Some of them don't really seem to have "choice" - they just want the tag / don't want to say kinetic novel. I've played a few were it looks like a meaningful choice, but the game really just ignores the choice you made and proceeds as if you'd made the other one. Or even minor ones where a Li is like ... do you like this dress? And you can say yes or no but if you say no the dialogue goes "Normally I don't like things like that, it looks great on you though." So really the choice was between yes and a less enthusiastic yes. But yeah, the ones that bug me the most are the ones where the writing makes you feel the opposite of the way the story says the MC feels. Where, for example, getting angry isn't an option when the story hasn't given you any reason to feel anything else. But yeah, FiN so far has none of that. There are plenty of real choices, with real consequences. There have been a few times when I wish it could have been slightly different, or wish I'd been able to take things further - Like immediately moving Viola and her mom into a better place (for example) but that's really just nitpicking. FiN is doing it right.
Yeah, I've seen that too, and it's really dumb and annoying.
It's funny because I've seen people who complain this game doesn't give enough choice, but what they basically want is a life simulator that wouldn't serve the story or the author's sanity for that matter, as if this game isn't already challenging to execute. So, people can go too far in that respect as well.
I think if people try to look at this VN as a developing story that has drama and a vulnerable protagonist that is
not necessarily a reflection of the player's thoughts and desires at all times, but his own character, things make more sense. The drug den, for example, is moving the story along and introducing an antagonist that was planned from the start, it's not a middle finger to the player like some interpreted it. The Viola situation, if you look at it from the perspective of "how would x action move her and the MC's story along, and would it be satisfying?" I'm sure we'll see her situation greatly improved eventually, but moving it along instantly, while a nice fantasy, would cancel out a lot of interesting developments (and creepy ones too, for certain other routes..) along that arc.
I think people are just used to typical VNs where the story clearly serves the erotic fantasies, which is why they usually end up clunky, inconsistent, and just not compelling. This game is the opposite of that where the fantasies serve the story and its characters, which is honestly the main reason why the scenes are infinitely more satisfying.