Wow, I'm more than a little disappointed with Leah's ending. I actually enjoyed Melody's it was surprisingly emotional and just enough romantic sweetness thrown in, it really had all the feels I would have expected from a solo Alice path. Getting back to Leah, maybe I'm biased as she was my second favorite behind Alice, and I just thought for all the work the MC puts in just to get her to open up and want to seriously date her, it just ends very anti-climatically.
I didn't hate the weird mechanic, where in spite how ugly and emotional it got between the MC and the dad, several years later, they are now friends and through that POV conversation, we get each individual girl's ending. My main problem with it was that it didn't seem earned to have the father finally decide to reach out to the MC as a way to get back into his life and learn along with us how certain paths ended. I do agree with as inspired as the writing and pacing of the VN prior to the parents coming back home, it just seems to have run out of steam. At that point it more or less becomes a kinetic VN as there are very little to no more choices or options in how it all ends.
Final 2 points, I'm disappointed we have to include Karina in any harem path, and are forced to a certain extent to want to be with her. I wish there was the option much earlier to break things off with her or when the MC becomes official bf/gf with Alice & Melody to let her down. Lastly, maybe its because I enjoy my share of milfs, but the Hailey story took a little too long to finally develop, especially in regards to the MC and Hailey finally getting close and hooking up. The eventual payoff is good, but short lived as literally the next day, she moves back permanently and whatever else happens with her more or less happens is told via third person dialogue (except in Melody's ending, nice final scene with her). Honestly, I would have given anything to trade Karina's screen time with Hailey's, I'm still holding out hope she joins the harem ending to salvage the lack of story she got in comparison to the other female characters.