
Aug 14, 2019
Getting an apartment together with Alice or moving with Hailey are plausible things to happen but there is a meta-game reason why it doesn't work. For the choose your own ending selection you need to be at a neutral point. Rooming together with Alice skews things heavily towards her and won't work for people who have been mainly choosing one of the other girls.

But speaking of Hailey it is kind of strange how she's just not present in the current update. She gets talked about but given that she's more or less become part of the group you'd expect her to give some input or at least talk to us.
that's sorta my own problem here. the ending is sudden, sure but, it's also immediately after Haily's arc which feels like it's been aborted. apparently we get a random break in that leads to what exactly? then she's not really implied as an interest in the end despite the previous entire arc until this point building her up.

feels like maybe some cold feet with a blood actual relative over step siblings that can be more easily waved away.

Raptus Puellae

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2020
kudoz to the devs for making the decision to end the game... I guess I'll just have to wait few months for the only 2 endings I'm interested.

Captain Kirk

Sep 27, 2019
Its such a shame that such a great story is ending in such a distasteful manner. Up to that point I really loved that story but this last chapter basically nearly throws me into a depression, frankly to me its obvious the Dev decided to hastily conclude the story. Now the reason I am saying this is because mostly the game crisis came one at a time and typically went thru a pretty typical pattern of high - low - high, basically things were going great, a crisis appear that caused things to go low, than as the crisis is solved it went back up high, its a typical pattern for anything short of Drama or Horror. The problem here is in this last chapter three different crisis that should have effectively had their own arc all happened back to back.

First the parents return, that should have been like the Aunt Hailey's Arc a crisis taking several chapters that involved the characters trying to hide from the parents that they are in a relationship while still being actively in a relationship, it could have been solved by having them start spending more time at Aunt Hailey's house, continuing to further insert her into the group as another of the contenders for the MC, now some time skip could have happened.

Now as the situation passed over and the characters normalized this new pattern the next crisis could have appeared, the parents announcing they were going to bail out on the kids, at this point the MC & Alice being caught by surprise and shocked, at which point the two plus the others could have discussed the situation and possibly grown closer in the process of finding a solution, either the MC & Alice could have moved to Aunt Hailey's house with her, rather than leave her alone in that house, or the two could have moved together in an Apartment, possibly along with Leah & Melody, possibly Karina too. Either way the situation would have been moved on fluidly to normalize again rather than be turned into a crappy mess as in the last chapter.

Now the next time skip could have happened, you learn that the Dad & Brit broke up, Brit could have blamed the father for the fact her close relationship to her daughter took a serious hit, so it would have soured their relationship and led to them breaking up. At which point now the MC start to consider his future, now one of the connection between Alice and him is broken, namely the familial one, he start to think about his own future and doubt the sustainability of his relationship with his girlfriends, which would lead to him processing along with the help of the girls, ultimately leading to him making a choice between either of the girls, all of them or breaking up with all of them and the conclusion of the story.

This is what should have happened, taking the three crisis of the last chapter and giving each their own arc to solve said crisis, with the final crisis leading to the epilogues based on whom he decided to stay or beak up from. It would have been far less depressing than hammering the crisis and giving no respite or solution to any of them that really feel fluidly involved in the story. Doing things that way would have likely lead to a far more appreciable conclusion rather than this heavy handed chapter that just drive most readers into suffering a depressing time.
You hit the nail on the head with this one my friend. The rush was so real that you don't even get to see the conversation between the MC and Alice on the first night the parents return. There is so much wrong with this update so I am just going to list them, if your father is going to be an unrelenting asshole at least allow the player to be able to stand up for yourself and tell him to fuck off. And why is he the one to talk too at the end, like anyone playing the game was like oh okay let's talk to good old dad. He could have literally replaced the dad with the mysterious figure and everyone would have been fine. Another major issue is that the harem is 5 girls not 4. Hailey is a fan favorite especially. To not have her as an option is just idiotic. Hailey literally said in the previous update that her relationship with the MC was the greatest thing to happen to her. But fuck her em I right. To those that don't understand why the mc and Alice didn't move in with Hailey it's because that would have prolonged the game. Also even if ur just playing these games for a the fucks you should be pissed. Theirs one fucking threesome when we all know all the girls were curious with each other but no time for that either. So it is a shame... A wasted story that was incredibly well written.


Mar 15, 2019
I'm just as upset as everyone else. I mean we get all the way to the final choice and there's no ending with Hugh from the bowling alley and hotel? He still has a rain check that hasn't been cashed in.

This ending strikes a chord with me and reminds me of my own relationship with my father. I hit a point in my mid 20's when I realized the past was never going to change. It was either bury the hatchet and let it go or just keep hating each other.

I am sad to see this story wind down. I only came upon it a year or so back but have looked forward to every update. I can't wait to see how the various endings get played out. Even Karina's though I am still not a fan and denied her every chance I could.


Engaged Member
Jun 16, 2019
These type of endings seem to happen so often. The mad rush to finish it. It is a real shame but endings are difficult in novels written and visual. It takes skill and I just wish we could see more it.
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Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
This complaining about a rushed ending when we get six more update of fleshing out is like Corona conspiracy theorists claiming that Bill Gates and the New World Order are controlling the whole world, but are unable to shut down your meager Instagram / Telegram / Youtube University account. Pop989 explains it in more detail above.

I feel though that the thread will turn into a "The Visit Shitshow" very soon...
- Is the game completed? Nah, there are five more updates to go.
- Is the game completed? NO, now there are four more updates to go.
- Why is that ending so short? Because you haven't gathered enough points for it, stupid.
- What will be the next ending? SHUT UP, WE DON'T KNOW!

Well, it has been a nice ride and I am looking forward to how many ends I have managed to unlock. Some updates will be very short for those not playing multiple routes. Pretty sure Aunt Hailey will be on the harem end, Susan on the no one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
What a surprise lmao.. Anyone that doesn't think every single character needs to be fucking each other and goes on about single character routes will always get a facepalm by genji get a fucking grip you tit!


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
But in the end, there comes a point where you have to cut ties with toxic people, even if they are your parents and your life will improve through it.
This is one of the truest thing you can say, even if hurts a lot.

Well I will not comment on the endings, though do agree a little that maybe we did miss some buildup with some girls for a possible harem ending due to choices of devs. It will depend on the endings though whether the timeskips will make sense and they can carry the endings, might have been better if a bit more of it had been in game before. :) Now much pressure on those endings.


Dec 10, 2018
Yikes. And this was one of the games I was most excited to see an update for.

The dev did a great job of building up all the relationships up into their own, solid thing. And I was really excited to see how they started to really work together as the relationships deepened and settled. Unfortunately none of that really happened before timeskip, longer timeskip, pick an ending.

I suspect the real culprit here was the decision to allow the game, and the girls, to be so freeform. There were simply too many combinations of all the different kinds of relationships with each girl that the number of different scenes required to properly develop things was simply unmanageable. This became even more of a problem the more the dev delved into the "future" worries in recent updates. I think many devs overlook this when deciding not to be fairly strict and straightforward with their routing. I understand the temptation to be more fluid, but it's easy to create a bit of combinatorial explosion in the number of scenes that need to be created which simply isn't manageable.

So the dev just punted and we're at the end. Even if the endings are actually amazing (though I've yet to see many or even any that would qualify), that won't change the fact that the parts I really wanted to see the most were the parts that just got timeskipped. I suspect many of the more negative commenters here fall into the same boat.


Apr 29, 2018
feels like maybe some cold feet with a blood actual relative over step siblings that can be more easily waved away.
Wasn't she the MC's (blood related) uncle's wife? Meaning she isn't blood related to him, (and technically not related to him in any way because his uncle is dead) or did I miss something?
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Aug 14, 2019
Wasn't she the MC's (blood related) uncle's wife? Meaning she isn't blood related to him, (and technically not related to him in any way because his uncle is dead) or did I miss something?
maybe. there are so many games with updates that some things blur together, so I may be misremembering.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
Everyone speaking about endings, is this the last update? I havent played it yet as I am waiting for the patch


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
This complaining about a rushed ending when we get six more update of fleshing out is like Corona conspiracy theorists claiming that Bill Gates and the New World Order are controlling the whole world, but are unable to shut down your meager Instagram / Telegram / Youtube University account. Pop989 explains it in more detail above.
Even if there were 20 different ones, it won't change the fact that the story feels like it jumped to the finish line with 2 huge leaps while it was somewhere around 2/3rd only. That's what people call rushing it, not inaccurately.


Active Member
May 18, 2018
everyone is talking or complaining about about the end in sight, the dad who is an asshole, the missing Hailey/Susan option on the end (myself included^^), the timejumps and/or rushed steps to the end ... but hey guess what? Nobody is talking about the elefant in the room ... (I just downloaded and played the update again to be double sure!) ...

There is not in single sex scene with anyone of the awesome girls in this update!

A couple nudes - just 5! - (from the past or imagination) and couple kisses - I counted 3 - ... that was all ... as far as I could see from the just 61 pictures of this update .... now I´m much more disappointed than before with this update (because of all what I said on the start of this post) ... what about you guys? I´m giving this update a 2 out of 10 - and this just because this awesome looking CGI of the girls!

How would you rate this update?
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3.90 star(s) 184 Votes