This is still my most anticipated game on F95. Would buy it if I could delist it on Steam somehow.
We'll have it on a lot of different platforms, not just Steam
You can also back us for $20 in any increments ($5 for 4 months, $10 for 2, etc.) to have us just send you a download link for it if you'd like.
I'd still recommend Steam though because we'll be doing free updates, bug fixes, mew content that'll auto patch on Steam.
I have never been this invested in a H-game's story. Looking forward to the full release
High praise, I hope the final story doesn't disappoint!
In a bit of bad news btw, our composer, Wishful Simping, has gotten a semi serious case of COVID and is currently in the hospital; if anyone wants to send him well wishes, there's a thread in the Discord about it.
We'll be paying for his rent and other things until he gets out of the hospital and recovers, so if he's in there a while he won't be going back home homeless or anything.
The game also won't be delayed any because of this; almost all the music is done, so he can take as long as he needs to recover from any potential long covid side effects. (And even if it wasn't mostly done, a person's health is far more important than any game.)