This is getting really deep really fast!
Looks definitely help with initial attraction, for sure. But if that is all there is then it could definitely be flirting with shallow. In the real world, looks are fleeting. One vehicle collision, home fire, health issue, work accident, slip/fall, or any other innumerable number of things, and looks can change in the blink of an eye.
But I'll stop digressing off topic to say, I definitely agree with most of what was said. Many AVN MCs, in my mind, border on the bottom half of what I'd consider average. And their member being long enough to pierce the lungs of any girl doesn't help things. But in this one, I'd say he's definitely decent looking and the women around him aren't all "drop dead gorgeous models". They have a past/history in the story, and in many cases you can experience it through the game. When you meet the best friend (for some reason blanking on her name) you can see and feel the trouble she's had, as she recounts the story. It's what makes them all of them feel so unique. Even the "ditzy blonde" isn't ditzy... bit of a stretch where she picked it up mimicking TV but hey it's a new twist of what's really a smart character. There's a depth to all the characters, even as an AVN, that is hard to find elsewhere.