The actual reason for delays was just simply running into the following cycle over and over;Feels like a big reason for all the delays was just honest Scope-Creep.
1) Neat thing we've had planned for a long time for the game
2) We put in the writing, programming, art for this thing
3) We play it
4) Realize this gameplay feature or enemy or boss or etc. wasn't as fun as we had thought it'd be on paper
5) Scrap all the parts that suck, rebuild it with new knowledge of how to fix things
6) Repeat until polished and high quality, because the players don't deserve anything less
We can think something is great and such on paper, but until it's actually in the game, there's no way to really know.
With the experience we've gotten from this game though, we've got a much better idea of what will and won't be fun for future games.
But we just refused to put out something that was mediocre, not fun, and a cash grab. We would have rather went broke and refunded everyone in full than put out something that we weren't proud of and that we didn't feel was the best we could have done at the time.
Regarding the scope creep thing; we planned for this amount of content from the getgo.
In fact, the game was originally meant to be much larger than this; here's a short list of only a few of the things we've taken out over the course of development.
- Powerups having "set boosts" (equipping specific sets of powerups = more abilities)
- Every level having a secret miniboss
- Multiple ways to defeat main bosses
- Being able to play through the entire game with a second set of cutscenes in a sort of "genocide mode" with new endings for it
- Playing through the whole game as Faye
- More enemies per level
- Enemies having elemental immunity to your abilities
- An entire item based system of using potions and other items to buff your character
- Much much more content for the True Final Boss
- Multiple full vocal songs for bosses
- Much larger areas
- Portraits for all NPCs and enemies during cutscenes
- A full range of facial expressions for Talia's GUI in the upper left
- Visual modifiers to make the game look CRT style or other styles
- The level editor allowing you to inject your own art/audio (it doesn't allow this now)
And so on.
Here's even a screencap from a document from January 2015, the same month we started development; I'd post the whole document here, but it contains the game's ending (which hasn't really changed too much over the years).

And here's a picture of that document's date;

You can notice quite a few things that are extra in this from the actual game;
- 5 enemies per area instead of our 4 in the full game
- Earth elemental attacks (full game has nothing for this)
- Elemental abilities causing actual status effects to enemies
- Not only databanks, but also archives and books to read through
- Enemies being immune to elemental damage (no idea how this would have worked)
- Healing was completely different; you could only heal with healing potions in a limited supply
- Regular shots would have been elementally charged, not just charge shots
- Fantasy creatures in Ice became aliens
The rest of the stuff on the document is identical to what we have now, from level order and level content, to the purpose of NPCs and sex animations, even how Mage A (Talia) and Mage B (Faye) behave and their attack specialities, etc; even the idea of "respawning" from checkpoints was there too.
I know this is talking about the whole "powerup sets" thing which we abandoned, but just for the record, regarding powerups themselves, people have spent a good while theorycrafting them.I remember years ago seeing a post talking about adding a stupidly huge amount of items into the game that gave pretty mediocre buffs, over on ULMF before F95 was even a thing. (or at least long before I'd ever heard of it)
It was such a bizarre post because I could see how much effort had gone into making this, and how much more effort would be taken to actually complete this enormous task and how much it would delay production on the actual game, and the only response I could give was 'But why though?'
Did anybody actually care about the item sets, given the amount of work it would take to get them into the game? Did they really add anything?
There's an entire section of our discord (#speedrunning) just dedicated to speedrunning and trying out stuff with powerups to try and break levels.
Here's an example of things people have been able to do with just one of the powerups;
And people speedrun levels in the game, too;
The powerups have been revised to be a lot more versatile and do a good degree of things now.I think they went through at least one revision in scope after being initially implemented, but my overwhelming response to them is 'Do they even do anything that matters though?' because the buffs they gave you seemed easily ignorable.
Some of them include things like;
- Creating shockwaves when you land from jumps
- Being able to hover in the air by firing downwards
- Shooting shots that grip the walls/floor and roll along them
- Being able to masturbate to regain health at a cost of max health
- Stunning enemies temporarily by jumping on them
- Charge shots doing more damage based on your timing
- Spread fire shots with more shots per damage you've taken
- Shots instantly traveling
- Increasing your movement speed based on the damage you've taken
- Buffs that are based on your personality values throughout the game
Yeah, that's why we removed it. It definitely wasn't a good design.Plus, the fact that you could only equip three at a time out of the 50 or so that you said that you were adding, and the fact that you had to go find the individual parts of the set you wanted throughout the game, and then if you ever swapped any of them out you'd lose the set bonus.
To be clear, the powerups took probably 1 month to come up with them, 2-3 months to implement, and about 2 months to bugtest.But the items just felt like make-work.
Something that somebody thought up, thought would be cool and decided to implement with no real regard for how much development resources it would take away from things that actually matter.
The reason we wanted to have them in was to allow for players to theorycraft and come up with broken combos, or ways to deal with certain bosses.
For example, if you equip the Blender (fast charge shots) and Knife (shockwaves when you land from a jump while charged up), you can do quick hops and spam shockwaves up and down the maps, wiping out enemies left and right.
Or if you equip the Wall Clock (exponential movement speed), Men's Sneakers (extra jump/hang time), and Brain Implant (ignore enemy collision but lose minimap and alter visuals) you can speedrun through most maps pretty efficiently.
There's also the Maine Coon Cat (heal from damaging enemies), Clover (more shots at low health), and Rugby Helmet (take less damage per hit the lower your HP is) to effectively never die.
It has been, but there's a three point thing of quality of content x density of content x time; one of those things had to give, and we refused to give leeway on the first two.I was a patreon subscriber at one point. I'm pretty sure my username will be in the credits somewhere, but... there's no way i'd have stayed subscribed for all this time. It's been unreasonably long.
But we always encourage people on the front page of the Patreon, on Discord, on Twitter, in PMs on Discord, in emails, etc. to only pledge a single time and then back out to get their rewards forever, to ask for refunds if people want them, etc.
The last thing we want is for someone to stay backing us for a super long period of time if they can't afford it or don't want to.
I do hope the game lives up to the hype, as well as being something that was worth the wait; I have faith in both, but that's from my perspective, and everyone's opinions are different.The jury is still out on the quality of the final product, of course. We'll have to see.
But we will see.
... Probably.
I also hope that my replies here cleared up some of the stuff about the game, and its development process as well.
If I came off a bit irritable in this btw, it's because there's some IRL stuff going on that's made things a massive pain in the ass over the last few days, apartment troubles and all that.
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