
Aug 1, 2019
I am not gonna read up on all the drama but i was there in the first ULMF thread when this guy first announced the game, literally saw the thread go up. It was so long ago i do not even recall the date but i do recall him promising it would take ONE YEAR to finish the game because it was "practically finished already and our talented team is commited to bla bla bal" and double down on it whenever pressed. I was one of the few people to call him a blatant liar then. His pitch read like it came straight from The Scammer's Guide for Dummies or a old west snake oil salesman. As i said previously, i don't know how things manage to get this far because you only need one or two direct interactions with this guy to see that he is pathologically dishonest and holds the same pathological contempt for anyone who is not put on this earth to simply hand him money, no questions asked.

HentaiWriter is one of the oldest and most egregious scammers in the whole WEG scamming scene. At this point he might have actually overtaken Eromancer and is sitting on the scammer throne.
Nah I disagree with this fully. I don't think HW is doing this intentionally. I think in his attempt to make "the bestest best game of all existence with 18000000x endings" as a porn 2d platformer game, he bit off far more than he can chew, and continues to do so.


Feb 3, 2023
Nah I disagree with this fully. I don't think HW is doing this intentionally. I think in his attempt to make "the bestest best game of all existence with 18000000x endings" as a porn 2d platformer game, he bit off far more than he can chew, and continues to do so.
Yeah he's just an idiot where hindsight bit him in the ass several times. Combine that with terrible communication and programming estimates its a pretty lethal combo. I 100% believe he is earnest and maybe if this thing gets finished it'll be a great learning lesson for all parties involved.
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Aug 1, 2019
Yeah he's just an idiot where hindsight bit him in the ass several times. Combine that with terrible communication and programming estimates its a pretty lethal combo. I 100% believe he is earnest and maybe if this thing gets finished it'll be a great learning lesson for all parties involved.
Yeah, I feel like the learning lesson should of been like 3 years ago though before people sank another bazillion dollars of patreon money due to the "a wee bit more guys" commentary. Like, he's STILL doing it even after the steam incident last summer. I'm financially okay, and no I dont want 3 years of refunds, but it's a bit of a coooome on moment. Also lol to the guy who is trying to imply we're all blowing gaskets over this. It's just a discussion, my butt cheeks aren't clenched. It's those guys I was referring to as his "posse"- trying to trivialize the critique while adding no value to the discussion-, so sorry to imply earlier it's a broad brush stroke as people can support the game while adding criticism, like me.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
How's the porn in this game? Is it good?
Hmm, I would say porn is mediocre at best. It might have been great like 9 years ago, when development of this game started. But in 2023 it has outdated graphics.

Some people here might defend the graphics, but some people are satisfied with super low res pixelated graphic. It all depends on your taste.


Apr 23, 2018
"Oh hey, 5 new pages to the thread I bet the demo finally dropped, must be some good content given all the discussion."

5 pages later

Well, that wasn't the demo I was expecting, but the last 5 pages have been pretty good content if nothing else.

it's that the deadlines that were set were so egregiously wrong is where it has become a problem. This is not based on some rando on some external site making up shit, this is promises from the horses mouth.

I have never seen a developer try to release a game unfinished, cite steam as the reason the game isnt released when they dont accept the unfinished game, and then a year and change later try to release a demo of the first level of this game but can't month(s) after because it is unplayable from bugs after declaring it's 24 hour release. See the problem? And throughout the whole last year HW is like "just a wee bit more guys, things just keep happening". It is almost october of 2023 and it is STILL "just a wee bit more guys" when an unpolished demo of the first level is still unplayable. The issue is the folks that put money into this game for years are now incredibly unclear of the game's actual state as the situation has been mischaracterized time and time again, intentionally or not. It's good that you're accepting refunds but that doesn't alleviate the problem. This is not just F95 hysteria, this is literal events of what occurred. I'm only chiming in because it's frustrating seeing a developer and his posse shrug legitimate issues under the rug like it's a rabid mob coming after him with no valid claims. If you crowdfund, you are responsible to give legitimate goalposts for how the money will be utilized.
Finally, a post from another sane individual, buried beneath all the character assassinations and people discussing whether or not HentaiWriter will call his father Bill Gates to chop down the internet to destroy a shitty porn pirating website, I feel like your point gets overlooked a lot. I tried searching the last 20~ pages or so for a post I really liked but couldn't find it (was probably deleted), but post had quoted and screenshots of the last 5-6 promise release dates over the course of the last several years. To me at least it boggles the mind how you can be 90% done a game for half its life time.

It really cannot be stated enough the problem is not the missed release dates, its the promises made, and broken along the way and some of the dubious claims the dev makes. The trust is broken between people interested in this game, and the dev, wherein we are now in a situation in which on one side you have people who are (rightfully) concerned this is a scam game and their evidence to that is the constant broken promises and missed release dates which follows the same pattern as every other scam patreon game in existence, and on the other side you have the people who aren't convinced its a scam game who don't seem to understand why the other group is annoyed and just thinks its a matter of being impatient (for some it is, but like I said I don't think missing release dates is what bothers most people, its just the easiest thing to clown on). The reason most people haven't clicked unwatch and just ignore the thread is because deep down we're all interested in the game and fans of it and want to see it release.

So, you gave money to a game on patreon, you weren't happy with the delays, the dev offered a refund, you took him up on it, and he delivered it to you without issue. And this is the dev that is a horrible scam-artist? The one you think is scamming hordes of patreon supporters out of their cash, but they just need you to help them realise it?
As far as patreon is concerned, he was mentioned earlier but yanderedev is living proof that you don't even need to release anything to rake in thousands of dollars. Its why these patreon games always inevitably go the same way.

I don't think this is a scam game and I do think it will release before year is over (but I'm not confident enough in that to bet on it lol), but I personally believe there's probably been more (technical) progress made on this game in the last year than has been made on the 5 before it combined because it was being milked, and now we're reaching the end of how long it can be milked for which has lit a fire under their asses because they have nothing they can show off right now to prove progress was being made unlike years prior where they'd just have to show some new animations, or area maps which imo is the easy highly visible progress.

Also HW I know you're reading this but you don't need to PM me about this one :p we've had this chat before and I don't want to waste either of our times talking in a circle again lol this is just my opinion and there's no combination of words that'll convince me out of it, actions are more important right now.
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Apr 20, 2019
I doubt anyone's open to suggestions, but if I'm wrong:
Can't recommend enough only checking this thread once every few months. Has an incredibly positive effect as far as staying rational & upbeat & keeping my ass stick-free. Future Fragments will come out or it won't, but all the effort and emotion being invested here, on both sides, won't change it. Reminds me of Mia Melano's thread on adultdvdtalk - super short career, she did like 6 scenes then quit, but still has folks who just flamewar each other ad infinitum. It's not a good look.
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Sep 24, 2018
I went back and played the Electric level all the way through. I gotta say the game does have some really neat, novel ideas and gimmicks for an action puzzle-platformer. It can be a bit frustrating when you get sent all the way back to the start, or mess up the timing of something and have to re-do a platforming segment - but it didn't take me more than a couple attempts to figure things out, and this was by far the most confusing level for me. My biggest complaint is that it's really stingy with the health pickups, even on the easy mode. Found the boss pretty difficult too. And I guess conceptually, just like with the writing, relatively precise platforming that potentially results in frustration, doesn't really mix well together with an H-game. Sure, a bit of challenge is necessary otherwise you're never gonna lose to see the animations without going out of your way. Not saying it's nintendo-hard or anything, but I feel there's only one thing that should ever be truly hard when playing an H-game and it isn't anything to do with the game its self.

Noble 6

Mar 17, 2018
I went back and played the Electric level all the way through. I gotta say the game does have some really neat, novel ideas and gimmicks for an action puzzle-platformer. It can be a bit frustrating when you get sent all the way back to the start, or mess up the timing of something and have to re-do a platforming segment - but it didn't take me more than a couple attempts to figure things out, and this was by far the most confusing level for me. My biggest complaint is that it's really stingy with the health pickups, even on the easy mode. Found the boss pretty difficult too. And I guess conceptually, just like with the writing, relatively precise platforming that potentially results in frustration, doesn't really mix well together with an H-game. Sure, a bit of challenge is necessary otherwise you're never gonna lose to see the animations without going out of your way. Not saying it's nintendo-hard or anything, but I feel there's only one thing that should ever be truly hard when playing an H-game and it isn't anything to do with the game its self.
It's a neat little package, but I kinda disagree. Nothing about it is really novel, you can point at any various section and see the influences for it. It also plays a little clunky and goopy, like you're running in mud in a Half Life game.
The shooting also feels pretty lame. You're stuck on a horizontal axis for it, and certain platforms are at weird heights, so sometimes you need to short-hop just to take a single shot. Certain gravity-inversion puzzles come to mind when I write that, and it sounds like you got to experience those, too.

Also yes, there's little mesh between the sex events and the game itself. Just some seemingly-random stuff like "Hey, I'm a broken robot. Hop in and let's fuck!" but like ten times as many sentences to get that across. Kinda wish it had something more to it to mesh it together, like optional consensual hypnotism. There was one segment where you can just leave a bunch of soldiers alone and get through easy, so why not have another segment where you can choose to subject Talia to hypnotism or else the next segment is much harder? Then any lewd events in that next area would have made more sense and also been your own foolish choice.

All of this would be a neat little game, but sadly it gets blown out of proportion when you add the statement "and this level was made 6 years ago, and hasn't really changed since" after it.


Sep 7, 2021
It's a neat little package, but I kinda disagree. Nothing about it is really novel, you can point at any various section and see the influences for it. It also plays a little clunky and goopy, like you're running in mud in a Half Life game.
The shooting also feels pretty lame. You're stuck on a horizontal axis for it, and certain platforms are at weird heights, so sometimes you need to short-hop just to take a single shot. Certain gravity-inversion puzzles come to mind when I write that, and it sounds like you got to experience those, too.

Also yes, there's little mesh between the sex events and the game itself. Just some seemingly-random stuff like "Hey, I'm a broken robot. Hop in and let's fuck!" but like ten times as many sentences to get that across. Kinda wish it had something more to it to mesh it together, like optional consensual hypnotism. There was one segment where you can just leave a bunch of soldiers alone and get through easy, so why not have another segment where you can choose to subject Talia to hypnotism or else the next segment is much harder? Then any lewd events in that next area would have made more sense and also been your own foolish choice.

All of this would be a neat little game, but sadly it gets blown out of proportion when you add the statement "and this level was made 6 years ago, and hasn't really changed since" after it.
So Contra style, jumps always reaching the same height no matter what, never needing to shoot while jumping, with no puzzles or mud? These sound like the foundations of a platformer, I think you might not like platformers.
You want to balance out a segment of not killing, with a segment of being hypnotized? How does that mesh better than "Hey I beat you in a fight, now you're mine" or "I'm a robot, hop on"?
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Noble 6

Mar 17, 2018
Pretty sure mud doesn't effect you in source games. Momentum in this game is only a thing when changing directions or using a specific item.
It does, in source games. It decreases starting acceleration and it extends deceleration. Comparing movement in FF to a game like Megaman or similar games, Megaman lets you stop on a dime with very little or no sliding as you end your walk. FF has a wind-down that feels unsatisfying.
Like Megaman and many other platformers?
No, not like Megaman. Megaman had faster shooting and allowed more projectiles at once. The shooting in FF is slower than Megaman.
Just let go of the jump button or shoot on the way up/down.
I'm aware, I already acknowledged how the game function. It's just that it's slower and sticker than other games, such as Megaman. If I were to record footage of Megaman 1 and Future Fragments, comparing walking, jumping, shooting, etc side by side, it'd be more apparent.
I often play platformers, and I have to say that FF just feels worse than most of them.
Puzzles can be tricky, but they, as well as all previously mentioned mechanics, are pretty well known and used features when it comes to the platforming genre. With your clarification I assume it's one of two puzzles, either your reaction speed is lackluster or you're not understanding the puzzle. I suggest Kirby as a starting point, they're pretty straightforward and simple, many of them also have a built in minigame that tells you your reaction time.
I've also already said I acknowledge that puzzle games have platformers, there's no need to pretend to be clever about something people can just glance up at and see. It isn't constructive.
But a puzzle based around timing a slow projectile to hit a switch mid-fall (in some cases repeatedly) gets tiring. It already wasn't interesting in the very first room, and it just gets boring as it gets repeated over and over.
In which, you state that currently in the game, there's a room, this room has enemies, you can just not kill the enemies and continue. But then you mention wanting to make another room, with enemies again, but this time you can choose to play as someone who's hypnotized, therefore making the game harder and adding some strange lore as to why you're having sex with robots? How does this make more sense than the tin man following his heart?
Because the lore is badly written, and that negatively impacts a narrative-driven game. Especially in that level. Why would a male-only factory have sex robots for women working as employees in an environment that has no women? Why would Talia stop and care at all?
You call my suggestion "fanfiction," but the entire game feels like someone made erotic fanfiction for some non-existent game. Well, some other non-existent game.
It's a video game with multiple choices. Also, I'll let you in on a little secret. Talia, she's not real, all those bad decisions being made, it's actually you making them.
Yes and no. Any decision that the game offers to Talia would be considered in-character for her. The choices offered are the choices that she would be willing to make, and then the player gets to swing the pendulum to the choice they pick for her.
Though this may be seen more as a philosophical kinda thing, "Do characters in choose-your-own-adventure stories make their own choices at all?"
It's almost like the game is poking fun at the fact that you're making dumb decisions.
The game suggested taking that decision.
Your argument works for The Hole, the one the player can jump into on their own free will and Vie has to come get you out of.
But when the game literally brings up a prompt to pick between two options, both of those are choices Talia would be willing to make.
So for the hole, it makes sense to mock the player. But for actual prompts, it's just dumb. The player had actual agency in the former, but the latter removes all agency except for the bottleneck of Talia's character.
So now it's just too difficult?
Once again, you're intentionally misrepresenting my argument. I never once said the game was too hard. I never said it was hard at all.
What I suggested was an inverse of the soldier scene from earlier. In that sequence, the path is easy if you do nothing, but harder if you act like a prick.
My suggestion was to add a path that would be difficult, probably way more difficult than anything in the game now, but to offer an option to disadvantage Talia later in exchange for cheesing the area now.
To give a real-game example, Breath of the Wild allows the player to either go to the final boss, or do four dungeons first. Opting to go do the larger task of fighting four dungeons makes the final boss much easier, but you can instead choose to make the boss even harder by rushing it now and fighting all four Blights first.
In this case, you could make choosing to dispel the large horde of enemies force Talia into an event sequence, whereas a good player might dispatch the enemies with ease, which would save them time and give them different alignment points.

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Oct 13, 2020
Sadly I don't really expect a legit response.
Just more hyperbolic stuff like "You want a room that's hard but you can also choose to cheese it? This means you suuuuuck!" kind of crap. No actual discussion of the game's features, just some guy trying to turn every talking point into an insult.

I discussed the game for once, something nobody else but TJ412 has done for dozens of pages now. So that's good enough for me. I just wish the game was fine-tuned a bit.
Yeah, I do find some of these debates fun, but in this thread, there's nothing but debates, and most of the time they turn into mud-flinging, instead of actual debates.
I don't know if my comments here were seen as too angry or insulting towards the game or it's developers (only to HW, really), but I just want to see the damn game come out, play it, and decide for myself if the game is good. In this game's case, the question of "was it worth the wait?" doesn't exist for me, it's already been too long for that, the only question that remains is "did I enjoy playing the game?".
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Sep 7, 2021
It does, in source games. It decreases starting acceleration and it extends deceleration. Comparing movement in FF to a game like Megaman or similar games, Megaman lets you stop on a dime with very little or no sliding as you end your walk. FF has a wind-down that feels unsatisfying.
The wind down is 10 frames, the game runs at 30fps, that's 1/3 of a second, your struggles with puzzles lead me to believe that your reaction time makes these lost frames not matter.
No, not like Megaman. Megaman had faster shooting and allowed more projectiles at once. The shooting in FF is slower than Megaman.
I mean, fire rate isn't one of the things I thought when you mentioned "speed". Bass has a machinegun if you want to shoot even faster still, free pro tip for you.
I'm aware, I already acknowledged how the game function. It's just that it's slower and sticker than other games, such as Megaman. If I were to record footage of Megaman 1 and Future Fragments, comparing walking, jumping, shooting, etc side by side, it'd be more apparent.
Sorry friend, it looks like I must not have been clear with this part. See, when I recommended that you jump less, or even time your shots on the way up or down, I in no way was making a jab at your knowledge of mechanics in video games and your ability to make comparisons between them. What I actually meant after reading this:
The shooting also feels pretty lame. You're stuck on a horizontal axis for it, and certain platforms are at weird heights, so sometimes you need to short-hop just to take a single shot.
;is, "The game is literally shoot left or shoot right, and the addition of a slight upsies is giving you issues?"
I often play platformers, and I have to say that FF just feels worse than most of them.
I honestly am starting to believe you don't play platformers. I really wish you would give them a shot, they're pretty fun.
I've also already said I acknowledge that puzzle games have platformers, there's no need to pretend to be clever about something people can just glance up at and see. It isn't constructive.
But a puzzle based around timing a slow projectile to hit a switch mid-fall (in some cases repeatedly) gets tiring. It already wasn't interesting in the very first room, and it just gets boring as it gets repeated over and over.
So now it's just, the timing required for these puzzles is too tight and the game is too hard?
Because the lore is badly written, and that negatively impacts a narrative-driven game. Especially in that level. Why would a male-only factory have sex robots for women working as employees in an environment that has no women? Why would Talia stop and care at all?
Robobros before hoes.
You call my suggestion "fanfiction," but the entire game feels like someone made erotic fanfiction for some non-existent game. Well, some other non-existent game.
I'm not defending the actual plot, I made a tin man reference what? I'm saying how is your farfetched idea better than what is in the game?
Yes and no. Any decision that the game offers to Talia would be considered in-character for her. The choices offered are the choices that she would be willing to make, and then the player gets to swing the pendulum to the choice they pick for her.
Though this may be seen more as a philosophical kinda thing, "Do characters in choose-your-own-adventure stories make their own choices at all?"
Me: "It's a video game..."
You: "Yes and no..."
So in your day to day life you're never offered choices that go against what you would normally do?
The game suggested taking that decision.
Your argument works for The Hole, the one the player can jump into on their own free will and Vie has to come get you out of.
But when the game literally brings up a prompt to pick between two options, both of those are choices Talia would be willing to make.
So for the hole, it makes sense to mock the player. But for actual prompts, it's just dumb. The player had actual agency in the former, but the latter removes all agency except for the bottleneck of Talia's character.
You're right, how dare the game make some jokes.
Once again, you're intentionally misrepresenting my argument. I never once said the game was too hard. I never said it was hard at all.
What I suggested was an inverse of the soldier scene from earlier. In that sequence, the path is easy if you do nothing, but harder if you act like a prick.
My suggestion was to add a path that would be difficult, probably way more difficult than anything in the game now, but to offer an option to disadvantage Talia later in exchange for cheesing the area now.
To give a real-game example, Breath of the Wild allows the player to either go to the final boss, or do four dungeons first. Opting to go do the larger task of fighting four dungeons makes the final boss much easier, but you can instead choose to make the boss even harder by rushing it now and fighting all four Blights first.
In this case, you could make choosing to dispel the large horde of enemies force Talia into an event sequence, whereas a good player might dispatch the enemies with ease, which would save them time and give them different alignment points.
"What I suggested was an inverse of the soldier scene from earlier. In that sequence, the path is easy if you do nothing, but harder if you act like a prick." Oh shit, did no one tell you? If you shoot any of those enemies, they all get mad and attack you, which significantly raises the difficulty considering it was so low in the room to start.
"My suggestion was to add a path that would be difficult, probably way more difficult than anything in the game now, but to offer an option to disadvantage Talia later in exchange for cheesing the area now." So make the game really hard, but then let the player make the game easier by being hypnotized of all things?
Cool so, you're just going to go off the part that was quoted and not the context where you genuinely thought this hypnosis thing was a much better thought out idea than a sex robot wanting sex?

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Feb 3, 2023
Hypnosis sounds a lot like the critics fetish and not something that is needed, lol.
yeah i love trying to read through a thread for things that actually matter like news or fixes or guides and instead its just 2 guys arguing like its twitter
What? Are you new to message boards? This is how they work, by the way.


Jul 17, 2018
I think at the end of the day we all over complicated things thinking it there were more to this and contributed to all of this drama but, really, its just PAINFULLY simple: HW is just too inexperienced to know how inexperienced he is, and everyone who constantly asks him "why did he do this way" or "why didnt he fix this problem" is barking up the wrong tree.

And it is FOR this reason that everyone SHOULD buy the game, not pirate it, to give him a chance to figure his shit out.
"The dev doesn't know what they're doing so you should give them money until they know what they're doing" is certainly a take.
It's as you said, they're inexperienced and it's resulted in a mismanaged mess. We're how many years into development? How many missed release dates? If money hasn't fixed it yet, there's no reason to believe that'll fix it now.


Aug 1, 2019
Sorry friend, if I read something at face value, question it, then get responses of hidden or ulterior meanings, it genuinely piques my interest. Not answers and circle debates aren't my forte.
Since we're buds, I won't make assumptions and I'll only focus on this part being quoted. I'll ask a question, regardless of whether the answer is "yes" or "no" I won't push further, if you wish to elaborate that's fine.

It sounds like you're under the assumption that me posting here is somehow directly correlating to the game taking longer to develop. Is this the case you're making?
I'm not going to bother with the mouthpiece thing as that sounds like a can of worms.
No. Read it. Jesus. How do I seem under this assumption versus what I said? Noble's takes werent always great but you did the same god damn thing to him. This is not correlating to the game's lengthy development. I'm not saying HW is wasting his time commenting on this. Where are you getting that? Or are you placing this perspective on me to make it easier to refute vs what I actually said? Hardcorecuddler dude earlier made it seem like that's what the conversation is entirely about despite no one saying this, at least in the recent thread, and here you are, doing the same thing, almost like it's, ya know, coordinated. This is obfuscating the actual points being made. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE RED HERRING THAT KEEPS HAPPENING. People ask why this bullshit conversation continues, it's because this type of trash supportive commentary that makes HW look worse and worse for every comments that's made. It's why the comment from Sirritinee that makes it harder and harder to argue against even though I'm trying to give benefit of the doubt. I WANT this game, and the western industry, to do well. I'm TRYING to give your camp the benefit of the doubt but you keep replying with this type of statement.


Aug 1, 2019
"The dev doesn't know what they're doing so you should give them money until they know what they're doing" is certainly a take.
It's as you said, they're inexperienced and it's resulted in a mismanaged mess. We're how many years into development? How many missed release dates? If money hasn't fixed it yet, there's no reason to believe that'll fix it now.
I mean, perhaps it's a longshot, but the hope is that there is a learning experience out of this. God knows my first serious IRL work related projects required some serious help, but I had mentors for that and an actual legit budget that if I missed deadlines by any huge stretch, there were significant consequences. I doubt there is a real support group of experienced pixel art porn game developers here to lend insight for FF during it's development.
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