
Oct 20, 2017
Does the message keep appearing every time you visit Butters? I might have coded it badly, but it seems to be fine under the hood, if you get that message it shouldn't be possible to get it again.
Edit: Just tested it, and it's fine. I'm not sure what the problem is.
OK I'll try again. ( I'm assuming it's just my mistake
somewhere) (Also I'll leave my save just in case there anything actually wrong) Thanks for the fast reply.
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Correct in some ways, although I'm not against impregnation, I like the idea of it, and haven't gone hard on avoiding it. The lack of this fetish is simply how the writing of this unusual alternate species world materialised.

That said, pregnancy and impregnation in general was never on my radar as content I'd be expected to add to FwB, and I would have never assumed it was a popular thing: as an individual that doesn't like children, doesn't want children, and typical impreg isn't something that interests me (I'd be more into slime/ovi/etc). It's clearly so popular, that it's perhaps the most talked about subject on this entire thread, a thread in a game that has barely any impregnation. I don't know if you guys are a vocal minority, but I don't mind appealing to the demographic.

Regarding the specificity of the hyper-fertility potion, I thought it would equally be a positive as a more niche fetish, the idea that a girl is so fertile that anything could impregnate her with ease. I am surprised someone finds this situation depressing. I always saw FwB as a sex power fantasy where you have a ton of freedom, and can still settle down using magic to have children later in life if that's something you really wanted. There still exists magic that'd enable you to pass on your own genes, how else would a female mare be able to have a child with another female? So there's no need for the situation to be seen as depressing.

In my next game, I have already decided that there will be a character dedicated to the impregnation fetish, including impregnation, pregnant sex, etc...
I think it's very telling that you approached it from the implantation/slime/Ovi angle because there, the impregnation is really just using another being as a host as to opposed to two beings creating a third. That approach is, in a way, dehumanizing because it means you literally aren't special or anything and the way you frame it, like we pointed out, it could be any sperm from anywhere rather than yours and it would lead to the same "clone". This framing is very much at odds with the notion of actually mattering to Butters because really, she isn't asking for committment from you or a child, just for you to help her reach her own personal goal.

In this case, it's about two conflicting tones: the one you go for is the one where you are completely free from the consequences of your actions and this isn't a bad thing, it's just that the way it's written down undermines the notion that you do want to settle down, do want to make something permanent and real with the person, because it goes against the earlier and predominant tone of casual, common and consequence free sex.

It's like when Butters brings up the notion that if you drink her milk, you'd be able to impregnate others, which is incredibly hot when applied to the male but less so with the mare because really, you're just a tool, a thing, enabling her to do anything rather than an active participant and really could be replaced by literally anything.

There is a complete lack of intimacy, which is important to this fetish because there's literally nothing more sexual and intimate than having a child with someone in real life and keeping the laissez-faire tone when it is fundamentally impersonal just doesn't work. It's in a way even less intimate and personal than being a sperm donor and therefore breaks the illusion that we have and our enjoyment.

I don't dislike this game, in fact, from what I've thus far seen I quite like it, but there's a reason why I never gave it a serious look until this pregnancy stuff came up in the game.

If I could actually make a constructive statement on how to change it, it would just be as simple as having an option saying "I want to be more" and having them talk about some part of you going into the mix rather than it being a straight clone. COC and other game with this angle deal with it by stating that the human bits simply end up being more subtle, like hair or eye colour and things like that.
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Aug 10, 2019
Friendship with Benefits 1.01 Release
Now with:
24 Romanceable Girls
24+ Hours of Content!
50+ Sex scenes!
What's new?
- City completely revamped! It used to just be a Music Studio and the Castle, but now there are six total areas in the city, and you can now visit the city without a permit!
- Butters new impreg route, with two extra sex scenes! (Give her at least one gift, and it'll start the following morning.)
- Nightclub, with three unique events featuring five girls!
- Dawn, a new girl, the owner of the nightclub, features her own long four-part route!
- Art Gallery, a new way to revisit your favourite moments in FwB. Art can be unlocked by completing a girl's route.
- Dazzlings, remember that Merchant Ari that has been around forever? Well, now she finally gets involved along with Agatha and Sonia!
- Spa, final Spa sex scene added
- New 'ibeat0.8' cheat code to skip Morrigan's route, and 'ibeatallroutes' to skip to Morrigan's route.
- New Church area for anyone that has ever pledged $20 at least once before, feat a new girl, with her own two part route!
Don't forget to leave bug reports and suggestions down below!

No more anti-piracy password!
Transferring Saves:
Transferring your saves is as easy as copying over all the files from the newest version and overwriting the old, your saves will remain in-tact.
Alternatively you can copy and backup your saves in the FriendshipwithBenefits\game\saves folder, or from Users\*name*\AppData\Roaming\RenPy \FriendshipwithBenefits
Notes on $20 DLC:
Anyone that has ever pledged $20 at least once will be able to access this via direct message and/or patreon post.
However, the next version, the Steam version will include everything for $10.99, so no rush.
Future of FwB:
The game will continue to get support for bugs, and fixes until a fully polished version of 1.0x exists
The next goal is a '1.1' which will be the steam version, which will feature many changes to better suit copyright. Including more extreme name, colour and song changes. In other words, this v1.0 version of FwB may be very unique and special, enjoy it!
The next game?
I have already planned out my next game, it'll be called "Monster Girl Paradise", set in hell and it'll build upon the ideas and experience I've had during my time with FwB. I plan for MGP to be much bigger and much better, with a much longer development plan.
I also plan to make MGP a proper cRPG game, with meaningful choices, stats, perks. With enough depth that multiple playthroughs can actually feel unique.
1$ =7.34 joking but true


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2020
Sooo... Just 2 Scenes per Girl? Like in Love&Sex? Pfff... Nice... :cautious:

What? What it is the F*** mean? O_O

Sooo, it means it pre-last UpDate? Next version been 1.1 and it be Completed Game? With DLC? O_O


Jan 19, 2020
If anyone has the Soundtrack for this game it's fire please let me know.
If you go to the music studio where you do the last of Melody's arc, you have the option to talk/sex/listen to music. if you listen to music you have access to the entire games music library with track titles. (at least from the last time i checked)


New Member
Apr 8, 2018
I'm not sure if it's just me but after going from 0.8 to 1.0 I can no longer rewind as far back in history.
In 1.0 I can only scroll up two or three times.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2018
Weird request. I'd like to impregnate Moxie and bang our daughter too and impregnate her as well. I love this game as is though .
4.40 star(s) 55 Votes