I paid 3x over for this game on patreon so I don't feel bad about grabbing it here.
If HW was serious about the game he would have been able to put it up as Early Access years ago with a polished version of the first level, then work from there until everything he wants has been added to get to the 1.0 version.Considering he did cobble together the demos at the last minute once the steam approval went through: I do believe him now about being denied before. Not because of any error on Steam's part, but due to his own incompetence and user error when it comes to submitting the game. Then again looking at him blatantly lying about Patreon pledges makes me feel like a fool for trying to give any benefit of a doubt.
You realize you can just go to the discord, fill out the questionnaire and get a steam or itch key, right?I paid 3x over for this game on patreon so I don't feel bad about grabbing it here.
His work ethic may not change much and the game may continue to fester in Early Access, but at least he no longer can make the excuse of Steam rejecting his game builds and critics can no longer use not having a Steam release as an angle of attack. And now that the general public also has a stake in this, at least there will be more pressure to actually put out something as it can bring in more accountability.And what if HW did indeed try to apply for EA?
Boy, Steam REJECTED the first attempt to get the game on Steam including it being EA because the game was already too far in development according to Steam's EA rules.His work ethic may not change much and the game may continue to fester in Early Access, but at least he no longer can make the excuse of Steam rejecting his game builds and critics can no longer use not having a Steam release as an angle of attack. And now that the general public also has a stake in this, at least there will be more pressure to actually put out something as it can bring in more accountability.
At this point though we are all digressing over what-ifs. The truth is it took 9 years to end up with a sloppy and incomplete release. No amount of gaslighting from you and other HW defenders would change that. I'm just waiting for the one month "soft launch" period to end to see if HW can make good on his latest promise.
Steam's Early Access has been around a long time, even before the game started development. It would have been his choice to only submit it after it is out of the supposed threshold for Early Access, and should have done the appropriate research before choosing Steam as a main platform to begin with.Boy, Steam REJECTED the first attempt to get the game on Steam including it being EA because the game was already too far in development according to Steam's EA rules.
The game's launch may have been shakey but it's still more than many games on this site get. Perhaps you should give game development a shot yourself and create a game as complex as FF in a faster time than HW did. Remember, if you miss even a single deadline the project is a scam as pronounced by this forum.
Btw, the "1 month" thing is an estimate, not a promise. And what exactly DO you know of his work ethic?
You get the charge shots once you unlock at least one elemental power (as in, you need to beat the fire level first to get the charge fire shot). As to how to beat the ADMN Spawner, equip the power-up that increases your attack for each shot that hits an enemy and spam attack himWas there a charge shot in an earlier version that has been left in the new release? I do not have any spells nor a charge shot, nothing happens if I press 'C' nor if I hold 'X'... So I cannot beat the ADMN Spawner. What am I missing?
THANKS - beat it first try with this! I had the impression that it was invulnerable and it was a chase. Seemed impossibleYou get the charge shots once you unlock at least one elemental power (as in, you need to beat the fire level first to get the charge fire shot). As to how to beat the ADMN Spawner, equip the power-up that increases your attack for each shot that hits an enemy and spam attack him
Basically, you need more violence stat in order to advance that conversation.Anyone know what the fuck the NPC in p1m1 in ice lvl named Demolicus is talking about?
Yeah it threw me off seeing how different she acts, as if an entire level's worth of context is missing. I'm pausing the game at the start of the Electric Level until the patches are in as from what I've heard from other users, the levels after Ice are missing alot content and voices so I'd rather just wait for them to add those in.Weird how HW left what seems to be a pretty damn important cutscene out of the game (between ice and electric) considering vie is just all of a sudden acting like a completely different character
It gets much worse as it goes. Last two levels barely have any cutscenes so it's impossible to tell what's going on.Weird how HW left what seems to be a pretty damn important cutscene out of the game (between ice and electric) considering vie is just all of a sudden acting like a completely different character