
Oct 4, 2021
That's too many words. That's longer than most books. Than most RPGs. And RPGs take a bit longer than four hours to complete. Presumably you'll say that half of these words are in databanks (which I surely won't read), and the other half I'll never ever see because they only occur if I take some specific sequence of actions or choices on a playthrough.

Imagine being the poor souls who have to translate this game. Could be translating a Trails game or something, but nope, it's porn.

And you're still planning 40+ endings for Eroding Ego :/ -- you have programmers and artists that can tell you what you can do, but do you have any one to tell you what you should do? Designing a game with a bazillion ending sounds like a fun creative exercise, but it doesn't sound like something fun to play.

I'll be playing Future Fragments max two times, probably with hax at least once because apparently you're a video game developer from the 90s and think locking story behind difficulty selection is cool (anti-accessibility features in a porn game?).
Do not wory, if the game is good, some people out there will willingly play this game repeatedly. Idk some people are just like that dont ask me why. And after experiencing the demo the game is quite fun even if u subtract the ero part not like a certain eromancer game.
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Sep 1, 2019
That's too many words. That's longer than most books. Than most RPGs. And RPGs take a bit longer than four hours to complete. Presumably you'll say that half of these words are in databanks (which I surely won't read), and the other half I'll never ever see because they only occur if I take some specific sequence of actions or choices on a playthrough.

Imagine being the poor souls who have to translate this game. Could be translating a Trails game or something, but nope, it's porn.

And you're still planning 40+ endings for Eroding Ego :/ -- you have programmers and artists that can tell you what you can do, but do you have any one to tell you what you should do? Designing a game with a bazillion ending sounds like a fun creative exercise, but it doesn't sound like something fun to play.

I'll be playing Future Fragments max two times, probably with hax at least once because apparently you're a video game developer from the 90s and think locking story behind difficulty selection is cool (anti-accessibility features in a porn game?).
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Hello from Brazil, I've been following the game's development for a long time and I would love it in the future IF POSSIBLE (of course) I had a Portuguese translation. But whether or not, I really want to play.
We definitely plan on a Portuguese translation down the line, but it'll be a while as we'd be getting other ones done first.

That's too many words. That's longer than most books. Than most RPGs. And RPGs take a bit longer than four hours to complete. Presumably you'll say that half of these words are in databanks (which I surely won't read), and the other half I'll never ever see because they only occur if I take some specific sequence of actions or choices on a playthrough.
Probably 20% are in Databanks. Around probably 80% of cutscene dialogue won't be possible to be viewed in a given run, I'd estimate.

Additionally, almost every cutscene in the game is skippable; you could definitely beat the game in well under 4 hours if you just ignore all the storyline.

We designed it this way so if people just wanted pure platforming/run n gun gameplay they could get it, or if they wanted, they could go really deep into the story instead, or any mix of the two experiences.

Imagine being the poor souls who have to translate this game. Could be translating a Trails game or something, but nope, it's porn.
Of the text in the game, probably less than 2% is of a sexual nature. Shows with sexual content that are localized into other languages, like Orange is the New Black and Game of Thrones, I would estimate have a similar amount of sexual content in their scripts/events as our game does.

And you're still planning 40+ endings for Eroding Ego :/ -- you have programmers and artists that can tell you what you can do, but do you have any one to tell you what you should do?
Actually, when we work on games, it's a democratic setup; for small things being added/removed to the game, at least two of us have to agree it's a good idea, and for major things involving gameplay (or endings), all of us need to agree.

On top of that, all three of us get "veto power", so if one of us absolutely does not want to do something (like say, the artist doing the art for all the endings), they can veto it and we'll find a different solution/not do that particular thing.

Designing a game with a bazillion ending sounds like a fun creative exercise, but it doesn't sound like something fun to play.
We know our game isn't going to be for everyone; it's totally fine if someone doesn't like the multiple endings idea, or anything else about the game, really.

But when it's been mentioned to people, having multiple endings like this has almost universally been seen as a positive for the game across polls on Patreon, Twitter, Discord, emails, etc.

And really, it's also been a selling point in almost any game that has it for most of gaming history. Star Ocean 2 had 80+ plus endings, and featured that statistic prominently on advertisements for the game; in modern days, the Stanley Parable is literally just a "multiple endings" simulator and people chart out all the crazy things you have to do to access the most obscure endings.

Both games were commercial successes.

If a game has multiple endings, the player gets more freedom of choice; they can get one ending and call it quits, or they can go for multiple endings. Having only one ending means they only get that one ending, and that's it.
More choices / ways for the player to engage with the game / play it, is a good thing in most people's books.

I'll be playing Future Fragments max two times, probably with hax at least once because apparently you're a video game developer from the 90s and think locking story behind difficulty selection is cool (anti-accessibility features in a porn game?).
I'm not sure what you mean about this; why do you think story is locked behind difficulty selection? There's only normal and easy mode, and playing either one doesn't lock you out of anything story-wise. Speaking of accessibility, we'll have a colorblind mode in, and we've already got full controller remapping and keyboard defaults auto-assigned based off of the country you play the game in.

In fact, once you've beaten the game once, upon returning to the title screen, you'll get 9 more save slots for save scumming if you'd like to do that to see more content easier/un-organically.

The only thing you could pick to lock yourself out of story would be to play SFW mode, which will remove all NSFW scenes entirely, but that's just an effect of removing NSFW from the game.

Do not wory, if the game is good, some people out there will willingly play this game repeatedly. Idk some people are just like that dont ask me why. And after experiencing the demo the game is quite fun
Yeah, there's a lot of people on the Discord and other places that've said they want to play it to full completion, which I've said is insanity, but they really want to do it.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Is there a level in this game that takes place in a city or similar environment?
Technically, the entire game takes place in a city; you're within one of the WORM's "Facilities" (city), and each of the levels are "Nodes" (neighborhoods), with lots of individual "Modules" (rooms for industrial or business or residential purposes).

Aesthetically though, the closest thing to a modern city this game has is the Electric Level. Future games will take place in a variety of time periods, with the next game being in a more semi-contemporary environment.
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Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
A harsh lesson will be learned about overdoing content for such an abysmally small budget and the players will win regardless because at the end of the day at least the quality control was top-notch no matter if you bought it or yarr harr'd.
I can't see how this is a negative outside of a raw effort vs financial gain comparison. Yeah sure if you're looking for max profit with as little effort as possible it's better to churn out renpy incest games with daz models or RPGM with base tilesets and recycled assets. If you're looking to make an actual game then it's gonna take time and effort.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I can't see how this is a negative outside of a raw effort vs financial gain comparison. Yeah sure if you're looking for max profit with as little effort as possible it's better to churn out renpy incest games with daz models or RPGM with base tilesets and recycled assets. If you're looking to make an actual game then it's gonna take time and effort.
Yep, we want to make the games we want to make, all other costs be damned.

The only exception there is the cost to the players/backers which we do care about, which is why we do do the whole "full refund" thing and "only need to back once to get rewards forever" thing.
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Feb 1, 2018
I would like to ask a few questions. If my sponsorship amount reaches a certain stage, can I get the full version of the game after it is released on Steam? If so, is this version different from the Steam version, does it come with a level toilet, and can I get additional updates? Does the Steam version of the game or the sponsor version have a cheat option, and if so, is it available early on or must be completed?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I would like to ask a few questions. If my sponsorship amount reaches a certain stage, can I get the full version of the game after it is released on Steam? If so, is this version different from the Steam version, does it come with a level toilet, and can I get additional updates? Does the Steam version of the game or the sponsor version have a cheat option, and if so, is it available early on or must be completed?
Yep, if you do $20 total on Patreon you can get a key on any platform we have the game on.
The version of the game on any platform will be identical across all platforms; the only exception is the console version when we get to that, which will likely have some mild censorship.

That said, the Steam version will be getting constant updates for the first few months (probably every other day on average), and the version will too, but most other platforms will not get these updates nearly as frequently because Steam and Itch let us update the game ourselves, which is something the other platforms don't let us do. So other platforms would probably only update every few weeks.

So probably a month or two after release, we'll have updated the game at least 20-30 times with new content/bugfixes/polish/etc.

As far as cheat options, the only way to get cheat codes in-game is to get all 10 achievements in a level, at which point a cheat code will unlock for subsequent playthroughs.

There's no "level select" (assuming you meant that instead of level toilet) because the game is meant for the levels to be played in order, and it checks what you've done in previous levels. So if you suddenly started off on level 3, without the data from levels 1 and 2, the game wouldn't really know what you've done or what to present you with in terms of events that happen.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
What does the cheat include? Like God mode infinite life magic or something?
The five current cheat codes (we do plan to add more down the line), are;

- Permanent Max Speed movement
- One-shot enemies (9999 damage per hit)
- "No-clip" mode
- Infinite Mana
- Invincibility


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Yes, it is all voiced. Looking at an estimated 25 hours of voicework, across 93 voice actors and 300+ characters.

The only exceptions are;
- glossary text
- powerup descriptions / other GUI descriptions
- Narrator text
mf's put more effort into voices than others put into the entire fucking game they made...holy mother of my shaved nuts dude
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
mf's put more effort into voices than others put into the entire fucking game they made...holy mother of my shaved nuts dude
We really, really wanted the player choices to matter and for there to be a lot of differences between each person's playthrough, so we wanted a lot of options.

Probably 75% of the voicework is done, and the rest is quickly getting finished.


Nov 13, 2020
mf's put more effort into voices than others put into the entire fucking game they made...holy mother of my shaved nuts dude
I know, right? Triple A games studios could seriously learn a million things or more from this small team. I could really go on a rant here but that would just get my comment deleted so let's leave it at that. I have a feeling the game is getting released in the next couple of days or next Monday.

Pure guesstimation on my part but I want to be optimistic
Jul 3, 2018
I know, right? Triple A games studios could seriously learn a million things or more from this small team. I could really go on a rant here but that would just get my comment deleted so let's leave it at that. I have a feeling the game is getting released in the next couple of days or next Monday.

Pure guesstimation on my part but I want to be optimistic
Triple A studios are a shit ton bigger and even more bureucratic these days, thus the games suffer


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I know, right? Triple A games studios could seriously learn a million things or more from this small team. I could really go on a rant here but that would just get my comment deleted so let's leave it at that. I have a feeling the game is getting released in the next couple of days or next Monday.

Pure guesstimation on my part but I want to be optimistic
It'll more than likely be mid October, start of November at the very latest, just because it's extremely doubtful we'll get accepted with this current submission since the actual endings to the game aren't actually in game yet (the audio, writing, music, etc. is done, just not actually plugged into the game).

If that is the case, we'll re-submit a week or two from now (when NextFest is over, since they're unlikely to check for new games during it anyways) and then we should be good. The game'll be more complete for it too, so win-win.
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