
Oct 13, 2020
I mean, perhaps it's a longshot, but the hope is that there is a learning experience out of this. God knows my first serious IRL work related projects required some serious help, but I had mentors for that and an actual legit budget that if I missed deadlines but any huge stretch, there were significant consequences. I doubt there is a real support group of experienced pixel art porn game developers here to lend insight for FF during it's development.
I understand where you're coming from, and I really want to agree, because I do think that HW is less of a scammer, but is absurdly incompetent, to the point that the word "absurdly" doesn't even begin to describe just how incompetent HW is when it comes to managing the game development and managing critiques. The thing is, if there was a time when this whole development hell had a chance of becoming "a learning experience", then it was years ago, when the game's delays first started to become commonplace.
I don't think HW needs to wait for the game's completion to understand that he really mismanaged both the development (with his nonsensical delays that essentially changed nothing for the gameplay, since there's no new demo to check what actually changed and most of the changes in Progress Reports are basically "new cutscene added") and with handling the criticism of others (saying "but can you hire THIS MANY voice actors :)" is not how you handle criticism), and that the HW should either become better at tempering their ambitions and make smaller projects, or learn to stop channeling Norman Osborn and screaming how much they sacrificed to deliver the game.

Also, I don't think that there's a need to say that we should buy the game, because I don't think the game will sell poorly. On this site there are games like Pure Onyx and Cloud Meadow that essentially have zero development progress, yet still give tons of cash to theire respective developers, and, seeing how abolutely hell-bent the defenders of HW in this thread, I'm pretty sure that a noticeable amount of people supporting Future Fragments on Patreon will also buy the game when it comes out, I don't know if HW's claim of giving the game for free for remaining supporters still stands, but I'm sure that even if it does, a hefty amount of supporters will still buy the game to support the devs, for one reason or another. I genuinely don't think that FF's devs will go bankrupt after this game


Adult games developer
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
you all keep shitting on HW for talking to much and "not developing the game" yet there are now 8 more fucking pages of comments since I last checked, on a thread that has not been updated in a while.

You could've built 2 games in the amount of time it takes you to write so much every day /s
Legitimately, there are games that really do not take a lot of time to develop. Simple games like a strip solitaire for exemple, could probably take less time than people spent arguing here over the course of the last few days to create. And I am talking from experience as I have done it before.
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New Member
May 9, 2023
I have v027EX, and the mainframe boss is a little more irritating. It might be because I'm not good at platforming, and couldn't get all the fragments and other items. Do you have any guide for this version?


Sep 7, 2021
I have v027EX, and the mainframe boss is a little more irritating. It might be because I'm not good at platforming, and couldn't get all the fragments and other items. Do you have any guide for this version?
For the most part, if you go into the fight with full health, you should be able to sit on the platform and just keep spamming the boss until it's dead. Dodging will just waste time as you'll probably get hit and have to use precious invincibility time getting back on the platform.
If the boss stuns you during a pattern which seems really annoying, you can just wait it out and unstun yourself at a more opportune time.
Otherwise, I'd throw on any powerups that could possibly increase damage.

How do I seem under this assumption versus what I said?
Context based on the the comment you were replying to, the words you used, and this specific part "I think what's making this super long is you have guys like Omni..."
Last edited:
May 25, 2017
It's very simple:

>Thread goes back to business as usual

You gain:
- Absolutely fucking nothing

Scammer gains:
- More free undeserved money

So why are some people accounts here so hell bent on ending this argument and maintaining the status quo of a thread for a video game that has gone FUCKING NOWHERE in years? What's so important to you that you need this to stop right now? What pressing, alternative discussion do you need to have that this is getting in the way of? As for wall of texts, you can either not read them or maybe make your tweet posts about it on twitter, the place where you forgot how to read.
Or maybe, just maybe, the people who only follow this thread for game updates instead of the daily shit-flinging contest will actually get game updates. If the thread gets stagnant until that happens, oh fucking well.

Newsflash: I still gain absolutely nothing, and HW still gets money while every single one of you bitch and complain over and over until the heat-death of the universe.

At this point I've separated the art from the artist and encourage everyone else to do so as well. HW has already got their lashings from me and many others both publicly and in DMs, and it's just beating a dead horse at this point. I've done this wonderful thing called getting a fucking life and will just play the game when it comes out. Whether that is this year or 5 years from now makes 0 difference to my life or how I will enjoy the game on release.

If it never comes out, that's a problem between HW and his patrons, not randoms on a pirating forum.


Oct 17, 2018
I have v027EX, and the mainframe boss is a little more irritating. It might be because I'm not good at platforming, and couldn't get all the fragments and other items. Do you have any guide for this version?
Try to get powerups that increase Talia's HP and/or increase the power of her shots. If you start with full HP Talia should be able to simply tank the hits long enough for the boss to die first; do not bother dodging too much.
Aug 31, 2021
This thread is too fucking good. It is at least ten times more entertaining to read than 90% of fanfics released for the fandoms I frequent.

Seeing some arguments here that are incredibly idiotic. One of them being that you can't comment on something unless you are participating/part of something.

Complaining/criticizing HW for being an absolute idiot because he is incapable of giving good responses or excuses for whatever he's fucked up is not something exclusive for the ones paying for this game. Though I have to concede that they have "more" of a reason to. This, because commenting on something from an outside view does not make your arguments lesser in any way if they follow facts.

Anyways, almost half the issues that has been discussed in this thread would have never happened had HW simply chosen to take a more careful approach to updates on the game and release. Saying "We do not have an approximate release date, but we are aiming for end of the year, though complications could arise", instead of "Game is out tonight or I'm going to burn down the nearest orphanage" would have helped him in not having to constantly explain the reasons as for why the game isn't yet released and made a mockery of himself that's lead to so much criticism.

Instead of ever accepting blame and learning from previous experiences, HW has always doubled down. Why this is, I have no idea. But after the first two times of missing release, I at least would have taken the cautious approach and not commented on release until I was fucking sure the game was ready.

Noble 6

Mar 17, 2018
what's the name of his previous game that he "worked on" ?
Off the top of my head, there was Eroding Ego, Reclaim Reality, and some game called "The Visit" I believe. I want to say there was another, but I might just be wrong.
I do not recall any of these games being finished. But there are supposedly plans for Eroding Ego to continue whenever this game gets dropped.
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Aug 31, 2021
Boy am I glad you mentioned this Reclaim Reality game since you can read the postmortem on this website for why HW decided to discontinue it. It's a real eye opener.
Faint memory of playing it years ago. Read the postmortem, but didn't find anything to interesting.
What was so eye opening to you?


May 21, 2020
Off the top of my head, there was Eroding Ego, Reclaim Reality, and some game called "The Visit" I believe. I want to say there was another, but I might just be wrong.
I do not recall any of these games being finished. But there are supposedly plans for Eroding Ego to continue whenever this game gets dropped.
I can see that the only constant here with HW is how much he loves to vomit words.
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New Member
Sep 18, 2020
Damn, you mean to tell me a dude whose screen name is HentaiWriter has a lot of writing in his hentai game? Call me ShockedFaceHaver.

I've done a single playthrough of the new demo. If you don't care about dialog or story telling you are playing the wrong game for sure. I enjoy those so I had a good time. Lot of options on how to approach things, and even on a single play through I can see how a lot of things are playing into and off of each other.


Feb 3, 2023
Demo was fine. Only ran into one visual glitch (map in the menu stopped working briefly) and overall its about what I expected. I don't particularly care for the narrator's voice acting or the one the "mysterious lady" has. But that's just me nitpicking.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
Damn, you mean to tell me a dude whose screen name is HentaiWriter has a lot of writing in his hentai game? Call me ShockedFaceHaver.

I've done a single playthrough of the new demo. If you don't care about dialog or story telling you are playing the wrong game for sure. I enjoy those so I had a good time. Lot of options on how to approach things, and even on a single play through I can see how a lot of things are playing into and off of each other.
reminds me of the folks at the alchemist of ars magna thread THERE'S TOO MUCH READING! my brother in christ you're playing a visual novel XD not that FF is one, but the plot is one of its big things so ye

Noble 6

Mar 17, 2018
Damn, you mean to tell me a dude whose screen name is HentaiWriter has a lot of writing in his hentai game? Call me ShockedFaceHaver.

I've done a single playthrough of the new demo. If you don't care about dialog or story telling you are playing the wrong game for sure. I enjoy those so I had a good time. Lot of options on how to approach things, and even on a single play through I can see how a lot of things are playing into and off of each other.
Most of the text is skippable, so I don't think the problem ever was specifically "wordswordswords."
It was that the last two years' worth of delays were because of writing. The "true final boss" implementation wrapped up somewhere around two years ago, so every delay since then was to implement terminals or cutscenes, as well as fully-voicing them, something many people would skip.
So I feel it's less "Man, this game didn't need this much text" and rather "I could be playing this game right now, but it got delayed another year to add Ultra-Platinum Terminals." If they could have implemented the text in a timely manner, it would have been a silly joke when recommending the game to friends, but instead it just becomes more and more awkward.

At least the demo's out!
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