
New Member
Jan 17, 2021
Yeah ud have to save right before and then just reload

Depends, a lot got removed in the final update, would help if you could narrow it down by level as thats how the demos came out
Might have to hit you up for some of the older versions and or saves if you have any some time =), please..or if anyone has any of them.
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Lord Kimmek

Sep 7, 2018
I am close to finishing the game, I was defending it because i was playing the first levels. But uh. 2 of the last levels are basically betas. Like the rooms are all empty. There's enemies? But the scenes aren't even all there.
I have some doubts that it is this difficult to finish the game. I understand slow progress...

But is it weirdly unfinished? Like shockingly? Yes. If you charged me 20$ for a game like this, would I pay? Uh it's a bit on the edge. Do I care how long it took to get to this point? Not really, since again it's not like I paid them by the month (maybe others did). I obviously wanted them to finish it fast so i could play it.

I would not really say that this game is finished, as much as I want to enjoy it.

But if someone understands game development i would love to know if hw's progress is actually a liiiiiiiiittle bit slow.. in a suspicious way. No point flaming the author since I haven't even checked up on the game's history, but simply put, it's pretty damn weird how the progress looks. Although what would change my mind is if someone who does game dev says 'it's fucked' and here's why.

Anyway kids, if you use patreon in the future, be sure to use a Privacy card so you don't forget it's on. moral of the story.

Go play lorrain by Octopussy and give her (i think) your money. Seems super friendly, committed, respectful.
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Feb 23, 2024
I am close to finishing the game, I was defending it because i was playing the first levels. But uh. 2 of the last levels are basically betas. Like the rooms are all empty. There's enemies? But the scenes aren't even all there.
I have some doubts that it is this difficult to finish the game. I understand slow progress...

But is it weirdly unfinished? Like shockingly? Yes. If you charged me 20$ for a game like this, would I pay? Uh it's a bit on the edge. Do I care how long it took to get to this point? Not really, since again it's not like I paid them by the month (maybe others did). I obviously wanted them to finish it fast so i could play it.

I would not really say that this game is finished, as much as I want to enjoy it.

But if someone understands game development i would love to know if hw's progress is actually a liiiiiiiiittle bit slow.. in a suspicious way. No point flaming the author since I haven't even checked up on the game's history, but simply put, it's pretty damn weird how the progress looks. Although what would change my mind is if someone who does game dev says 'it's fucked' and here's why.

Anyway kids, if you use patreon in the future, be sure to use a Privacy card so you don't forget it's on. moral of the story.

Go play lorrain by Octopussy and give her (i think) your money. Seems super friendly, committed, respectful.
its crazy, what was even added since the demos? since the first attempted "release" on steam. imo they just tried to replace the noncon stuff and were deadset on getting it fully voice acted rather than actually finishing the base game


Sep 7, 2021
Will the gallery eventually have the bosses added to it?
Does anyone have any idea, or a way to warp back to boss fights to do again? (I suppose this could be done strategically with saves though)
I'm fairly positive the plan is to have the boss scenes added.
There is no actual way to go back normally, but by altering your save file you can do it, I'm not sure if it'll break anything, but I'd bet that it'll mess with the progression.
I had a save editor that automated this, but I lost it when my computer died on me. Either I'll find it in my files or remake it, and if that doesn't work, I could probably write up some steps to do it.
There are a number of scenes in extracted gallery I was unable to find in game, please tell me were I can find these scenes. Thanks in advance. View attachment 3503877 View attachment 3503878 View attachment 3503879 View attachment 3503880 View attachment 3503881
Tophat guy is in the first level, you just need to talk to him after seeing an enemy of his same type.
The Faye scenes I believe aren't present right now due to their cutscenes being incomplete.
I think the other 2 Talia scenes are at the end of the game if you get the fragments or the gold databanks or something, I'm not entirely sure but I feel like I've run across them.
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Feb 23, 2024
Hilariously I made the exact same reference and comment half a year ago during the final fire demo

Unrelated to all of this when this game first released the dev asked or said they believed they could fix a lot of the bugs/missing content within a month/4 weeks I couldn't find the post but I did find this message from another user so I know I'm at least not crazy. (This message was posted on Feb 25th)

I decided "alright I'm not really in a rush to play anyway, I've waited 9 years I can come back to this in a month from now when it's complete", so a lil more than a month passes and I decide to check up on the game and see it's progress so I can give it a proper play, after digging around a bit I find this post on the steam forums.

View attachment 3501601
Y'know I'm not really sure what I expected. I'm not out here calling him a liar... but what I will say is despite being bedridden, in and out of urgent care, and absolutely doped up on 4 different medicines his average response time to someone posting on that community steam forums is within 1 hour. I challenge you all to go to the steam forums, and click on a random discussion post and see how long it takes him to reply to a post. The most I found was 4-5 hours. But mostly stuff within 30-60 minutes. I get it, he's bedridden with nothing better to do, but it's astonishing how little his posting behavior changes despite being hospitalized lol.

I won't be one to call him a liar, but I have to ask if his team engages in recreational doorknob licking, I see a 4 year old and 6 year old niece every month who I'm quite sure DO engage in recreational doorknob licking, and I get deliberating illness less often than this team.

Anyway moving on from that "we've decided to do patches less often, but have them be much larger patches as we found people didn't know the difference between 1.00 and 1.01" yes I'm sure that's the reason. I'm not saying his reasoning is wrong, just that I don't think that's his only reason for deciding to do patches less often :p.

The end level map reworks is probably a good change, there's been quite a bit of complaints there. But yeah, most important thing people will overlook is his choice of words "patches" and "upcoming patch" which implies there will be more needed to fix all the content and stuff that was suppose to be in this game on release. Buckle up kiddo's we're in for another year of development. Maybe the game will be finished by it's 10th birthday.

Bonus screenshot:
View attachment 3501631
While I was searching for info on the new patch I spotted this exchange on his blog page. Does anyone else think it's weird to pay money for a bundle which contains free games/demos? Like I'm sure there were actual games that cost money in the bundle, but if you are spending money to buy a bundle, it's not an unreasonable expectation for said bundle to contain things that cost money right? Including free games/demos feels deceptive way of "increasing the value" of the bundle. Doing a bit of sleuthing I believe this is the bundle in question after doing some basic math if you were to separately buy every game in this bundle it would cost you exactly 38~$ if you ignored sales going on for any of these games. The bundle itself cost 40$. Anyone else think this is weird?

View attachment 3501651

LMAO. The year is 2024 and FF is still polishing and releasing demo's.
hes not even the coder etc for the game, what does him being ill have to do with the gallery not being in-game
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Feb 23, 2024
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Apr 23, 2018
I am close to finishing the game, I was defending it because i was playing the first levels. But uh. 2 of the last levels are basically betas. Like the rooms are all empty. There's enemies? But the scenes aren't even all there.
I have some doubts that it is this difficult to finish the game. I understand slow progress...
Good of you to admit that much at least, some of his staunchest 5 star perfect game defenders here can't even admit that much.

But is it weirdly unfinished? Like shockingly? Yes. If you charged me 20$ for a game like this, would I pay? Uh it's a bit on the edge. Do I care how long it took to get to this point? Not really, since again it's not like I paid them by the month (maybe others did). I obviously wanted them to finish it fast so i could play it.

I would not really say that this game is finished, as much as I want to enjoy it.

But if someone understands game development i would love to know if hw's progress is actually a liiiiiiiiittle bit slow.. in a suspicious way. No point flaming the author since I haven't even checked up on the game's history, but simply put, it's pretty damn weird how the progress looks. Although what would change my mind is if someone who does game dev says 'it's fucked' and here's why.
It's easy to get confused why people are annoyed with this dev and this game, taking 9-10 years to release a 5 stage platformer is a bit clownish but that's not why people are most annoyed. People are most annoyed because of all the BS we've been told over the years, here's a small selection of some release dates we've gotten.


This game has simultaneously been 90% complete and only a few months away from release for the last 4+ years. This isn't even all of the release dates we've missed I would LOVE to see what game he was going to submit that many years ago. The broken promises and lack of transparency is what bothers people the most. "We can't release the game right now because there is a steam sale going on and we don't want our game being overshadowed", no the game is not ready to be released yet that is why you can't release it, stop blaming the steam sale for your delay. "We are waiting for the VA's to record the audio we need so we can't release the game", no the game is not ready yet you are just blaming someone else. "This is the absolute last release date we will submit whatever we have to steam by this date" of course he fails to mention he is submitting the game with full knowledge it will be rejected by steam because it's not nearly as complete as he makes out to be. "The other 4 levels of this game are near completion (in reference to level 2,3,4,5)" and that he had people testing them, but that must of been a lie as well because it is very clear to anyone this game was not tested because demo text managed to find it's way into the full release, and there are story critical bugs by the 2nd level, the the final level is a total mess.

And then you have stuff like this which I find inexcusable:

How do you leave in placeholder text written 5 years ago, this would of taken a 5 minute edit to change at worst even if the cheats don't work how do you let demo placeholder text get into a full release. It reeks of sloppiness to me. Like all the progress we saw was smoke and mirrors and this project was stitched together last minute with demos made 4 years ago that they could of done whenever, but instead chose to milk the patreon a bit longer till it was no longer possible.

It took him 1 year to polish the fire level and stitch an already complete game together. Most of the game has been complete for years the only noticeable changes are the nebulous personality system, some NPC's, the silver data banks, and some actual story writing.

Do you think it's merely a coincidence that the levels best put together are the same ones we got public demo's for 1-3 years ago? And the ones we didn't see public demo's for recently (2,4,5) are the ones with the most bugs and issues (almost like we were being shown a polished picture rather than the actual state of the game to appease the patreon backers)? You don't need to be a game developer to realize something isn't right here. It's hard to even begin to comment where this project went wrong because of the lack of transparency on it's progress, missing release dates is normal and can happen for any project especially those that feature creep but missing 5-7+ release dates year after year while still being told "the game is almost done" is what set the alarm bells off for people worried this was a patreon scam project because it follows the exact same sort of pattern. If this is what the game looks like today, imagine what it might of looked like at any of those release dates, some of which are only a handful of months apart.

And don't get me wrong FF is hardly the worst patreon project out there, at least it managed to release a game, and the dev does seem to actually care about it unlike some of the other projects that just get dumped or lied about it being worked on when it's not. I just question what on earth happened late 2022 when he kept pushing the release date back by a month only to later go "2023 for sure" and how he managed to spend a full year working on a game that was already complete and still managed to release it incomplete.


Jul 22, 2019
I am close to finishing the game, I was defending it because i was playing the first levels. But uh. 2 of the last levels are basically betas. Like the rooms are all empty. There's enemies? But the scenes aren't even all there.
I have some doubts that it is this difficult to finish the game. I understand slow progress...

But is it weirdly unfinished? Like shockingly? Yes. If you charged me 20$ for a game like this, would I pay? Uh it's a bit on the edge. Do I care how long it took to get to this point? Not really, since again it's not like I paid them by the month (maybe others did). I obviously wanted them to finish it fast so i could play it.

I would not really say that this game is finished, as much as I want to enjoy it.

But if someone understands game development i would love to know if hw's progress is actually a liiiiiiiiittle bit slow.. in a suspicious way. No point flaming the author since I haven't even checked up on the game's history, but simply put, it's pretty damn weird how the progress looks. Although what would change my mind is if someone who does game dev says 'it's fucked' and here's why.

Anyway kids, if you use patreon in the future, be sure to use a Privacy card so you don't forget it's on. moral of the story.

Go play lorrain by Octopussy and give her (i think) your money. Seems super friendly, committed, respectful.
Hello there, game dev here. I have experience mostly with Unity but I know a little about other engines. I can explain to you on a conceptual level how a video game is developed in a way that is easy to understand.

First of all, I must warn that I have not played the game, I am going to base myself on the main reviews that I have been reading here to diagnose the development problems (which are still very evident to me). Also, english is not my native language so I will try to make myself understood as best as possible.

Making a game is not as complicated as it may seem; It certainly takes time and work, but today's graphics engines save a lot of time and help a lot in building whatever you want to do. For example, one of the loudest complaints was the gallery, and let me tell you that that is especially easy to do, in fact it is the easiest of the entire development, because put crudely, it is simply taking a set of objects, putting them in a box, adding a couple of buttons and little else, unlocking them to appear is also easy to do.

The only way for this to get complicated is if you are at a very advanced stage of development and you realize that your code is a disaster, to the point where if you move something everything breaks, so you can't make your gallery because when you try, the game stops working. This is normal for newbies, and if you find yourself in a situation like this, you probably have the same problem in other areas of the game and therefore your best option is to start over instead of trying to solve that problem, simply because it will take you more time to solve these chained problems than to restart the project from the beginning and with clearer ideas.

I would like to go over each and every one of the problems I have read but I don't want to go on that long. That would be too much text.

Now, to start the development of a video game you need something very important: a GDD (Game Design Document), where you describe your video game in detail so that you already have all your ideas clear from the beginning and do not have problems during development (as with the gallery thing). If you already have plans to build a tower, you will know how and where to start, but if you don't, you will have to improvise and it will eventually collapse.

In summary, for me, the problem is in the person who is in charge of the direct development of the game, and I mean the direction, I don't know if HW is the director and programmer at the same time, but the problem is in one of these two roles.

HW clearly DOES NOT HAVE a GDD and therefore this is what happens. If HW had a GDD, then his programmer is a newbie (assuming he's hiring one).


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
I'm fairly positive the plan is to have the boss scenes added.
There is no actual way to go back normally, but by altering your save file you can do it, I'm not sure if it'll break anything, but I'd bet that it'll mess with the progression.
I had a save editor that automated this, but I lost it when my computer died on me. Either I'll find it in my files or remake it, and if that doesn't work, I could probably write up some steps to do it.

Tophat guy is in the first level, you just need to talk to him after seeing an enemy of his same type.
The Faye scenes I believe aren't present right now due to their cutscenes being incomplete.
I think the other 2 Talia scenes are at the end of the game if you get the fragments or the gold databanks or something, I'm not entirely sure but I feel like I've run across them.
Sounds good, thank you sir, please let me know!


Sep 7, 2021
Sounds good, thank you sir, please let me know!
Managed to find it, it only works on Windows, it is a batch file, and it alters the ffdata_slot_1.sav (autosave slot), so read it or scan it if you're concerned.
Since it modifies the save slot itself, I would make a manual save to a different slot just so you don't lose anything.

To use it, just make sure you're not in game when you run it, either be out of the game or the main menu. After running it'll give you a prompt to walk you through the things it can do. Then just load the first slot.

Things it can do:
Change level
Unlock/Lock all powerups
Change ideals

Things it can't do:
It can't unlock achievements directly, therefore it can't unlock the gallery. Although it should make getting some achievements easier.
Give databanks (I could do this, it'd take awhile for me to get it figured out)
Give fragments (this one would be harder to do, but maybe it'd work, I really don't know)
Alter level progression (theoretically I could do this, but it'd take some time)
Alter Faye reputation (maybe I could do this, I'm really not sure due to how this value is saved)
Alter previous character choices (even if I knew how to do this, there are so many alterations and whatnot, I probably won't do it, although I could add a function to delete all choices pretty quick, I haven't seen any issues in progression doing this manually, but who knows)

Disclaimer: Since this thing doesn't change the flags and values associated with character choices, it might break some cutscenes. So maybe start a new game, save at the first pad, then use it just so if anything you'd have fewer checks in place than the game would expect.

Last edited:


Mar 15, 2023
Managed to find it, it only works on Windows, it is a batch file, and it alters the ffdata_slot_1.sav (autosave slot), so read it or scan it if you're concerned.
Since it modifies the save slot itself, I would make a manual save to a different slot just so you don't lose anything.

To use it, just make sure you're not in game when you run it, either be out of the game or the main menu. After running it'll give you a prompt to walk you through the things it can do.

Things it can do:
Change level
Unlock/Lock all powerups
Change ideals

Things it can't do:
Give databanks (I could do this, it'd take awhile for me to get it figured out)
Give fragments (this one would be harder to do, but maybe it'd work, I really don't know)
Alter level progression (theoretically I could do this, but it'd take some time)
Alter Faye reputation (maybe I could do this, I'm really not sure due to how this value is saved)
Alter previous character choices (even if I knew how to do this, there are so many alterations and whatnot, I probably won't do it, although I could add a function to delete all choices pretty quick, I haven't seen any issues in progression doing this manually, but who knows)

Disclaimer: Since this thing doesn't change the flags and values associated with character choices, it might break some cutscenes. So maybe start a new game, save at the first pad, then use it just so if anything you'd have fewer checks in place than the game would expect.

so how do i activate it?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2021
Hello there, game dev here. I have experience mostly with Unity but I know a little about other engines. I can explain to you on a conceptual level how a video game is developed in a way that is easy to understand.

First of all, I must warn that I have not played the game, I am going to base myself on the main reviews that I have been reading here to diagnose the development problems (which are still very evident to me). Also, english is not my native language so I will try to make myself understood as best as possible.

Making a game is not as complicated as it may seem; It certainly takes time and work, but today's graphics engines save a lot of time and help a lot in building whatever you want to do. For example, one of the loudest complaints was the gallery, and let me tell you that that is especially easy to do, in fact it is the easiest of the entire development, because put crudely, it is simply taking a set of objects, putting them in a box, adding a couple of buttons and little else, unlocking them to appear is also easy to do.

The only way for this to get complicated is if you are at a very advanced stage of development and you realize that your code is a disaster, to the point where if you move something everything breaks, so you can't make your gallery because when you try, the game stops working. This is normal for newbies, and if you find yourself in a situation like this, you probably have the same problem in other areas of the game and therefore your best option is to start over instead of trying to solve that problem, simply because it will take you more time to solve these chained problems than to restart the project from the beginning and with clearer ideas.

I would like to go over each and every one of the problems I have read but I don't want to go on that long. That would be too much text.

Now, to start the development of a video game you need something very important: a GDD (Game Design Document), where you describe your video game in detail so that you already have all your ideas clear from the beginning and do not have problems during development (as with the gallery thing). If you already have plans to build a tower, you will know how and where to start, but if you don't, you will have to improvise and it will eventually collapse.

In summary, for me, the problem is in the person who is in charge of the direct development of the game, and I mean the direction, I don't know if HW is the director and programmer at the same time, but the problem is in one of these two roles.

HW clearly DOES NOT HAVE a GDD and therefore this is what happens. If HW had a GDD, then his programmer is a newbie (assuming he's hiring one).
This is definitely part of it, but I think it is also at least a little malicious. The fact that the last third of the game isn't content complete after the first major update after launch, 2 and a half years after all the core engine and asset work was done and released, is simple inexcusable. Bugs I can forgive, but they should at least have the decency to sell a completed game.

The other thing that really bothers me about this project is the absolutely excessive amount of unnecessary lore and voice acting. There are at least 20 voiced databanks per level that take multiple minutes each to play out (if you actually listen to them, and I doubt many do). It's charming for the first few minutes, but after that it seriously detracts from the gameplay and story. The writing itself also isn't bad, it's just bloated and fluffed to be 3-4x longer than it needs to be. So much time and money was spent fleshing out this part of the game rather than designing more interesting levels and refining combat.

Like fucking seriously, do we need a voice acted, in-universe explanation as to why the world is a labyrinthine collection of branching hallways?
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Active Member
Jul 23, 2017
This is definitely part of it, but I think it is also at least a little malicious. The fact that the last third of the game isn't content complete after the first major update after launch, 2 and a half years after all the core engine and asset work was done and released, is simple inexcusable. Bugs I can forgive, but they should at least have the decency to sell a completed game.

The other thing that really bothers me about this project is the absolutely excessive amount of unnecessary lore and voice acting. There are at least 20 voiced databanks per level that take multiple minutes each to play out (if you actually listen to them, and I doubt many do). It's charming for the first few minutes, but after that it seriously detracts from the gameplay and story. The writing itself also isn't bad, it's just bloated and fluffed to be 3-4x longer than it needs to be. So much time and money was spent fleshing out this part of the game rather than designing more interesting levels and refining combat.

Like fucking seriously, do we need a voice acted, in-universe explanation as to why the world is a labyrinthine collection of branching hallways?
In my opinion the writing is rather juvenile. It reads like the kind of thing a high school kid might write. It's tolerable I guess. In regards to the lore banks they are way too long and there are far too many of them. The biggest issue is that if you want to listen to all of them, which is how I normally play my games, the ratio between gameplay and the data banks is awful. Even if they were all super interesting and well written it would still be bad. If the lore banks were mostly sexual content, like I was anticipating going into it, it would be better. But they're just extremely boring.
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Dec 19, 2020
In my opinion the writing is rather juvenile. It reads like the kind of thing a high school kid might write. It's tolerable I guess. In regards to the lore banks they are way too long and there are far too many of them. The biggest issue is that if you want to listen to all of them, which is how I normally play my games, the ratio between gameplay and the data banks is awful. Even if they were all super interesting and well written it would still be bad. If the lore banks were mostly sexual content, like I was anticipating going into it, it would be better. But they're just extremely boring.
REPORTED by BASED HentaiWriter for spreading MISINFORMATION in the form of CRITICISM (which isn't real and is just disguised complaining).

yes I know this is a shitpost but I couldn't help it. Also I'd bet good money HW did, in fact, report this post.
3.70 star(s) 89 Votes