I've watched a lot of the demos, animation, the dialogue with some of it being voice acted by their actual voice actresses and more, and in my opinion it looks great but it's missing more of that tentacle stuff, but ofc i do hope the Earth Level that i've seen on a demo from a porn streaming site would just be the tip of the iceberg and there would be more addition to it
There are currently around 6 different tentacle animations in the game and multiple game over CGs with tentacles, all from the Earth Level.
The final level, The End, also has multiple enemies with tentacle-ish appendages, and more tentacle-ish CGs.
considering showcasing everything to the public in demo's would definitely kill off the hype for the actual full release of the game
You'd be surprised; this video down here in fact got us a lot of attention for the game

it would only kill off hype if ALL we had to offer was porn, but many people come for the porn, and stay for the gameplay/audio/art/story/etc.
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it is better to save a lot of surprises for the ones who will purchase the game to see that there were a lot of mobs to fight and that there would be more to it than the demos that they've seen or played.
Just again to be clear, if you totaled all the porn in the game, all their attacks, movements, animations, etc. it would be roughly at this point around an hour and a half of straight animation and about 90-ish sex animations, with the full game pushing that total to about 2 and a half hours roughly and 120-ish animations I believe.
All of that up there combined is about 5% of the game's total content.
The reason I make that statement is because the cutscenes alone in the Electric Level demo have
over 4 and a half hours of voice acting; that's just for one level, which already dwarfs the
total amount of porn in the game planned by nearly double. Considering we have four other levels and a true final boss + endings to add voicework to, along with;
- over 150 cutscenes with probably 800+ variations
- over 150 databanks with variations that tie into the above cutscenes and vice versa
- over 40 endings
- 50 powerups
- 100 achievements
- multiple gameplay modes (speedrun, boss rush, hard mode unique maps, developer commentary)
- 70+ song soundtrack
- A true final boss that even Patrons aren't going to get to see until launch
We think even people watching pornhub or youtube videos will have a lot to be surprised with when they play it
Good of you to share this, but where would someone find this on their own? I see most posts on the Future Fragments Patreon page are not public. (Actually scratch that, there are no public posts at all!)
Unfortunately, due to Patreon rules, we can't link the demo anywhere on the front page, nor can we make any of the posts public; we'd get suspended.
Anyone who is sharing their demo on the front page of their Patreon is either A) risking not being caught, or B) has a website they've got setup so that when a person clicks, they're clicking through to a "launch page" and not the demo's direct link, which is okay by Patreon's guidelines.
Now, that said, while we do have a GameJolt page which would suffice for this, the reason we don't do it is because...
And this sort of roadmap is exactly what I would want to know about if I was interested in possibly supporting a project on Patreon. From what I can tell from that roadmap, you seem to have most things figured out quite well, so you must also have a good reason to not share it publicly on Patreon.
...yeah, we do have a good reason; besides the suspension, in all honesty, a lot of statistics show that a microscopic amount of people actually first hear about a NSFW game on Patreon alone, without any other influence etc. elsewhere.
This is because you can't search for NSFW Patreons on Patreon, so there's no way to randomly stumble on it without a direct link to it or google searching it, and due to that, it's much more likely that people would google it and end up finding the Gamejolt (or itch, FAKKU, Denpasoft, Newgrounds, etc.) demo.
Patreon themselves have said your Patreon page should basically be the "storefront" so to speak, and not the "advertisement that gets people to pledge", as you should have already gotten people into your game long before they ever land on the Patreon page.
You know, I've praised this game in the past for having good PR. With you,
@HentaiWriter, being so active on this forum and answering questions and helping people here. But in all that time I had failed to notice that all the posts on Patreon are locked behind a paywall. Makes me feel like a hypocrite in some way, because I prefer if people on Patreon are open and transparent, which includes public updates.
This is why I do talk so openly about the game on pirate forums (and non-pirate forums too), why I post about it on Twitter, why we actually not only advocate for people to make videos of the game but outright have a guy making videos for us to post on pornhub (that pornhub video I linked up there was not only made with our permission, but was partially "directed" by us too in terms of what should go where, etc.), and why I post any important Patreon updates like that roadmap publicly too.
I'm going to have a trailer soon here too that'll show off all five levels so far as well, and a few other things coming too.
But yeah, I'd love to post updates publicly and have the Patreon totally open to the public to read about things, but unfortunately that isn't possible per their rules.
That's why one of the "few other things" I have coming is a public Discord channel which, when I've set it up, I'll be posting here, of course.
I currently have a "Backer Discord" just for people who've EVER backed the game, even if they're not backing currently, where I post pastebins of the Patreon posts that are important, polls, etc. and I'll be doing the same for the public discord as well, as well as changelogs between demos, etc.
The only thing I wouldn't post to it, of course, would be the demos

but it's not like I'm stopping those from being posted here, either.
This being mentioned in the roadmap is exciting to me. A (probably) more difficult mode where you're more easily grabbed for H animations is something I'm very much into. However, I seem to remember that this was something that has come up in the past. And I also seem to remember that that was not a likely thing to happen because it would mean a lot of extra work for your artist. What has changed since then?
So to be clear, when we say "Hard Mode", we mean something like completely different maps that are fairly difficult to beat; think of them like the difference between Mario 1 maps and Mario: The Lost Levels maps.
They won't be full, 30+ map levels like in the normal game, it'd be 3-5 maps per level type that would take a lot of skill/reflexes/puzzle setups to beat, and of course would be entirely optional; it wouldn't have any extra H-animations though, it would be purely for the challenge.
For the extra H-animations, that's built into the game's last level, The End, where Triangulate will be doing 6 or so new H-animations with pre-existing enemies just for that level (along with the usual amount of h-animations). The unlikely thing you mentioned is "Nude Mode", which would have required the entire game be revamped, with totally new cutscenes, voicework, events, endings, animation for the 90+ sex animations etc. from the ground up; it would have taken years.
This new setup allows us to have a "mini-nude mode" in the final level, similar to Raiden's "nude event" when he has to escape while being naked in MGS2, sort of a "one hit death stealth mode" type thing, but only for a tiny area of the game with the aforementioned extra animations.
And finally, we do have something coming soon called the "Arousal Meter" which will change the way the sex plays out in-game; the tl;dr of it is that when you get grabbed, you can choose to do nothing, sex happens, which will do no health damage to Talia and add a "tick" on her "arousal meter". If she hits 5 ticks, she instantly experiences the same "fail state" you do at 0 HP.
If you break out of the grab, Talia takes no damage on her health or arousal meter, either one, and goes on like normal.
(Your choices above will add or subtract points from your "sexuality" meter at the end of the game, which alters endings. Having a high or low sexuality rating isn't a positive or a negative regarding endings or the game as a whole, it just is what it is, an arbitrary number that alters endings.)
Your "arousal state" will also change some cutscenes; not a lot, but it will change some. We're still deciding on how you can reduce your arousal meter, but it'll likely be from killing enemies.