I have a counterpoint to 2D platformers not feeling lived in, but I suspect my post will get blammed away for referencing not Future Fragments. The world could very much have been better planned. The whole first level is effectively a coal mine with slave labor. How hard would it have been to have task masters sicing their braindead workers on you, or for you to encounter a lust driven alcove of runaways? I know there's an argument somewhere about Patreon, but then, just move onto Subscribestar.
But, a certain sourjelly did a phenomenal job with their game in this regard, and that project started around the same time FF did, and completed years ago.
Hilariously I made the exact same reference and comment half a year ago during the final fire demo
I've always been a fan of environmental story telling, for example in anthophobia I remember there was a barricaded room with a single normal zombie inside, after killing it you could discover in back of the room a tape? which contained the man's last words while also providing lore to the world, it was fantastic. I contrast that with this where you have a silver databank in a hole telling of a guy who died or a battle that took place and thats it. At very least could add a body or something.
Unrelated to all of this when this game first released the dev asked or said they believed they could fix a lot of the bugs/missing content within a month/4 weeks I couldn't find the post but I did find this message from another user so I know I'm at least not crazy. (This message was posted on Feb 25th)
To give you a quick overview of the current state of the game, due to some internal delays and Steam preventing the moving of a game's release date once it's set the game launched with some story content, cutscenes and voicework missing. This content is already finished but it will take some time to be implemented into the game. Hentaiwriter has stated that he suspects he'll need about 4 weeks to add in everything whilst also fixing bugs.
I decided "alright I'm not really in a rush to play anyway, I've waited 9 years I can come back to this in a month from now when it's complete", so a lil more than a month passes and I decide to check up on the game and see it's progress so I can give it a proper play, after digging around a bit I find this post on the steam forums.
Y'know I'm not really sure what I expected. I'm not out here calling him a liar... but what I will say is despite being bedridden, in and out of urgent care, and absolutely doped up on 4 different medicines his average response time to someone posting on that community steam forums is within 1 hour. I challenge you all to go to the steam forums, and click on a random discussion post and see how long it takes him to reply to a post. The most I found was 4-5 hours. But mostly stuff within 30-60 minutes. I get it, he's bedridden with nothing better to do, but it's astonishing how little his posting behavior changes despite being hospitalized lol.
I won't be one to call him a liar, but I have to ask if his team engages in recreational doorknob licking, I see a 4 year old and 6 year old niece every month who I'm quite sure DO engage in recreational doorknob licking, and I get deliberating illness less often than this team.
Anyway moving on from that "we've decided to do patches less often, but have them be much larger patches as we found people didn't know the difference between 1.00 and 1.01" yes I'm sure that's the reason. I'm not saying his reasoning is wrong, just that I don't think that's his only reason for deciding to do patches less often

The end level map reworks is probably a good change, there's been quite a bit of complaints there. But yeah, most important thing people will overlook is his choice of words "patches" and "upcoming patch" which implies there will be more needed to fix all the content and stuff that was suppose to be in this game on release. Buckle up kiddo's we're in for another year of development. Maybe the game will be finished by it's 10th birthday.
Bonus screenshot:
While I was searching for info on the new patch I spotted this exchange on his itch.io blog page. Does anyone else think it's weird to pay money for a bundle which contains free games/demos? Like I'm sure there were actual games that cost money in the bundle, but if you are spending money to buy a bundle, it's not an unreasonable expectation for said bundle to contain things that cost money right? Including free games/demos feels deceptive way of "increasing the value" of the bundle. Doing a bit of sleuthing I believe this is the bundle in question
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after doing some basic math if you were to separately buy every game in this bundle it would cost you exactly 38~$ if you ignored sales going on for any of these games. The bundle itself cost 40$. Anyone else think this is weird?
LMAO. The year is 2024 and FF is still polishing and releasing demo's.