
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
As thirsty as I am for new animations, I know that as soon as I give in to make the pledge (hey dont judge if i backed every project I jerked off to id be broke as fuck) someone will post a link. **waits**
That, and there's a public/free demo coming up soon, too.


Nov 10, 2017
fuck I couldnt wait.... So played about an hour of the game and could not find any of the new faye scenes you were talking about in another post... Help???


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
We weren't able to get the Faye scenes in on this build, but we'll have them in the Patreon build in about 2 weeks, and the public build too, of course.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
streaming now and for the next 12 or so hours after the time of this post if all goes well


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017

It's been a while since I made some of the Patreon updates public, because we've been hammering out demos left and right and I've been focusing on that entirely!
So to catch up some, I've combined multiple Patreon updates into this public post.

Currently, we've just released v0.28, the first Earth Demo, and we'll be releasing the Public Electric demo on the 17th of this month if all goes well!

Additionally, if you'd like to see me stream level development live and ask questinos, please follow/go to !



This animation is something we've wanted in the game for a very long time; when Talia respawns at the Save Pad, it's using the information last "saved" when she stood on it to regenerate her entirely, exactly as she was at that moment.
The odd thing though is that everyone else in the WORM that's using these Save Pads in daily life can't remember anything past the moment they "saved" themselves, but Talia keeps her memories. I wonder why that is...
We'll have an animation for when Talia "saves" on the Save Pads, as well, too.



The lighting engine is in the game, in full now; there's Basic lighting, which uses the CPU to render some basic lighting (good for low end computers and laptops), and the Advanced lighting which does softer lighting and such, but uses the GPU, so some computers can't handle it. The game will automatically default to the strongest lighting your computer can handle while still running at maximum framerate.

The below map was a test that I did to stress the new lighting engine to its limits; amazingly, with over 500 enemies on screen, cannons, electric orbs, and more, the FPS of the game still ran at around 30-50.

Obviously we'd never get anywhere near this amount, so the Basic Lighting engine should be fine to run on your computers unless you have an ancient one, and we'll have things in store to deal with that (like turning off shaders outright, or a special option we'll be making in the future that'll disable only the most intensive graphical demands in the game).



The three biggest complaints about the Electric Boss were;
  • Getting back to Phase 3 by having to go through Phase 1 and 2 is annoying/hard (or you have very little life by then)
  • The sex animation boss doesn't seem to have any sense of "progression" like the others
  • There's no "finish/orgasm" animation for the boss either
You'll be happy to know we've fixed all three of these issues!

Now, if you die on Phase 3, when you go back to the boss, you'll be sent immediately to Phase 3 and will be skipping Phases 1 and 2.
For the progression, we've changed the boss up a bit so that you'll need to use each option to unlock subsequent ones, and tied into that progression, you'll need to activate the "finisher" animation for each device before proceeding too (which is a new animation of course).
Then, once you've unlocked everything, you can use the device as you want, with whatever options you want. We'll of course have audio/voice for all this too.



The cutscene editor/level editor is done and has been sent out to backers for a while now; you can see me using it on the livestreams, but it's fairly robust and comes with a really extensive tutorial/glossary on how to use it to make your own maps and cutscenes, as well.

Come sometime around March or April, we'll be introducing a "map injection" system into the game's demos which will let you send your maps to anyone you'd like, and then if they have a copy of the game/demo, they can try out your maps! This will be present in the full game as well, of course.



Currently we're recording an enormous amount of voice acting for the game between 15 different voice actors, at a calculated finished total of over 4 hours of voice acting!
There's also the Gold Picture Databanks that have been added, and cutscenes and databanks that change based on earlier cutscenes/databanks that you read of course, too.
The final game will actually give you points based on your choices/actions in cutscenes, which will then tally up to decide the final ending to the game you'll get.

Here's some more of the already in/soon to be implemented content;
  • over 30 different cutscenes (yes, including the special faye and talia unique sex scenes)
  • lots more verbal interactions with the boss
  • small quality of life additions like ice-frozen enemies giving warnings they're about to defrost
  • game over CGs with multiple variations
  • actual visible progress (no more just getting on a save pad and going back to the start aimlessly) for beating paths
And so on!



So Fuyarinpa went kinda nuts since the last update! He knocked out a total of 8 tracks, one of which we unfortunately can't share yet because of spoilers, but here's 7 of them we can share!

Starting off with the most important of them all, here's the Seeber Databanks theme;

As we're getting closer and closer to the end-game of Future Fragments, there's unfortunately going to be some mild spoilers that have to exist by way of the level itself functioning as we want.
One of these is making it fairly obvious that yes, Seeber is a major part of the game's plot and as you get more and more through the game you'll be hearing more and more about him.
Another is that all of the Gold Databanks in the game, which you are required to find and read to be able to unlock the true ending, are going to play the Seeber Databanks theme, so obviously, they will be about Seeber.

As you play through the public Electric Demo in February, you'll likely notice offhand mentions of him; see if you can piece together all of these bits of information I've put about him throughout the game. You might be able to figure out the start of the truth behind the game, if you do. ;)

Coming up after it, here's four tracks which are event-based tracks; that means that these will play during cutscenes, either at the start of a cutscene or once something happens to trigger them.

Despair -
Deep Thinking -
Comedic -
Crisis & Intense -

Three of these are fairly obvious what they're about, but just to clarify, the Deep Thinking track is for when Talia is faced with a very tough choice, one that will affect future cutscenes much more than your average choice during any of the other cutscenes in the game, so this one will be used sparingly.

And finally, we've got the two remaining new tracks;

Game Over CG, Electric Level Version -
Bad Ending #1 -

The Game Over CG music will play for the duration of a Game Over CG for the Electric Level, so that one's fairly obvious.

The Bad Ending song, however, represents one of the possible "not so great endings" you can get at the end of the game; even if you get the "true ending", there are variables that you can have if you decide to play the game in a really, really odd way (like being a dick to everyone or completely apathetic or extremely naive) which would result in one of the possible "bad" endings.

That said, "bad" in this case is subjective; some of you may actually enjoy what "bad" here pertains to. Then again, most of you probably won't, haha.


The next demo, v026v2, will be out February 14th, and will have a number of improvements and additions; after that is the public demo, v027 on the 17th, and then the second Earth Demo, v029 on the 28th of February! :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at and .)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Do I need to play the builds in some order?

I feel like i'm missing something.
Each demo is a stand-alone level; this is because we add in new global gameplay mechanics and such with each level as we get closer to everything in the game being added in, etc.

However, we don't include previous levels in builds because we would need to add those concepts to previous levels as well, and as we're always testing/fixing new additions, it saves a lot of time if we wait until we have everything in the game, all balanced and working properly, and *then* we add it to all the previous levels in one fell swoop.

This also lets us continually push forward with new content/demo releases instead of spending a lot of time adding new content to previous levels/fixing things there, etc.
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