How am I supposed to jerk off to this?
You can play on Easy mode where you can control the animations yourself; there's also animations that passively happen like in P3M3 with Faye, as well as long cutscenes you can advance at your own pace with sex in them that loops during certain portions of it.
There's also the game over CGs as well, too; most of the sex in this game doesn't require you to keep your hands on the keyboard, and there's the gallery once you've beaten the demo, as well
Trigger gravity. Jump onto the ledge and run to P5M2. Get Narrator message.
Oh, you're talking about the FIRST message that appears on the far right of P5M2 then, right? I was talking about the message at the far left of P5M2 that's an empty hole in the ceiling, that one's the one that you shouldn't be able to get to.
Before I reply to the rest of this, you can actually check out the powerups list at
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if you're interested
Now about the glass of wine . . . I think it's useless in almost all cases as it provides like, what, a ~5% increase in jump height which means nothing outside the way I found to the ceiling of P5M2.
If you check the description, it actually lowers gravity for the player by 25%; this would mean a 1/4th increase in jump height, roughly. It also causes movement momentum as a slight debuff, too.
I think for the glass of wine to have meaningful use it either should increase max speed (but not acceleration) by some amount, have it's gravity reduction effect should be more exaggerated (like maybe 50% even? Could be useful for the MainFrame fight if it was that high maybe?), or make it so moving faster increases jump height (this could just be a base mechanic instead?).
The problem with doing the max speed thing is that there's already powerups that do this (the Wall Clock, for example), and the gravity reduction being that drastic would lead to a lot more softlocks in the Electric Level, which would result in the map just being littered with softlock things which would kind of defeat the entire purpose of people wanting to explore to begin with
And making movement speed increase jump height would also be a level design nightmare, as while we do want people to explore in unorthodox ways, this would lead to a lot of powerup combinations that would definitely be near impossible to deal with unless we just had softlock alerts practically everywhere.
Essentially, it's a balance between letting the player have fun with powerups and the variety of things they can do (with the ones we have planned that you can see in that sheet up above), and keeping level design strong and fluid so that people who aren't using those powerups can still enjoy the game, so that we don't have to make level design super rigid and forced.
It's sort of like designing a rollercoaster or an amusement park ride; you want people to feel the thrill of the ride, but you don't want them jumping out of their rollercoaster car and killing themselves as a result, and then once that happens, you have to add walls to the ride, lock the whole thing down, drop the ride speed, which ruins the fun for everyone.
Sewing Needles: Bullets don't get enough distance for the damage to matter that much. Perhaps they should increase bullet range?
Have you tried using the Calligraphy brush with it?
Coral: I think this is fine except you can't fire charged shots of any variety while crouching.
This is actually one we're completely changing because it's just way too strong; combine this with the Calligraphy Brush and the Sewing Needles and you've got obscenely powerful shots.
Pomegranate: While this is sort of useful early on, it loses all use when you've explored all the rooms. Perhaps make it's effect work once per respawn/teleportation so it has use later on?
Try it out on the Boss Rooms! Remember too, you can swap out powerups; some powerups are only useful at the start of a level, while others are only useful later on in a level.
Wall Clock: While this is potentially really strong, you lose speed far too easily. Perhaps make it so the buff loses stacks over a second or so of being stopped?
This might be a useful fix for it, we'll likely do something like this when we rework a good deal of the powerups.
Japanese Knife: Sounds cool, but there isn't really any enemies that can survive a single charged shot on Easy mode . . . and I don't think it would stun the boss =/
On normal mode, the Jumperbot can take a full Fire charge shot, and can take a normal charged shot as well; additionally, remember that you're on level 3 out of 5, so the enemies are only going to get tougher.
Shiba Inu: Enemies don't have enough health for this to give you meaningful healing even with the other slots full with just +damage stuff. Like you can only occasionally see your health go up when using this. 50% reduction in health from healing orbs (which are your main source of healing) hurts this a lot. If the healing orb penalty was removed, this would still be weak as it breaks the stack from the Koto, one of the best defensive upgrades for when there isn't healing orbs. Overall, just pretty weak right now.
This is where combo effects come in with other powerups we'll be putting in; for instance, the Aulos powerup doubles the effects of your other two powerups, and the Protein Drink rework makes this stronger too. It also works great for blunting the effects of the Handcuffs and Dildo negative powerups, if you're playing through using those to get Egomaniac mode.
Drumset: There isn't really a situation where you can just sit in one place and just spam at a target as such, its pretty weak. Perhaps increasing the buff to 2% or increasing the decay time and capping it at +100% (which I don't think is possible to reach) would make this more useful?
This is in line with the knife up above; later on, this will likely be useful, but we'll also likely strengthen it some.
Men's Sneakers: I really like these, but the extra jump is useful in very few places and can cause you to bash your head in some places. Still solid though.
When paired with the wine glass, and another powerup coming soon, the Ensaïmada, that extra jump height will be really, really useful
Bar of Soap: Just like the pomegranate, it's almost useless after you clear everything. Maybe make it so you get one free full heal per respawn? Or even a 50% heal?
Giving them a full heal per respawn was something we initially tried out, and it just made the game far too easy; you could just beat paths by running through enemies and tanking them using the bar of soap, with no need to pick up health orbs. Something like a 50% heal might work, but it's still something we need to balance for sure.
Calligraphy Brush: Shots moving at half speed is more useful than the damage honestly. Probably fine.
You can also use this to trigger things late, which will be really useful once we get the enemy aggro rework in (in that attacking enemies will cause them to aggro you; this would give you more time to get away)
Baseball Helmet: Fairly useful since most of the damage you can take is projectile, but is worse than the Koto. If this was 30%, it would be solid in my opinion.
This one is also something we have to look at, because by itself, it isn't that great, true, but paired up with a good number of powerups, you basically border on unkillable.
Kendo Helmet: Not as useful as it's counterpart. As this would need to be a really strong damage reduction to be useful for the electric area (like 40~60% maybe), perhaps making it like 30% and also affect traps (electrified ground, wall traps, milkers, but not the beams that shoot out of the floor/ceiling) would be good.
Something like making it affect environmental hazards might be pretty neat, although I'd probably delegate that more to the Rugby Helmet, given that enemies running into you isn't something that happens that often; that, and Rugby is a sport where you collide a lot with other people and your environment, which would probably fit more with that.
And that's all the upgrades I got. Tell me if I missed any for the electric stage.
You just missed one; the Kiwi

it doubles your mana regeneration rate.
I had fun messing around with this game and I look forward to the woods area that is coming up soonᵀᴹ. Good luck responding to this flood of words =P
Glad to hear you had so much fun with it; we will of course be balancing out the powerups all throughout the Earth Level, for sure, so we're definitely taking this critique to heart, and it's REALLY appreciated that you wrote all this out!