
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Yo is that possible to kill the first boss, its so hard.
Yep, just use your charge shot and blast through the walls and keep running; he "dies" when he hits the final wall at the end of the map, you're not supposed to try and kill him with your shots etc.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Are there extra scenes for beating the bosses? I've never actually tried to in any of the demos
There's no extra scenes for beating the bosses, but you get to progress in the game for beating them in the full game, so there's that :p

You also get a vague reminder of what one of the seven "virtues" in game you're most aligned with based on your cutscene and gameplay choices so far, so you know if you're getting the ending you want etc


Nov 10, 2017
@HentaiWriter Hey having played through a few of your builds I really love the game and artwork. My 2 fav animations where jumpbot and turtleguy failures. because of the position the char is in gives great visibility. Id love to see something more larger, and monsteresque take her (vag) in the same position!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Way back when the fire-boss came out, I posted in the ULMF thread saying that the game ran so slow that the boss wasn't beatable charge-shot charged too slowly, the walls couldn't be destroyed before it caught you) HW got in touch and we talked a little about the issues I as having.

Trying the new demo out here, it's only gotten worse.

Chargeshot is completely unuseable. 4+ seconds before the sparks even appear around Talia. (the soonest you can release, otherwise nothing happens)
She walks and jumps like she's on the moon whenever there's more than three enemies on-screen and the electric-boss spams so many projectiles that even the normal shot stops working occasionally.
The circle shot it does towards the end is the worst, often bringing the game down to single frames per second and not recognising any button-inputs.

I also had issues just getting the game to launch. 10+ minutes after I pressed the .exe, before the window finally appeared.

I know my laptop isn't top-of-the-line anymore, but I can run last-gen triple-A games (like skyrim) or other sprite-platformers like Indivisible.

Something's seriously wrong with this game, if it's this level of unplayable, and that's the main thing stopping me from supporting the patron.

The game has everything I like, the gameplay and H-content are great, but it just runs like absolute dogshit. I can't pay for something that I won't be able to play.

Edit: Disabling V-sync (both options) and shaders helped a ton, but the bossfight still runs poorly.
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2017
Glad you like it, he was worried people wouldn't think it was up to par or something :p

Oh, we don't have another public beta out yet, that's coming out in January!
:eek: then i must've been behind. The v0.25/24 was the newest id seen posted by you since somewhere around the ice level release.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
@HentaiWriter Hey having played through a few of your builds I really love the game and artwork. My 2 fav animations where jumpbot and turtleguy failures. because of the position the char is in gives great visibility. Id love to see something more larger, and monsteresque take her (vag) in the same position!
We probably won't get any further past what the Celodst aliens are in that area, we want to keep things as humanoid as possible, but for larger enemies, the Electric Boss's contraption is pretty big, and the Earth Grunt sprite is probably the largest sprite in the game so far (once we get to that level/get that in there), at roughly 175% Talia's size, etc. Glad you like the game! :D


Way back when the fire-boss came out, I posted in the ULMF thread saying that the game ran so slow that the boss wasn't beatable charge-shot charged too slowly, the walls couldn't be destroyed before it caught you) HW got in touch and we talked a little about the issues I as having.

Trying the new demo out here, it's only gotten worse.
For anyone reading this, just scroll down to near the bottom; his issue was that he needed to disable V-sync and shaders for things to run well on his laptop, and we'll be putting in disclaimers about this so people know those options exist without having to discover them.

To start off, the Fire Level demo you played way back when was on a different engine than what we're running now; the game's current engine shouldn't give you any issues at all, besides the lighting, which I'll address below.

The newest demo actually has a lot of issues with slowdown, mainly due to people's graphics cards not being powerful enough to run the game; we'll be putting out an alternate version sometime this week that patches the lighting engine so it's not AS good, but it should run much more easily on low-end graphics processors, and the high end stuff will still be available.

Chargeshot is completely unuseable. 4+ seconds before the sparks even appear around Talia. (the soonest you can release, otherwise nothing happens)
Yeah, this is a slowdown thing, in the build running at full speed it's roughly 1.5s before you can fire off a charge shot, etc.

I also had issues just getting the game to launch. 10+ minutes after I pressed the .exe, before the window finally appeared.
This is likely an anti-virus checker or something else similar, or just a bogged down computer; anti-viruses sometimes false-flag it due to the code we have in the engine which they don't recognize (as most of it is custom code from the ground up), when we start it up it roughly takes about 5-6 seconds for the game to start up, and none of us have that high end of computers.

You might want to do a virus scan of your computer too, see if there's anything bloating it, programs running in the background, etc.

I know my laptop isn't top-of-the-line anymore, but I can run last-gen triple-A games (like skyrim) or other sprite-platformers like Indivisible.
The big difference with those games is that Skyrim is a 3D game, which can basically "remove/drop the quality" based on what's going on in real-time due to lower polygon counts and such (which a 2D game can't do unless it's in Flash or something similar)

As for Indivisible, it has two things going for it that make it less of a drain on a computer (and these aren't slights at it, we'd do this ourselves but it doesn't work for our game, and I could be wrong here as well, just going off what I know);

1) Most of the game is "compartmentalized", and by that I mean the gameplay as far as I know consists of two major types of gameplay;
A) run around and explore areas, at which point the game is using 3D graphics with 2D sprites, but the only 2D sprites are the player character and a few other odds and ends, which ties back into the "3D graphics can be made to be less polygons thing", so very little stress on the engine, and
B) the fights with enemies, at which point there are only (to my knowledge) 8 characters on screen at any given time, with no other 2D characters needing to be rendered, and again full 3D backgrounds which can be lowered in quality.

2) From what I can tell, besides some lighting, almost all of the game's effects are entirely illustrated, which is much less of a demand on the game than visual effects being done entirely with the engine, which we're currently doing in almost all cases (enemy flicker, GUI stuff, lighting, motion blur, etc.). The reason we're not hand-illustrating all the visual effects is simply because with the diversity of enemies/sprites/situations where visual effects would turn up, given that Triangulate is the only artist on the project, it'd take him far longer to do all the variations.

I should note that prior to the lighting update, less than 2% of players experienced any slowdown at all (we run monthly polls to get feedback on this kind of stuff), although after the lighting update, 30% of players experienced slowdown which is why we've made the alternate lighting engine version, but yeah, before that very few players had any problems with the new engine.

Something's seriously wrong with this game, if it's this level of unplayable, and that's the main thing stopping me from supporting the patron.
TBH, it's honestly this;

Edit: Disabling V-sync (both options) and shaders helped a ton, but the bossfight still runs poorly.
We put in those options so that if you're having lag, they should fix it; the boss fight still lags because of the immense amount of lights on the screen, but that's also something we've fixed with the new lighting engine too. We'll be adding some sort of disclaimer in the game to let players know that they need to disable V-sync/shaders if they're having issues running the game, and we currently have an option in there that automatically disables shaders if you're lagging (which is funny that it didn't do that on yours).

In fact, I'd like you to try out version 0.24a before we put in the lighting engine, and see if that helps you play easier. You'll probably still have to disable v-sync and shaders, though.

:eek: then i must've been behind. The v0.25/24 was the newest id seen posted by you since somewhere around the ice level release.
Yeah, that's not a public beta, that's a Patreon-based build :p
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
This is likely an anti-virus checker or something else similar, or just a bogged down computer; anti-viruses sometimes false-flag it due to the code we have in the engine which they don't recognize (as most of it is custom code from the ground up), when we start it up it roughly takes about 5-6 seconds for the game to start up, and none of us have that high end of computers.
If it was my virus checker, it'd have popped up telling me there was a problem.
If it was PC bloat, then I'd have this issue whenever I tried to open any game.

Neither of those are the case.

The program showed up in task-manager as soon as I clicked it, but the actual game window didn't show up until multiple minutes later.

Even with both Vsync options off and the shader removed, the game still runs slowly, and the charge-shot still doesn't feel as fast or responsive as it feels like it should.

It's playable though, so I have high hopes that the new lighting engine is enough to fix the problem entirely.

While I have you here, have you considered changing the ice-shot mechanic to only use a 'charge' if it actually manages to freeze something?
It might have been due to the slowdown, but I've been having some trouble hitting moving targets with it. (especially electric balls that you have to freeze and jump off) so most of my shots end up wasted on walls.

The fact that you only get three tries before you have to sit and wait for a recharge means I was spending more time waiting than actually making the platforming attempt.

I dunno. Maybe there's a powerup that would have made it charge faster. I mostly went for anything that boosted damage, since I was stuck without charge-shot.

The slowdown might have been annoying, but it made me pick entirely new playstyles to try to counteract it, which is interesting.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
If it was my virus checker, it'd have popped up telling me there was a problem. If it was PC bloat, then I'd have this issue whenever I tried to open any game.
Virus checkers don't always pop up when there's a problem; they will scan through the game's files without telling you to make sure stuff is okay, especially Norton and a few other ones out there. We've had a pretty consistent problem with people using virus scanners and then having the game take ages to load up, and once they tell the virus scanner the program is trusted or disable it temporarily it starts up instantly.

Future versions will have an installed version to bypass virus scanners freaking out, but yeah.

The program showed up in task-manager as soon as I clicked it, but the actual game window didn't show up until multiple minutes later.
This actually points to it even more that the virus scanner is checking it before it opens; this also is consistent with people who have their scanners causing problems. It's entirely possible that's not the case, but yeah, unfortunately this is a very small minority of people who play the game who have this problem according to polls publicly and based on Patreon both.

While I have you here, have you considered changing the ice-shot mechanic to only use a 'charge' if it actually manages to freeze something?
It might have been due to the slowdown, but I've been having some trouble hitting moving targets with it. (especially electric balls that you have to freeze and jump off) so most of my shots end up wasted on walls.
We're actually going to do a workaround for this where the individual abilities get different bars; Fire Dash will be going down to 2 uses per a full mana bar, and the Ice Shot will get 5 uses, that sort of thing, because of the very issue you mentioned; there's also a mana regeneration-doubler powerup you can pick up, too.

(In the entire level though, there's only one instance of having to freeze electric shots to get to somewhere new, and it's for something special; we made sure all the level designs were setup so you'd never have to use the utility abilities to progress, and all maps should be accessible EXCEPT for portions of two maps which do need the utility abilities, but it's secret/reward areas, not mandatory ones.)


New Member
Jul 16, 2017
How do you unlock the anal beads at the boss of v.025? That option stays grayed out no matter what i do.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Uh, wow, we're behind on progress updates! I knew it'd been a while since I posted one of the updates from Patreon (we've still been updating weekly there) but not THIS long! Time to catch up fast! I'll be posting the heavy content-based Patreon updates every week or so until we're caught up.

Update for October 19th, 2017 - A New Song + Boss Update + Fire Dash Change

FrougeDev is polishing/finishing the Electric Boss!
Triangulate is continuing on Earth Level content!
I'm finishing off the Electric Level maps and cutscenes!
Fuyarinpa is back on Future Fragments!
Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!



If you remember last week's update with the Fragment Piece audio, well, here's the audio that'll play if you enter a room with a Fragment in the Electric Level;

Probably not what you were expecting, was it? :p



The boss is coming along just fine, we're currently incorporating the bullet patterns for the boss as well as it's other mechanics and finishing off the remaining rooms, so yeah, we think this'll be a pretty enjoyable boss!



One of the main problems with the game that we've been trying to rectify is that the Fire Dash allows you to blow through areas easily; to fix this, not only are we making changes to the mana bar system (more on that once we implement it, but it'll still keep things fair), but we're also changing the way the Fire Dash works with this next build.

Functionally, it still makes you dash forward and works the same, but it will no longer damage enemies. You're still invincible when you use it though.
The reason for this change is that you can only regain health by killing enemies, and as the dash allowed you to not only kill enemies but stay invincible while doing so, it was an easy way to stay topped off and have really no threats while navigating around the level.

If the game continues to feel easy where the player can just ignore enemies and proceed through the level, we might change the Fire Dash to ignore projectiles, but not ignore enemies (so you'd take damage trying to dash into an enemy) and the artwork for it would likely be slightly changed as well to reflect this difference in functionality. Going forward, we'll likely be making the utility abilities "true utility only", in that they can affect enemies or allow you to mitigate them, but it won't damage or kill them in any way, so that the Boss Charge Shots will be solely for damage, giving them more effectiveness as well.



As you can see above, the cinematic intro is complete; it'll be in the Electric Level, as well as all demos going forward!
The only thing left to do for it is for Fuyarinpa to make a synchronized track for it, which he's working on right now, and for voiceovers to be recorded for it as well.


Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!
The next demo, v026, will be out December 31st, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at and .)


Aug 15, 2017
Trying out the new lighted version I went upstairs immediately to the room where Faye tries to steal a fragment, after choosing not to give her one the game seized up and won't let me progress further. It's not 100% locked up, I can still hit escape to get to the option menu but otherwise it looks like this.



Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Interesting, we've never had anyone report this nor have we had it, I'll get Frouge on it and we'll test it out. Thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
We figured out the bug and it's fixed now :D

As far as the lighting engine though, has anyone here played the original v0.25 and had lots of lag? Please try out the version I posted above if so, we REALLY need feedback on it so we can know if the lighting changes for the new "basic lighting" are working better for people with lower end GPUs, laptops, etc.

We so far only have 8 votes over 24 hours, so yeah it'd be really appreciated!

If you haven't played v0.25 before, then you can test to see if the lighting engine is better for you by going into the options by pressing ESC, then going to the video options, then changing the lighting from basic to advanced to see if it makes your computer run way slower (assuming you have no lag on basic lighting; if you do, please tell us that too!)

But yeah voting in the poll is really appreciated :)
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New Member
Jul 7, 2017
so i've found (for me at least) setting the game to Run as Administrator improved loading times. (Incase people didn't try this)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017

Update for October 25th, 2017 - Cinematic Intro Complete + A "new" CG Artist

FrougeDev is polishing/finishing the Electric Boss as well as an update to the Fire Level Public Demo!
Triangulate is continuing on Earth Level content!
I'm finishing off the Electric Level maps and cutscenes!
Fuyarinpa is back on Future Fragments!
Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!



This intro, with synchronized music, will play upon opening the game in all demos from here on out!
You can of course skip it by pressing any button, but I'd like your opinions on it; I feel, while it is a few minutes long, it goes over the backstory pretty well, and the music being synchronized with it really makes it feel epic/drives the story home :D



So our previous CG artist, being too busy to work on both FF and Internal Interrogation as well as his own projects, we unfortunately had to let go. Instead of finding another artist though for Game Over CGs, I asked Triangulate if he'd like to take a shot at doing them himself, and he actually agreed this time around! (He was originally against doing them himself as he was new to the game's workflow when we first started to work together, and didn't feel confident enough in his art/speed to do so; after all this time working together though, he's now up to the challenge!)

And it looks like his doubts in himself were definitely unfounded, because in the span of just FIVE DAYS, he's torn through THREE CGs, with variations!

In fact, here's another Electric Level CG!
At the rate he's going, he should be done with all the Electric Level CGs well before the November demo's done!


The next demo, v026, will be out December 31st, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at and .)


so i've found (for me at least) setting the game to Run as Administrator improved loading times. (Incase people didn't try this)
Thanks for the tip, we've had success with that too!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Posted in PM, but Hentaiwriter asked me to say it here too.

0.25A completely fixed my slowdown problem. Setting the lights to 'simplified' or 'off' makes thinks run at full-speed again, even with antiA and shaders on.

Just thinking about the chargeshot now. Since it doesn't start charging until after talia fires off a normal shot and returns to her standing position, it feels much less responsive than it actually is.
Does anyone else get the same impression? Or am I just nitpicking over nothing?


New Member
Dec 23, 2017
ow man! the fact you still making 3 games at same time make me wonder why are you slowing so much to finish future fragments... now you started adding "bugs" to it to slow it down even more, like i said before its like you will rob 1,000,000 million dollars to make the game... and you did not finished it already (3 years)... fools people who belive this guy the game is like megaman so there is no need for much thing to do besides level making/creating, the things you are writing (history) too you can steal from some books too its not hard to find it...

lets me add some important things; when i says you are robbing people you always says you need to pay 500 dollars to the artist 1000 for atwork 2000 for anothers thing... DID YOU NOT PAY HIM ALREADY TOO? are you saying you paid 200,000 dollar for 50x50 pixels moving? are you idiot?

second; the demos you are releasing are just LEVELS so there is no real WORK to do beside YOUR part writing so is like you are gaining 3300 dollars to just stay in your house waiting for the artist make the cartoons... vagabond.

bye/have nice nightmare
3.70 star(s) 89 Votes