I'm shocked that there's even 150+ cutscenes total.
If I had to give a completely off the top of my head guess, if you're counting purely cutscenes / endings / game over CGs, there's probably like 300-ish scenes (so about half are already in the game).
The problem with that number though, is that in all honesty, what defines "a single cutscene" is really,
really vague.
In my documentation, way early on when we were just trying to get the Electric Level demo out ASAP, I documented
every time a cutscene would trigger with the Mainframe Computer, which, technically, they ARE separate cutscenes.
If we do it that way, it comes out to 27 different cutscenes with him (not tab variations, just pure cutscenes).
However, for easier organization purposes on my end, once I started to get the other four level's cutscenes written/voice acted/added to the game en masse, I started grouping certain events and just considering them "one cutscene" due to similar shared factors.
For example;
- All the "End Path scenes (when you get to the end of a path in a level) + the special version of that that happens in the last level", were considered a "single cutscene" as far as my countdown tally goes
(they're in the game 100% right now, to be clear)
- The Fire level's "return to save pad scenes", which happen directly AFTER you finish a path, and usually encompass a small back and forth between the player and Vie, cover over 16 possible variants (there's only 5 paths in the level), but this too, is considered one cutscene on the counter
(also all in-game)
- Staying in the Fire Level, Vie has 8 different additional optional cutscenes if you want to seek her out, encompassing around 800 lines and 50 variants, but... this too, is considered a "single cutscene" on the counter.
(working on this one right now, about halfway done, started a few hours ago)
So depending on how things are calculated, there's probably between 300-400 scenes total coming for the game, with at least 1,000 variants between all of them I'd assume. Probably 90-95% of them are optional, of course.
This isn't counting the 157 databanks, either, all of which are fully done/in-game and voiced (except for the 12 Gold Databanks, which we still need to get in-game, but art etc. is done for them)