Yeah, I'll have a formal post about it soon, but we went over things a few days ago and realized there's just no way possible we'll have stuff completed by December 31st, and we don't want to Cyberpunk everyone either.Steam icon says March 31, 2022. Has it been delayed again?
We've made really good progress, don't get me wrong; at the same time, yeah, it's gonna probably take another month or two, plus we need time to bugtest the finished game which should take about 2-3 weeks itself.
Right now, the three biggest issues time-sink wise are:
- Needing time for bugtesting once all's said and done; there's just a ridiculous number of variations/paths for events, not to mention all the gameplay mechanics
- The majority of voicework is going to only be able to be recorded starting in January due to people being away for the holidays: this isn't on them though, this is on me for not getting them the script fast enough, so I don't blame them a bit
- The true final boss fight is still being worked on, with the second programmer being mostly done, but Frouge still needs time to fully integrate it with the rest of the game/polish things
So like before, we put the date ahead of what we actually expect it to be, but this time around when I make the post, I'm not going to give an exact release date until the game is 100% finished and is being bugtested, etc.
We'll likely end up participating in Steam's Next Fest too, because of how close it is to March, so hopefully that'll help things wishlist-wise, because we'll need it given the below notes about the debt.
And as before:
- The Patreon has continued to drop around $500 less each month, and has been below the "making enough to keep afloat" line for some time now, so my debt just increases every month we don't release; I can promise you we want this out more than anyone else. I've already got three maxed out credit cards.
- You're free to request a refund at any time for any reason for as much as you've pledged, no matter how much it is.
That all said, we're pretty dang close to the finish line, so really shouldn't be too much longer.
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