I hope your composer is going to recover swiftly and quickly from this. And you're great sticking with the team all costs.
I'm really waiting for the release but I was curious about one thing. How many CG/art will be in the final game beside the 21 ending cgs ? Whatever the answer, i will be buyi'g it on steam but it will satisfy my curisosity.
Thanks a lot for the well wishes for Wishful

I'll pass it on to him!
So in terms of CGs, there's;
Game Over CGs
- 1 for every enemy in the game in the first four levels (16 in total)
- 5 CGs in The End, the last level, but they're differently setup compared to other levels
- 1 for the first four bosses (4 in total)
"True" Endings CGs
- 21 endings in total get these
Bad Endings CGs
- 3 endings in total get these
Secret Event/Ending CGs
- As of now, 4 or so of these get CGs
Additionally, the Game Over CGs and Bad Endings CGs have multiple variations, like different facial expressions or poses or cumshots or etc. while the True Ending CGs and Secret Event CGs will not have variations.
However, there's two caveats with the above numbers.
First, while all the Game Over CGs and Bad Ending CGs are sexual, the majority of the True Ending and Secret Event CGs are not.
Second, while I'm calling these all "CGs", the art style between categories differs significantly;
The Game Over CGs and the Bad Endings CGs will look like this;
However, the "True" Ending CGs will look something along the lines of this;
In that pixelated-ish art style, etc.
Finally, the Secret Event CGs will have a unique art style only present in them due to them being non-canonical, easter egg/joke events/endings, like this;
If you're wondering how Talia ends up as a frog, you'll have to play the game to find that secret non-canon event 
It's just one of around 27 secret events, although a lot of the secret events in particular are lowest priority to implement compared to the core game of course, so some of them may be out in free patches down the line, bundled with bug fixes, extra map DLC (also for free), and other similar things like that.