
May 7, 2017
There seem to be quite a lot of typos and misspelling in this update. The dev running the text through a spell checker first would definitely help avoid most (if not all) of these.

I'm not really liking the new development with Susan. It seems strange that she would be able to get a job as a cop after everything that went down at the college (abuse of power, disregard for rules/authority, etc.). I guess the college could have kept quiet about it to save its reputation, but it still seems weird.
How did she even become a cop so fast? What about police academy/driver training?
The driving under the influence charge would be easily disputed.
Don't police cars all have dash cams? So she basically would have recorded her abuse of power.
I also don't like how the dynamic between her and the MC has changed (I prefer dominating her, but she seems to have forgotten her place). Hopefully we'll get to re-educate her next update.
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Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
I have mixed feelings on this update not gonna lie... on one hand we are breaking down the walls of the paradise known simply as "Aunt Hailey"... on the other hand while Susan returned, and tons of people wanted her back (myself included)... I didnt want her back to add drama, and be an antagonist... she can be mad, she can be sad... but she SHOULD NOT stand in the way of my happy Harem ending !!


Active Member
May 26, 2017
OK, finally had time to play. And i should say... all this story about MC and gang whom have some imaginary problems is kinda overrated. He has no problems, *Spoiler* really cant do anything about it. Sriously, all charges that she can make is laughable, good lawyer would dismiss them all, as well as ruining her life one more time. I know that in US all your tickets is saved in your driving history for some time, i think for speed limits exceeding it woulb be 6 months, but... even this can be deleted from your history next day by the lawyer. Yes, it would cost you up to 1000$, but that not really a problem if it can be solved by the money.
Also there was some driving under booze\drugs, but... she let him go. Now it cant be proven even if she'll suck dicks of all jury including judge himself. Of course if MC smoked weed during vacation, expertise would show it, but... SHE LET HIM GO. More questions to here, than to him. Her life can be fucked up more, compared to MC, whose biggest problems would be losing driving licence for 2 years. And comparing to how many girls he have right now, he'll be busy anyways.
Of course, she still can shoot him, but... thats really all. And we all not that *spoiler* is kinda fucked up. But not THAT fucked up.
P.S Sorry for mistakes and everything, dont really want to check and edit my comment right now :)
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Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
For me the problem with Susan is the way she came back... I honestly would have preferred to see her miserable bagging people's groceries at the store the MC was going to.. and her making a scene:

Susan: YOU !! Your the little shit that ruined my life, you and those bitches !!
MC: I didnt want that to happen, i'm sorry
Susan: get out my sight before I hiss and scratch at you !!

Then MC feels like dog shit (which he should) since the Harem cost him his pet teacher, tells the girls he saw Susan, and she has hit rock bottom.. Alice being the usual mature one of the group, tries to psychoanalyze her, and agrees to try to help her along with MC... Melody just laughs (she always laughs... damn weedy), Leah acts like a bitter cunt (like always) blaming her rather than her ex-bf (it takes two to tango you dumb bitch !!!), MC gives her a swift back of the head punch to knock some sense into her, and Karina spouts some dribble like "the good book teaches us to forgive and forget".

BOOM, add one submissive and attractive teacher to the Harem !!

randos belgados

Active Member
Jan 11, 2019
For me the problem with Susan is the way she came back... I honestly would have preferred to see her miserable bagging people's groceries at the store the MC was going to.. and her making a scene:

Susan: YOU !! Your the little shit that ruined my life, you and those bitches !!
MC: I didnt want that to happen, i'm sorry
Susan: get out my sight before I hiss and scratch at you !!

Then MC feels like dog shit (which he should) since the Harem cost him his pet teacher, tells the girls he saw Susan, and she has hit rock bottom.. Alice being the usual mature one of the group, tries to psychoanalyze her, and agrees to try to help her along with MC... Melody just laughs (she always laughs... damn weedy), Leah acts like a bitter cunt (like always) blaming her rather than her ex-bf (it takes two to tango you dumb bitch !!!), MC gives her a swift back of the head punch to knock some sense into her, and Karina spouts some dribble like "the good book teaches us to forgive and forget".

BOOM, add one submissive and attractive teacher to the Harem !!
wont mind if you write a game like that. hail harem! :love:


Feb 24, 2019
I'm not really talking about realism , Hell ! to get so many pussy the MC should be a pro football player ,not a student .
But an ex teacher (and a bad one for that ) turns to be a cop in such short notice ? In civiliced countries it takes years to become a cop . Plus she knows all ropes of abuse of power .
but i'm mostly annoyed by her return because the personality is over the top it's too much. Certainly in this happy fuck arround game .

doesn't mean i not playing next updates still like it .
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Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
I will say this about Susan: no one has come close to guessing what is going on yet.


It's not what you think.
Dangit I was hoping the stripper angle was going to be true... Of the theories the people were throwing about its my favorite... She was just some stripper in a cop outfit, and all she wants is to get dominated by the MC once again ! Sadly the story did say she was driving an actual police car... so no idea how that works... I dont subscribe to either idea tossed around so far... neither that she sucked a cop off and borrowed his car, or that she bought the lights at Home Depot and put it on her regular Chevy Malibu/Imapala...

Ok fine lets go "out there"...

Its not really Susan... its a shapeshifter from Mars... The last daughter of Mars !! Not only can she shapreshift, she is telepathic, hence how she was able to read the mind of the MC and took on a form familiar to him... now all she wants is to mate, and continue her species !!


Oct 23, 2017
I will say this about Susan: no one has come close to guessing what is going on yet.


It's not what you think.
Well, is she really a cop? Or is her partner an accomplice? I mean, if you're a cop, you CANNOT kiss a perp you apprehended where people can see, especially the cop car cameras. So is she really a cop with an accomplice, or a cop for hire? There are cops for hire. They often pass themselves off as regular cops, but they're not. Mostly, they're hired by corporations.

As for Hailey, well not really into her. So this update isn't as fun for me as it is for other people.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I will say this about Susan: no one has come close to guessing what is going on yet.


It's not what you think.
There's only so many ways this susan thing can play out. Either she's a real cop(which would make no sense storywise and time wise) or a fake cop.

If we account for her not joining the harem than she loses no matter what and she exits the story. The reason or way it happens doesn't matter much imo because we would already know beforehand she's going to leave in the end if she's not joining.

Now if she is joining or they reconcile then off the top of my head, here are some of my predictions.

1-She's doing all this for attention. MC and her begin having a few rounds of sex. Then it turns into her joining the harem(or part of it) herself with the girls being tolerable of it. This would be so hawt but poor story wise.

2-The MC and Friends stop her from whatever she's planning and maybe she breaks down emotionally with leah personally stepping up and forgiving her. She either still joins the harem after they all reconcile with each other or realize how bad she was and leave again or something.

3- Susan wasn't planning anything at all. Her and MC do nothing and they literally just sit there with her being genuinely hurt by what the MC did to her. It's all heartfelt conversation and a meaningful Apology from MC for what happen. Then Leah and co arrives being bitchy and realize how stupid they were and actually reflect on what they did to her and then all of them group hug it out with a orgy happening immediately after.

I personally see this last one happening seeing as this game like to do emotional moments. If it's none of these above somewhat then I'd be surprised and give a round of applause if it done great. Not going to lie, i went left with this last one towards the end of it though.

These below would never happen because it's either not that kind of game, these girls have strong plot armor or it would piss people off but I'll throw it out there anyway.

1-Susan tricks the MC into meeting and actually kidnaps Leah(or any of the trio) instead to do some Lesbian Dom play.

2-It involves Something with a Uppercase N, a T and ends with R which is never going to happen because of backlash. This may not include any of the harem mind you but more of Susan is the one getting gangbang while the MC is tied to a chair to watch it.

3- She ties the MC up and explores his anal cavity just when the girls arrive and watch. Then they themselves strangely get turned on by it and decides to take turns doing it to him... Dammit those comments above mine threw me off.


Mar 15, 2019
Ooh the second number 3 option please. :whistle:

But only if his dad shows up shouting out emotional abuse while watching. I am still waiting for him to show up at some point for an emotional roller coaster. This could just be that chance.
Sep 21, 2017
For me the problem with Susan is the way she came back... I honestly would have preferred to see her miserable bagging people's groceries at the store the MC was going to.. and her making a scene:

Susan: YOU !! Your the little shit that ruined my life, you and those bitches !!
MC: I didnt want that to happen, i'm sorry
Susan: get out my sight before I hiss and scratch at you !!

Then MC feels like dog shit (which he should) since the Harem cost him his pet teacher, tells the girls he saw Susan, and she has hit rock bottom.. Alice being the usual mature one of the group, tries to psychoanalyze her, and agrees to try to help her along with MC... Melody just laughs (she always laughs... damn weedy), Leah acts like a bitter cunt (like always) blaming her rather than her ex-bf (it takes two to tango you dumb bitch !!!), MC gives her a swift back of the head punch to knock some sense into her, and Karina spouts some dribble like "the good book teaches us to forgive and forget".

BOOM, add one submissive and attractive teacher to the Harem !!
yeah susan shoulda ended up as a worker in mel's coffee shop.....which will turn out to be a huge boon because their delicious slut-twin combo (mel and susan) will turn things around for the place....well----according to my lucid dream a while back...:p
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Susan is a real cop (because porn game logic) BUT she doesn't want revenge. This is actually a weird counter-intuitive plot to get herself into MC's harem. She liked banging MC, she actually cared about him and was hurt that he helped screw her over. So, her being a bitch when she pulls him over was just to make MC do what she wants. When they meet, she'll tell MC everything and its up to MC and the girls to decide whether she can have redemption or not. Then the mustache guy shows up and asks MC a weird question about forgiveness (the mustache guy is Susans dad) and the gay guy from a few updates ago will tell Susan how well he treats his girlfriends (the gay guy is Susans brother) and it'll turn out that Hailey and Susan know each other from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. That storm at the beach? That was Susan, but it wasn't a hurricane. It was a tropical depression cause Susan was so sad to see MC and the girls being so happy together and it made her depressed.
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