I think this whole discussion is a very clear reminder to me, of where game dev came from and where it is now...
there is actually discussion on a single person's earnings.. wow.. that come from a game that isnt even a product yet... and in this case, has been a non product for 8 yeaaaars?!
There is actually people, who not only bother, but seem genuinely "invested in justifying" their earnings and try to pitch how hard their financial situation is or how hard their life is, why?
A product is being advertised, a product is not being delivered and yet being paid for, that is all that matters and that is what is wrong with current day game dev
I dont care about his health or financial issues, cuz he does not care about mine, he does not give me money because I do not give him a product, I do not get a product from him so I dont give him money, seems pretty simple.
Don't get me wrong, I am 100% supportive of things like patreon and kickstarter, I think its fine to have "faith" and support devs that show promise, emphasis on promise, but if you support someone who does not deliver, however, I think you shouldn't try to "rationalize" hopes and dreams, you should stop supporting, cuz there sure is too many money milking "devs" who sell hopes and dreams to impressionable minds, and I do hope actual laws are created against it.
I remember being paid to beta test games... man... I dont feel like I'm that old, but if I'm not, how am I witnessing, not only people PAYING for beta testing games, but also simp for devs of "non-games"?!