@HentaiWriter Hey having played through a few of your builds I really love the game and artwork. My 2 fav animations where jumpbot and turtleguy failures. because of the position the char is in gives great visibility. Id love to see something more larger, and monsteresque take her (vag) in the same position!
We probably won't get any further past what the Celodst aliens are in that area, we want to keep things as humanoid as possible, but for larger enemies, the Electric Boss's contraption is pretty big, and the Earth Grunt sprite is probably the largest sprite in the game so far (once we get to that level/get that in there), at roughly 175% Talia's size, etc. Glad you like the game!
Way back when the fire-boss came out, I posted in the ULMF thread saying that the game ran so slow that the boss wasn't beatable charge-shot charged too slowly, the walls couldn't be destroyed before it caught you) HW got in touch and we talked a little about the issues I as having.
Trying the new demo out here, it's only gotten worse.
For anyone reading this, just scroll down to near the bottom; his issue was that he needed to disable V-sync and shaders for things to run well on his laptop, and we'll be putting in disclaimers about this so people know those options exist without having to discover them.
To start off, the Fire Level demo you played way back when was on a different engine than what we're running now; the game's current engine shouldn't give you any issues at all, besides the lighting, which I'll address below.
The newest demo actually has a lot of issues with slowdown, mainly due to people's graphics cards not being powerful enough to run the game; we'll be putting out an alternate version sometime this week that patches the lighting engine so it's not AS good, but it should run much more easily on low-end graphics processors, and the high end stuff will still be available.
Chargeshot is completely unuseable. 4+ seconds before the sparks even appear around Talia. (the soonest you can release, otherwise nothing happens)
Yeah, this is a slowdown thing, in the build running at full speed it's roughly 1.5s before you can fire off a charge shot, etc.
I also had issues just getting the game to launch. 10+ minutes after I pressed the .exe, before the window finally appeared.
This is likely an anti-virus checker or something else similar, or just a bogged down computer; anti-viruses sometimes false-flag it due to the code we have in the engine which they don't recognize (as most of it is custom code from the ground up), when we start it up it roughly takes about 5-6 seconds for the game to start up, and none of us have that high end of computers.
You might want to do a virus scan of your computer too, see if there's anything bloating it, programs running in the background, etc.
I know my laptop isn't top-of-the-line anymore, but I can run last-gen triple-A games (like skyrim) or other sprite-platformers like Indivisible.
The big difference with those games is that Skyrim is a 3D game, which can basically "remove/drop the quality" based on what's going on in real-time due to lower polygon counts and such (which a 2D game can't do unless it's in Flash or something similar)
As for Indivisible, it has two things going for it that make it less of a drain on a computer (and these aren't slights at it, we'd do this ourselves but it doesn't work for our game, and I could be wrong here as well, just going off what I know);
1) Most of the game is "compartmentalized", and by that I mean the gameplay as far as I know consists of two major types of gameplay;
A) run around and explore areas, at which point the game is using 3D graphics with 2D sprites, but the only 2D sprites are the player character and a few other odds and ends, which ties back into the "3D graphics can be made to be less polygons thing", so very little stress on the engine, and
B) the fights with enemies, at which point there are only (to my knowledge) 8 characters on screen at any given time, with no other 2D characters needing to be rendered, and again full 3D backgrounds which can be lowered in quality.
2) From what I can tell, besides some lighting, almost all of the game's effects are entirely illustrated, which is much less of a demand on the game than visual effects being done entirely with the engine, which we're currently doing in almost all cases (enemy flicker, GUI stuff, lighting, motion blur, etc.). The reason we're not hand-illustrating all the visual effects is simply because with the diversity of enemies/sprites/situations where visual effects would turn up, given that Triangulate is the only artist on the project, it'd take him far longer to do all the variations.
I should note that prior to the lighting update, less than 2% of players experienced any slowdown at all (we run monthly polls to get feedback on this kind of stuff), although after the lighting update, 30% of players experienced slowdown which is why we've made the alternate lighting engine version, but yeah, before that very few players had any problems with the new engine.
Something's seriously wrong with this game, if it's this level of unplayable, and that's the main thing stopping me from supporting the patron.
TBH, it's honestly this;
Edit: Disabling V-sync (both options) and shaders helped a ton, but the bossfight still runs poorly.
We put in those options so that if you're having lag, they should fix it; the boss fight still lags because of the immense amount of lights on the screen, but that's also something we've fixed with the new lighting engine too. We'll be adding some sort of disclaimer in the game to let players know that they need to disable V-sync/shaders if they're having issues running the game, and we currently have an option in there that automatically disables shaders if you're lagging (which is funny that it didn't do that on yours).
In fact, I'd like you to try out
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version 0.24a before we put in the lighting engine, and see if that helps you play easier. You'll probably still have to disable v-sync and shaders, though.

then i must've been behind. The v0.25/24 was the newest id seen posted by you since somewhere around the ice level release.
Yeah, that's not a public beta, that's a Patreon-based build