
Active Member
Jun 26, 2020
Ok, what the fuck is the deal with the room with the 3 fans moving back and forth? Like, seriously, how do you get up past them? I've been ramming my skull into the fucking wall for 30 Goddamn minutes with this shit.
What I did there was turn on all the fans wait until they get close the far right and when you jump hold down the jump button and they will push you right up through each fan and you'll pop up out at the top.
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Sep 24, 2018
I remember entering a room and seeing 2 databases next to eachother and just feeling dread. I dreaded coming across them. Because I want to enjoy the lore and immerse myself in the world, but the way the its set up makes it extremely difficult to because you're just bombarded with lore, names, places none of which mean anything to you and as soon as you learn about something you're just bombarded with unrelated lore that's sometimes not even relevant to the plot or world building. I feel exhausted after having played this, and I didn't even touch my dick once lol.

I've always been a fan of environmental story telling, for example in anthophobia I remember there was a barricaded room with a single normal zombie inside, after killing it you could discover in back of the room a tape? which contained the man's last words while also providing lore to the world, it was fantastic. I contrast that with this where you have a silver databank in a hole telling of a guy who died or a battle that took place and thats it. At very least could add a body or something.
The thing about worldbuilding is, less is often more because it allows the audience to let their imaginations fill those spaces. Nothing wrong with fleshing things out later down the line in a sequel or tie-in, but for an initial entry into an IP - not every single detail about the world needs explaining or even acknowledging.

Also, sorry to say, but I think that the cutscenes beats most of the souless Daz content that we see day-after-day here.
I agree with you, but that's not a high bar, at all. Beyond learning to use the tools, those take about as much effort as a somewhat stubborn shit.


Apr 23, 2018
Honestly I'll take the bait with this one just because I am befuddled by this entire reply lol

Do you need to retake second grade? Do you know how to count?

Jan 2016 One year anniversary of development
Jan 2017 Two year anniversary of development
Jan 2018 Third year anniversary
Jan 2019 Fourth year
Jan 2020 Fifth year
Jan 2021 Sixth year
Jan 2022 Seventh year
Jan 2023 Eighth year
Jan 2024 Ninth year
I'd like to remind you, that in 2-3 months it will be 9 years so saying "it's not 9 years, its only been 8 years and 9-10 months" is not the epic own you think it is lol

And again, if you think this time should have been better spent just adding nothing but sex animations at the expense of any real story you ought to look for a different developer's games.
To prove your point, I'd like you to name 1 hentai game which was hurt as a result of having too much porn sex animations (so I and rest of the thread can go play that), my experience has been games like that are usually extremely well praised. The point most of us are making about future fragments is there is so much story/databanks/lore that it actually hurt the hentai game and is appealing to a different market than the original demographic.

You're so close to understanding it. But you're wrong on the last mark. Rather than being used to deflect flaws, one of the reasons HW is making this game is to show to a wider, normie audience that porn games can be high quality works of art. So the proper reaction would ideally be a normie or average game journalist realizing "Wow, I thought all porn games were low-quality garbage, but this has some real value to it."
I guess that's nice for the dev and I'm happy for him, but does no one else notice the needless risk taking to appeal to a demographic that may or may not exist? You're placing all your bets on this game being a homerun rather than focusing on making a great game for your demographic you've targetted for 9 for 8 years.

Nobody is forcing you to read the databanks, my guy. lmao. HW expects that a lot of players would simply skip them and that's alright.
But many of the NPC's will often have dialogue that refers to those same databanks so by not reading them you are missing context for NPC's which makes the game worse as a result. "I have no idea who or what this NPC is talking about but Talia is talking like she knows him". I'm also not even sure who these databanks are suppose to appeal to because I feel like even visual novel players wouldn't enjoy this because most databanks are not related to the story, sometimes barely even related to the lore.

Furthermore your average "normie" or new player to the game won't know this and will probably try to read them at start as well and it messes with the flow of the game making the game feel worse as a result. If your first impression of this game is its 75% reading are you going to want to stick around? I remember when people use to complain about fate zero because the first episode was too much lore dumping I don't know how anyone expects that to go over better in a platformer where the lore being dumped is even less important to the plot. You can't expect people to get hooked on story building/world building by just dumping mountains of lore on them you need to let it set in and let them get interested in the story, not shove it down their throats.

Point is about the databanks I can almost guarantee you no one outside of his most ardent echo chamber supporters are enjoying those databases and I would challenge people to tell me about their 3 favorite silver databanks in game right now without opening the game. Even if you can name 3 you enjoy, I bet you could also name 3 you didn't enjoy or were extremely forgettable.

The thing about worldbuilding is, less is often more because it allows the audience to let their imaginations fill those spaces. Nothing wrong with fleshing things out later down the line in a sequel or tie-in, but for an initial entry into an IP - not every single detail about the world needs explaining or even acknowledging.
Could not agree more, I feel like you could remove half the current databanks in this demo and people wouldn't even be able to figure out which ones were removed especially if you removed the ones that don't contribute to the world building/NPC's very much.


Sep 7, 2021
Dearest MasterXY,

I hope this message finds you well.
But many of the NPC's will often have dialogue that refers to those same databanks so by not reading them you are missing context for NPC's which makes the game worse as a result. "I have no idea who or what this NPC is talking about but Talia is talking like she knows him". I'm also not even sure who these databanks are suppose to appeal to because I feel like even visual novel players wouldn't enjoy this because most databanks are not related to the story, sometimes barely even related to the lore.
I'm sure most of these NPCs don't make a difference to the overall story, but it's not that different than flavor text for items in any other game right? It's just some fun little info for people who enjoy that kind of thing and make the world feel a bit less empty.
Point is about the databanks I can almost guarantee you no one outside of his most ardent echo chamber supporters are enjoying those databases and I would challenge people to tell me about their 3 favorite silver databanks in game right now without opening the game.
My favorite databanks are the ones I can skip if I don't want to read them or get new dialogue options. My least favorite databank is the only one that you can't skip, those 6-8 button presses really inflate how long the game takes to complete.

Hugs and kisses,


Sep 24, 2018
And again, if you think this time should have been better spent just adding nothing but sex animations at the expense of any real story you ought to look for a different developer's games.
I would absolutely love a game by this development team that has lots more sex animations (and ideally gameplay systems that tie in) at the expense of story, plot, voice-acted dialog sequences, lore-dumps etc etc.

Not that it ever has to be one or the other - there's always balance to be found.

As to where that balance lies - if the smut is a major selling point of one's game, best it leans that direction more than any other. Cause it's one of the only things that said game is doing, that the vast majority of video games in general aren't. Again, not to say that the other elements don't have value - and again, for those other elements, it's a matter of diminishing returns if the thing that draws people to the game in the first place is the smut.
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New Member
Mar 1, 2018
Do you need to retake second grade? Do you know how to count?
Can you read? The post I responded to said it's in its eighth year of development. No one's talking about anniversaries, the game is in its ninth year of development. Why are you pretending the conversation was about anything else?

Maybe it will also shock you to find out we're in the 21st century. People alive from 0001 to 0100 were in the first century.

(Edit: Oh, you were the OP. it's not reading comprehension, it's just pretending the conversation was about something else to not have to admit being wrong)
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New Member
Aug 22, 2023
Nobody is forcing you to read the databanks, my guy. lmao. HW expects that a lot of players would simply skip them and that's alright.
My friend, I expressed myself badly, I believe. Let me try that again: I am not saying that the idea is bad like many others F95'ers are. I like the plot. I like my games with plot, doesn't matter if they are silly, funny, serious, if they reach highest of the high... I like them to try. Nothing worse than a game were things just happens.

And as far as I played, the FF's plot is cool. I like it. But the databanks? It is just too much and there is nothing in the game that says that those texts are just for HARDCORE PLOT ENJOYERS ONLY. So what I did? I read them, I was quickly tired and asked myself why? What is the point? And soon, that feeling spread to the game itself.

And I don't think HW wrote them just to be ignored, I don't think that he would like to people to just skip over them. But if that is the case, could we, the players, be warned about it? It would make the experience much better.

Again, I repeat: I do enjoy art, even porn, with plot. I will even say that the lack cutscenes that I pointed before is much more of a nitpick.

Also, you guys here seem to think in black and white: just because pointed some areas where I thought the experience was not that good that didn't mean I hated the game. Just that there are parts I don't like that much. I repeat, FF is better than 80% of the games in this site.



Sep 7, 2021
Greetings Spatula22,

Can you read? The post I responded to said it's in its eighth year of development. No one's talking about anniversaries, the game is in its ninth year of development. Why are you pretending the conversation was about anything else?

Maybe it will also shock you to find out we're in the 21st century. People alive from 0001 to 0100 were in the first century.

(Edit: Oh, you were the OP. it's not reading comprehension, it's just pretending the conversation was about something else to not have to admit being wrong)
You're both arguing the same thing, just from different viewpoints. On one hand you're counting from the start of each year of development, while they're counting from the end of a full year of development. It's the semantic difference of saying "This game has been in development for 9 years" and "This game is in its 9th year of development".



Sep 15, 2018
1. Bug to be fixed: Male voices are muted, but they play in game over scenes anyway
2. Way too much unnecessary's the spam Z key simulator. Most of these conversations are meaningless...whether they are about lore, gameplay, whatever
3. Gallery is well done
4. Was hoping there would be some new sexual content, but there isn't an ounce of new sexual content. None of the random NPCs have any cutscenes or animations for sexual content whatsoever
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Apr 23, 2018
Dearest OmnFurious,

I appreciate your well wishes. And hope everything is well on your end too.

I'm sure most of these NPCs don't make a difference to the overall story, but it's not that different than flavor text for items in any other game right? It's just some fun little info for people who enjoy that kind of thing and make the world feel a bit less empty.
But I want to be engaged with the story, and given how this game has been talked about I was under the assumption these NPC's and choices I make now will effect me later and I'd like to be able to follow the story somewhat as opposed to just mashing through every dialogue box that pops up.

Simply saying "well you don't have to read it" is a very poor argument when the dev wants you to take his game seriously. How is anyone going to take this game seriously when the most common response to lore is "lmao just skip it, the dev is already expecting people to not read it". Especially when 75% of the game is this lore.

My argument is not against the inclusion of databanks that tie into NPC's, my argument is that there is simply too much meaningless databanks mixed together with ones that are actually relevant to the plot/lore/characters, and that it is creating contradicting gameplay loop in which the game wants to be an action platformer, but every room you enter has at least 2 databases with 2-5 minute voice clips and 1 NPC so you're getting like 30-60 seconds of gameplay inbetween every cutscene or voice clip. There is no balance between gameplay and story telling, and the sheer volume of databanks being thrown at you is overwhelming. I am trying to follow the story but I can't keep track of anything, and if I'm trying to keep track but can't, imagine all the people who aren't going to try. Some of the databanks should honestly be culled or removed, or turned into a bronze databank where they just get sent to your codex instead where you have to open it to listen to them there. The silver ones can be ones that are important to the plot/story or an NPC, and the gold ones are about seeber. That would be a better solution if people are against their removal, because there's no way in hell you will ever convince me half of those databanks are even worth reading.


Also, you guys here seem to think in black and white: just because pointed some areas where I thought the experience was not that good that didn't mean I hated the game. Just that there are parts I don't like that much. I repeat, FF is better than 80% of the games in this site.
I agree, which is why I think this game is worth the asking price of 15-20$, there are many many worse games on both here and dlsite that ask for 20$ without having half the polish or content of FF. But I can point out things that I think are bad about this game/demo without being a hater.


Jan 15, 2018
1. Bug to be fixed: Male voices are muted, but they play in game over scenes anyway
2. Way too much unnecessary's the spam Z key simulator. Most of these conversations are meaningless...whether they are about lore, gameplay, whatever
3. Gallery is well done
4. Was hoping there would be some new sexual content, but there isn't an ounce of new sexual content. None of the random NPCs have any cutscenes or animations for sexual content whatsoever
Some npc's do have sexual animations, some flat out ask if you wanna do it, but you are either killing them on sight, or just constantly saying no.


Sep 7, 2021
Salutations MasterXY,
But I want to be engaged with the story, and given how this game has been talked about I was under the assumption these NPC's and choices I make now will effect me later and I'd like to be able to follow the story somewhat as opposed to just mashing through every dialogue box that pops up.
Ah, sorry friend, I paid more attention to the 2nd part I had quoted instead of giving equal attention to the entire thing as a whole, and appear to have only responded in a way that makes sense if you ignore the first half.
I would imagine that several NPCs contribute to their own little stories that span across several levels, even if not directly relating to or making an impact on the general plot of the game.
As cool as it would be to have every NPC play a vital role in the overall story, I feel like with the first level alone, even if half the NPCs were re-occurring characters that played a role in the plot, that would be too many. There's what, like 12 or so NPCs with their own little stories? I can't imagine how someone would work out 48 different characters having such important roles.

Simply saying "well you don't have to read it" is a very poor argument when the dev wants you to take his game seriously. How is anyone going to take this game seriously when the most common response to lore is "lmao just skip it, the dev is already expecting people to not read it". Especially when 75% of the game is this lore.
I assumed you meant that the databanks were a chore that you felt that you were forced to collect. You're right though, the argument for "just skip them" doesn't apply in the case. I hope you see where my viewpoint came from.
If you're indirectly referring to the last thing I quoted and responded to, that was a joke as I took an absolute stance to combat your absolute stance, as this scenario seemed pretty open ended.

My argument is not against the inclusion of databanks that tie into NPC's, my argument is that there is simply too much meaningless databanks mixed together with ones that are actually relevant to the plot/lore/characters, and that it is creating contradicting gameplay loop in which the game wants to be an action platformer, but every room you enter has at least 2 databases with 2-5 minute voice clips and 1 NPC so you're getting like 30-60 seconds of gameplay inbetween every cutscene or voice clip. There is no balance between gameplay and story telling, and the sheer volume of databanks being thrown at you is overwhelming. I am trying to follow the story but I can't keep track of anything, and if I'm trying to keep track but can't, imagine all the people who aren't going to try. Some of the databanks should honestly be culled or removed, or turned into a bronze databank where they just get sent to your codex instead where you have to open it to listen to them there. The silver ones can be ones that are important to the plot/story or an NPC, and the gold ones are about seeber. That would be a better solution if people are against their removal, because there's no way in hell you will ever convince me half of those databanks are even worth reading.
I'm actually right there with you, there's way too much to keep track of without keeping a diary. However, after having done and seen (possibly) absolutely everything this demo has to offer, I see the appeal of fleshing out minor characters and having all this extra stuff, regardless of it probably not contributing to the story. All this lore building of random characters isn't really my main concern when playing a game, so the fact that I can ignore it entirely, or spend some time to learn more about something I assume won't matter in the long run, isn't too big of a deal to me. It's not that much different from audiologs and whatnot in other games, just some extra filler for those who want it.
I'm almost positive that the game tells you not to worry about talking with anyone or looking at silver databanks as they're a waste of time, then mentioning that gold databanks are all you need to focus on if you only want the main story.

I mean, who knows, these little sidestories impact so many things already in this level, so I'd imagine they'll contribute either directly, or indirectly, to the overall story at some points.

Mar 18, 2019
Do you need to retake second grade? Do you know how to count?

Jan 2016 One year anniversary of development
Jan 2017 Two year anniversary of development
Jan 2018 Third year anniversary
Jan 2019 Fourth year
Jan 2020 Fifth year
Jan 2021 Sixth year
Jan 2022 Seventh year
Jan 2023 Eighth year
Jan 2024 Ninth year

So sure, in three months we'll hit the ninth anniversary of game development, but ideally the game will be finished by then.
I think you might want to read what the other homie said again, and then excuse yourself for calling him stupid in a very backhanded way.
They started on 2015. That was their first year. After Jan 2016 they entered their second year of development.
2023 is almost over, this would be their ninth year, with the anniversary marking the end of said year on Jan 2024. And then 2024 would be their tenth year of development, with Jan 2025 marking the end of said year after which they would have been at it for 10 full years.
Is that better? Do you understand now mate?


New Member
Aug 7, 2018
Wow, I subbed a few years ago to have a name on the fire stage and was actually happy to see it. That, and what I thought would just be a databank entry is some side quest involving this game's version of my first book's primordial goddess? Or maybe something else? Whispering Scorpion was certainly an interesting title for her.


New Member
Aug 22, 2023
but you're also explicitly inviting people to play the game for the smut. What other reason could you possibly conceive there to be that this wasn't just made to be a hentai game, and has done a poor job at it?
Why a poor job? Aren't there sex scenes? Animated sex scenes? Sex cutscenes? Or that doesn't count? And by what standard are they bad ? The other game that I can remember that does something similar was Kincaid.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
well nothing new in this demo, only they remove boss now and put some levels in different place, all the same. Oh and of course alot of texts. Even no reward for 100% complete level (like at least new sex scene? maybe?)
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Dec 19, 2020
Why a poor job? Aren't there sex scenes? Animated sex scenes? Sex cutscenes? Or that doesn't count? And by what standard are they bad ? The other game that I can remember that does something similar was Kincaid.
I worded that part poorly: I meant in terms of focusing on the hentai content and leaving dialogue and environments as something that gets built over time. The point is that hentai games can be good games, but usually insofar as they contribute to making the sexual element "flow" in a way that enhances it (e.g. that it's practically a genre-wide trope for game overs/defeat to be how you get sex scenes, making defeat a reward), yet there are countless devs with projects spanning numerous years that have IMMENSE bloat in their updates via dialogue updates, background colors/art being changed, touch-ups on lighting, basically just things that don't matter when one asks the question "what's the h-content in the game?"


Aug 1, 2019
HW wants to make a great game, and he wants to release it finished, which means sacrificing time for quality. I don't know for sure about Triangulate and FrougeDev but HW does full time develop the game.

It's not because of a sale right at the beginning or whatever, not sure where you got that idea. Steam does not allow people to sell a game for cheaper than its Steam store price on any other storefronts. This includes Patreon, so if HW honored the $10 backer reward they could not release the game on Steam.

Do you need to retake second grade? Do you know how to count?

Jan 2016 One year anniversary of development
Jan 2017 Two year anniversary of development
Jan 2018 Third year anniversary
Jan 2019 Fourth year
Jan 2020 Fifth year
Jan 2021 Sixth year
Jan 2022 Seventh year
Jan 2023 Eighth year
Jan 2024 Ninth year

So sure, in three months we'll hit the ninth anniversary of game development, but ideally the game will be finished by then.

You're so close to understanding it. But you're wrong on the last mark. Rather than being used to deflect flaws, one of the reasons HW is making this game is to show to a wider, normie audience that porn games can be high quality works of art. So the proper reaction would ideally be a normie or average game journalist realizing "Wow, I thought all porn games were low-quality garbage, but this has some real value to it."

And again, if you think this time should have been better spent just adding nothing but sex animations at the expense of any real story you ought to look for a different developer's games.

Nobody is forcing you to read the databanks, my guy. lmao. HW expects that a lot of players would simply skip them and that's alright.

This demo is the first level of the full game, nearly 1:1 with what you'd experience at release.

Having the game be fully voice acted was, as far as I know, a part of the plan from the very beginning. Nothing you could have said could have changed his mind on it, and if you don't like it tough luck I guess.
Yes, we KNOW the game was fully voice acted from the start. That's actually a good thing that is a welcomed piece of production value which is what accrued the game's following. It's the imbalance between gameplay vs lore thats the problem, and if you're not picking that up by now than I dont know what to tell you. I'm assuming you're responding to my last line about hiring the voice actors vs the amount of voice acting time which is what I mean (and not trying to be rude but it really seems like you cherry picked this interpretation). Again just like our boi Omni who makes it his job to intentionally misinterpret everything. Almost like you two are in discussion with one another before posting

-Voice acting is good
-Story in H games is good
-Having easter eggs of findable lore IS GOOD

It is not good when:
-There is 15 seconds of gameplay to 15 minutes of (albeit skippable) voice acting lore. Consumers WANT the lore, but not when it's significantly impacting the gameplay. Write a book instead.
-That this voice acted lore is the core reason why the game was in development for almost a decade. In terms of nobody is FORCING anyone to read the databanks, nobody is FORCING anyone to do anything. I can cater a wedding and leave a bunch of turds on the buffet table and tell people "nobody is forcing you to eat them". The person paying for it should still have questions

My issue is that back a zillion years ago HW was addressed with these things and he didnt care. Not saying he should listen to every moron on the internet, but at least consulted someone who might have some gameplay narrative experience. It's clear he didnt, and that's his critical failure.
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