Ghostly Hale

Active Member
Jan 26, 2018
Keep up the good work dev. Also while stuck inside of that wall shown in the glitch above you can just fall through it using the electric hop. Haha, funny.


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Oh boy. Those titjob illustrations are just the best! Especially the one with Vie. I sure hope we get to see some of that action in the game.

Little off topic, but for some reason F95zone decided to not give me notifications for this thread for about a week. Maybe it's something I'm doing, because it's happened to me in the past with other threads as well.
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Jul 29, 2017
I remember in the electric level there were a bunch of neat events. Is there a list of those in the later releases?

Das Ras

Jun 8, 2017
Is there an estimated date for when the game will be released and will it be on steam now with the new steam guidelines being a lot more lenient on H-games?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Keep up the good work dev. Also while stuck inside of that wall shown in the glitch above you can just fall through it using the electric hop. Haha, funny.
Yeah, that's been fixed in the new builds too :)

Oh boy. Those titjob illustrations are just the best! Especially the one with Vie. I sure hope we get to see some of that action in the game.
Vie already has two sex animations in the game, one short one and one long one; she'll be getting three more in The End (the current, and last level).

I remember in the electric level there were a bunch of neat events. Is there a list of those in the later releases?
There's no list like that yet because the other levels don't have anywhere near a fraction of the content or polish the Electric Level does; we're going to add all of that content and polish in when we sweep back through the levels once we've gotten the assets for The End mostly complete.

save file pls
There's no real save file for any of the versions besides v027F that would be needed as all of the versions besides the Electric Level public demo have no unlockable content with a save file; if you did want a save file for v027F to unlock the gallery, let me know and I'll post that here.

Is there an estimated date for when the game will be released and will it be on steam now with the new steam guidelines being a lot more lenient on H-games?
We're aiming to get the game out around December 2019 if all goes well, March 2020 at latest if things take longer than expected. We're going as fast as we can on it, but we also don't want to sacrifice quality in the name of getting it out a month earlier, either.

We plan to put it on the following sites at a minimum;
  • Steam
  • Denpasoft
  • Nutaku
  • JAST
  • Gamejolt
  • Mikandi
  • MangaGamer
  • Gumroad
And of course you'll be able to "buy" the game on Patreon for $10 up until launch, which is 50% off of the (currently, we might drop it to $15, we'll see) final release price of $20.

We're also going to translate the game into a number of languages, including Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and others, and we plan to sell it in physical form over in Japan as well with the help of a publisher.
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Mar 24, 2019
Yeah, that's been fixed in the new builds too :)

Vie already has two sex animations in the game, one short one and one long one; she'll be getting three more in The End (the current, and last level).

There's no list like that yet because the other levels don't have anywhere near a fraction of the content or polish the Electric Level does; we're going to add all of that content and polish in when we sweep back through the levels once we've gotten the assets for The End mostly complete.

There's no real save file for any of the versions besides v027F that would be needed as all of the versions besides the Electric Level public demo have no unlockable content with a save file; if you did want a save file for v027F to unlock the gallery, let me know and I'll post that here.

We're aiming to get the game out around December 2019 if all goes well, March 2020 at latest if things take longer than expected. We're going as fast as we can on it, but we also don't want to sacrifice quality in the name of getting it out a month earlier, either.

We plan to put it on the following sites at a minimum;
  • Steam
  • Denpasoft
  • Nutaku
  • JAST
  • Gamejolt
  • Mikandi
  • MangaGamer
  • Gumroad
And of course you'll be able to "buy" the game on Patreon for $10 up until launch, which is 50% off of the (currently, we might drop it to $15, we'll see) final release price of $20.

We're also going to translate the game into a number of languages, including Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and others, and we plan to sell it in physical form over in Japan as well with the help of a publisher.
Now that you name the translations that you plan to add to the game, among them will be Spanish?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Now that you name the translations that you plan to add to the game, among them will be Spanish?
Our first priority is the Chinese, Russian, and Japanese markets, due to the high # of people there who want adult games statistically; after we get those done, we'll move onto French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.

After that, I have no idea what languages we'd get it done in; I'll also note that this depends a lot on funding/sales, as translating a game with this much text (estimated over 300,000 words for the full game; the Electric Level demo alone has 45,000 words) is going to definitely cost a good amount of money per translation.

Chinese and Japanese each will probably cost between $15,000-$45,000 each to translate the full script into, and Russian probably around the same as well. That'd be nearly $50,000-150,000 for just three languages.

So it really depends on how much the English version alone sells, but we definitely want to do at least those three languages.


Engaged Member
May 13, 2017
What really sucks about this game is changing the controls. It shouldn't say "you can't change the button to this because it's already mapped." It should just change it like it would in any other game. It also doesn't make sense that I change my shot button and it changes into a button that forces me to jump and shoot at the same time. That's definitely a bug. I saved in the tutorial and when it loaded my game, it put me in a completely different spot. Lots of bugs going on in this game right now.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
What really sucks about this game is changing the controls. It shouldn't say "you can't change the button to this because it's already mapped." It should just change it like it would in any other game. It also doesn't make sense that I change my shot button and it changes into a button that forces me to jump and shoot at the same time. That's definitely a bug. I saved in the tutorial and when it loaded my game, it put me in a completely different spot. Lots of bugs going on in this game right now.
That's strange; we've had lots of people playtest it for years and have never ran into the "moving you from the tutorial" bug (assuming you're on v027F as it's the only version with a tutorial), nor the other jump and shoot bug.

What version were you playing, what's your operating system and were you using a controller? If so, what controller? Right now only Xbox/Microsoft controllers are primarily supported.

The game is a work in progress, so we're always fixing global bugs as we move along given the high level of complexity of the game's programming/mechanics, but we always want to hear if anyone stumbles on rare bugs like these so we can fix them for the few people that have them.

The reason for the first thing you mentioned where it won't let you change to a duplicate mapped entry, is because people would often do this accidentally in playtesting and then be unable to access the menu because they had mapped multiple keys to one action, so they couldn't reset their settings.

We do plan to revert this once we have in a "reset settings" button within the options, as well as the ability to set your options from the title screen, but given that the demos right now are meant for beta testing enemies and functionality within The End mainly, we're focusing more on that than the control issue (as it's something only a few people have ever expressed discontent about and we have to prioritize to get the game done at a quick pace, etc.)

But yeah, let us know about what OS, controller (if using one) and version you were playing, and we'll check into the other two bugs.

Besides those two bugs though, if you were on v027F, the number of bugs in that build should be relatively low; I only know of about two other obscure bugs besides those in that build, so if you find any others let us know.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Could someone post links for the best versions of levels
For the record, the "best" versions of each level are as follows;

v012a - Fire Level
v017a - Ice Level
v027F - Electric Level
v035v2 - Earth Level

As a reminder though, even though they're the "best" versions, the Fire, Ice, and Earth level demos have maybe 5% of the content that the Electric Demo has, at best.

When we go back through the game in a month or two we'll update the other levels up to the level of polish and content of the Electric Level demo, so if you try the other demos, don't be surprised at the relative lack of content by comparison :p


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Vie already has two sex animations in the game, one short one and one long one; she'll be getting three more in The End (the current, and last level).
That's great to hear, but I was especially interested in the clothed titjob illustration in particular.
Those three more animations, does that include the one at the end of v0.38?
Could someone post links for the best versions of levels
I've shared these in the past.
I've shared these through PMs in the past, but I may as well put them here. I urge everyone that enjoys the game and has the means to do so to support the creator. This is one of the few very good H games out there.

I played through the latest version (v0.38) yesterday. And just in case it's not intentional and hasn't been reported yet, I want to bring some things to the attention of @HentaiWriter.
  1. When going into M1 and going through the portal, then switching the switch at the end of said portal and returning, it's possible to be immediately KO'd when you return. I suspect this is because you're put where the wall still is a moment before it's raised.
  2. Entering the portal in M1 and then hitting the switch to summon the platform from your left can KO you also. You can jump into the platform as it comes towards you, which results in the KO when you're hit by it.
  3. Again through the portal in M1. If you go toward the first switch there (same one as with point 2) and activate it but get below the platform as it comes towards you, you softlock that room. You cannot get through the gap between the moveable platform and the level geometry to get back to the switch. You can go back through the portal, but that does not reset the platform.


Dec 6, 2017
That's great to hear, but I was especially interested in the clothed titjob illustration in particular.
Those three more animations, does that include the one at the end of v0.38?

I've shared these in the past.

I played through the latest version (v0.38) yesterday. And just in case it's not intentional and hasn't been reported yet, I want to bring some things to the attention of @HentaiWriter.
  1. When going into M1 and going through the portal, then switching the switch at the end of said portal and returning, it's possible to be immediately KO'd when you return. I suspect this is because you're put where the wall still is a moment before it's raised.
  2. Entering the portal in M1 and then hitting the switch to summon the platform from your left can KO you also. You can jump into the platform as it comes towards you, which results in the KO when you're hit by it.
  3. Again through the portal in M1. If you go toward the first switch there (same one as with point 2) and activate it but get below the platform as it comes towards you, you softlock that room. You cannot get through the gap between the moveable platform and the level geometry to get back to the switch. You can go back through the portal, but that does not reset the platform.
I can not for the life of me get past those three switches, can't have the top one and the bottem one apart at the same time, and if you get to the portal in the middle it just transports me to a small room where i can't do anything. I do not know if it is because i didn't press the switch that makes that one platform come up from the ground, because when i did i would just get softlocked, so i just got pass it by using the highjump ability instead.


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
I can not for the life of me get past those three switches, can't have the top one and the bottem one apart at the same time, and if you get to the portal in the middle it just transports me to a small room where i can't do anything. I do not know if it is because i didn't press the switch that makes that one platform come up from the ground, because when i did i would just get softlocked, so i just got pass it by using the highjump ability instead.
same here, no clue how to get passed it
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same room here. Getting to a small room through the portal sounds like M3 instead. And HentaiWriter has posted a video of how to get through that room in this post.

After you get through the portal in M1 you do need to get over a moving platform, which I did by using the high jump, like I think NOTJON is saying. I don't know whether that's the intended way or not, but it worked.
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Sep 23, 2017
Our first priority is the Chinese, Russian, and Japanese markets, due to the high # of people there who want adult games statistically; after we get those done, we'll move onto French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.

After that, I have no idea what languages we'd get it done in; I'll also note that this depends a lot on funding/sales, as translating a game with this much text (estimated over 300,000 words for the full game; the Electric Level demo alone has 45,000 words) is going to definitely cost a good amount of money per translation.

Chinese and Japanese each will probably cost between $15,000-$45,000 each to translate the full script into, and Russian probably around the same as well. That'd be nearly $50,000-150,000 for just three languages.

So it really depends on how much the English version alone sells, but we definitely want to do at least those three languages.
I think you might be promising a little too much. The top-selling game on DLSite ever is . At $12.00 and 10k purchases it made 120k dollarydoos total, and keep in mind DLSite is easily the #1 seller of erotic games. Games anywhere else generally cap at 100 purchases if its any good.

Unless you have a ton of Patreon money stashed away after all this development time spending 150k on translations is super unlikely. You might want to start asking fans if they want to volunteer for translating.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
That's great to hear, but I was especially interested in the clothed titjob illustration in particular.
Those three more animations, does that include the one at the end of v0.38?
Yep, it does :)

I played through the latest version (v0.38) yesterday. And just in case it's not intentional and hasn't been reported yet, I want to bring some things to the attention of @HentaiWriter
We've fixed all of these bugs, no worries!

I think you might be promising a little too much. The top-selling game on DLSite ever is . At $12.00 and 10k purchases it made 120k dollarydoos total, and keep in mind DLSite is easily the #1 seller of erotic games. Games anywhere else generally cap at 100 purchases if its any good.

Unless you have a ton of Patreon money stashed away after all this development time spending 150k on translations is super unlikely. You might want to start asking fans if they want to volunteer for translating.
Just as a reminder, you can sell games on many more platforms than DLSite nowadays; it's actually a fairly low priority for us to sell there until we get the Japanese translation done. DLSite I wouldn't even rank in the top 10 of erotic game sales in 2019, tbh, especially since they take a minimum of 40% of your sales and up to 70%.

Steam alone has many h-games selling in high 6-figures, like Melty's Quest which has sold between 20,000 and 50,000 copies;

At $19.99 with only 30% of their income being taken, that's about $14, so $280,000-$700,000 alone on Steam, and that's not counting in the many, many other places you can sell that I listed in the previous page, all of which definitely have far more than 100 sales per site (otherwise, there would be no way those sites could afford to continue functioning, and people certainly wouldn't be putting their games there either).

Also take into account that Melty's Quest had practically no marketing for it whatsoever, and this is again only on Steam; this isn't an anomaly either, as many h-games on Steam have had similar sales.

Let's take an example that had some real marketing behind it; House Party.

At 100,000-200,000 owners at 14.99 (so $10.5 after the 30% cut), that's $1,050,000-$2,100,000. Again, from Steam only.

I mean, on alone, we have a very, very small game we made a while back that's gotten 2,000+ sales (Magic Matchup; )

Plus, take into account that we'll be working on the sequel to the game within 3-ish months of Future Fragments finishing, a sequel we've already got fairly planned out, which will stay on the same Patreon page, and people will be able to continue "buying" the first game off of said Patreon page.

There's every chance that we don't sell a ton of copies, sure, but given the above evidence and statistics, I don't think it's that impossible that we'd make enough to be able to afford translations too.
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