The overall response from this update has been very positive. However, despite that, the Patreon plummeted. So hearing you come back and become a Patron as a response to this update really warms my heart. Thank you and I hope you enjoy future updates!
Part of this could be due to the holiday season, some people might have dropped support due to having extra expenses.
While I am not why your income dropped and I don't want to complain or sound negative, but a little constructive criticism, the weird jump cuts from the bed to the car, and back to the bed was really jarring and unpleasant. I don't know about anyone else but I had to stop playing at that point. I don't understand why you would do that, or what it was supposed to add to the story that was not ruined by the jarring disconnect. I really recommend not doing that in the future, a flashback would have been (not much) better, but jumping ahead and back was just bad storytelling. The scene was already interrupted once with the 'cliffhanger', but to then to jump to the next day for no reason? It's not good. You are telling a story, you want your player to be immersed in the scene, the more times you pull them out of the moment, remind them they are reading a story or playing a game, you ruin the mood if it is not done very well.
The other unrelated suggestion I might add is that the breasts really could use, you know, nipples. They are like the cherry on top of a sundae, the flag on top of the state building, without it, there is just no 'point'. Leah's are especially flat, even the MC's nipples poke out more...
Good luck, hope to see more of Melody and Susan in the future. I never liked Leah, and while Sis is cute, and I like her, she is very typical, and not as interesting and fun as Susan and Mel to me.