Aug 11, 2017
Had such high hopes for this game.. Could've been something incredible. But every day we get more and more bad news. Sad thing to see, but nothing can be done.

Small tits are best

Active Member
Nov 27, 2018
P_S_Y_C_H_O your game is one of the best out there keep it going at your own pace . if you burn your self out there will be no fun in it no more for you so remember health and sanity is important . loyal supporters will stick by you . stay healthy my friend i and others will wait (y)


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2018
If you're planning to release a partial update make sure you are clear in your mind what the finished update will be. Do make plenty of notes - it is not easy getting back in the groove after a break.
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Aug 13, 2017
P_S_Y_C_H_O : Don't worry Man. Just take your time and do the job as perfectly as you would like to. I know that you might take some time but you do deliver.

I think most of us your die-hard fans think that the perfection of this game is simply out of all leagues.... just keep us updated if you can man. We miss you on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
P_S_Y_C_H_O : Don't worry too much about what the community feels, you gotta do you to be healthy. I would offer some bits of thought. Maybe your aspirations exceed your abilities. That is not a bad thing, but saying you are halfway though a build, and you are having this much stress, make the build less of a gourmet meal with 15 courses, and more of a typical meal for a couple.

Burnout is a bitch and if it is affecting your health, then you gotta start to think about how to help yourself out, and make it so you are healthy and can work productively. As someone who works 16 hours days frequently, I know how this works and you cannot work like this forever. I understand you have plans, but make the plans more bite size, and then you have more of a sense of accomplishment. There is a dev on this site, which like literally their changelog states they updated the version number when they release a new version. Their list is three pages long of what they did each release. Don't look at it like you gotta update a whole story for character A, B, C, D, etc. It is okay to release content for A, then the next time B, etc.

Just get well, and I hope to see more coming from you soon. However more importantly, hope you find a way to do this in a way that you are happy and healthy.
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Aug 13, 2017
P_S_Y_C_H_O : Don't worry too much about what the community feels, you gotta do you to be healthy. I would offer some bits of thought. Maybe your aspirations exceed your abilities. That is not a bad thing, but saying you are halfway though a build, and you are having this much stress, make the built less of a gourmet meal with 15 courses, and more of a typical meal for a couple.

Burnout is a bitch and if it is affecting your health, then you gotta start to think about how to help yourself out, and make it so you are healthy and can work productively. As someone who works 16 hours days frequently, I know how this works and you cannot work like this forever. I understand you have plans, but make the plans more bite size, and then you have more of a sense of accomplishment. There is a dev on this site, which like literally their changelog states they updated the version number when they release a new version. Their list is three pages long of what they did each release. Don't look at it like you gotta update a whole story for character A, B, C, D, etc. It is okay to release content for A, then the next time B, etc.

Just get well, and I hope to see more coming from you soon. However more importantly, hope you find a way to do this in a way that you are happy and healthy.
P_S_Y_C_H_O : I really do think that mordred93 is absolutely right on the part where you should take it a bit easy. I too am in a job which takes a lot of my time. I understand the burnout. However, I do want to state that when one works on his/her passion, the accomplishments take your stresses out like no other. BUT you do have to take into account you health most of all. Without health, you won't be able to accomplish anything. So best of luck and work the right amount. Balance is most important. Just focus on your goals. Everything will fall into place. Best of Luck!


Aug 11, 2019
P_S_Y_C_H_O Please, PLEASE, don't burn yourself out working man. Your game is worth it, we will wait for it, but please your health is first and foremost. If you feel stressed out take a break, we won't hold a grudge or any of that crap because you took your time with the update, fuck that, as I said, your health is more important.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
In all honesty, if you produce on average 2 renders a day over a 4,5 month period and still feel too much preassure/stress from that work load you might want to consider taking a step back from developing.. the output is not close to being on par with the discomfort you seam to experience, might just be better to take a break then. Best of luck


Dec 5, 2017
In all honesty, if you produce on average 2 renders a day over a 4,5 month period and still feel too much preassure/stress from that work load you might want to consider taking a step back from developing.. the output is not close to being on par with the discomfort you seam to experience, might just be better to take a break then. Best of luck
Evaluating someone's workload with simple mathematics has always been a very insightful way to adequately judge things.


Dec 5, 2017
Yet people are so lonely and horny that they'll waste their money on this type of stuff when they feel a connection to a homeless girl that lives in a sewer beside some sleazy motel, so I guess I don't really care what happens to 'em. Psycho can fleece them for all the money he wants.
Not going to debate that with you. Disparaging remarks against his patreons is something you can discuss with their patreons, of which I'm not one of.

Let's focus on your request, which I shall kindly accede to.
If you think he is wrong, then explain how rather than saying he could be wrong because of some BS belief of yours. The fact is that his supporters have paid for up to 4 months now and were told they would get a full update in October. It's nearly been a month now and they just now receive news that they won't even be getting a full update this month. If this dev really wants to keep people behind him I think he should change his Patreon to only accept donations when new updates release. He's clearly shown that the amount of content he makes is not worth monthly payments.
Very well, here goes:

The work of a developer, especially in video games, in not always quantifiable or immediately visible.
Often you don't just produce content, you have to program and create mechanics, devise calculations, and consider the program code. At other times you may have to do extensive work to set up a single shot. What to the audience is a couple pictures in front of a forest background is a forest background that had to be created.
Sometimes, especially with 3D assets, these can be partially bought and then adjusted. But quite often, you have to do a lot yourself. Every stone, every leaf, everything that is visible must exist before it can be placed. And just because it looks okay in your program doesn't mean it'll look good ingame. That's when you realize you have to go back, redo the shots, change the lighting pattern, add new lights, remove others, and have everything, every frame, rendered anew.
The result is that often times, much work can be done, exhaustively so, but nothing is at a state where it will be visible to the audience.

Let me give you a concrete example:
I've joined an artist who's designing a game about a month ago. The game is in its infancy, only a tech demo was released. The patreon has only 3 patreons, and they're just there out of curiosity to see the patreon posts and what progress happens behind that scene.

During this month, 0 content has been added to the game. No new fights, no new dialogue, no new maps, no new encounters, nothing.

Now I'm in the fortunate position that there's, currently, no one really interested and no one really bothered by that. But what if there was? That person might very well look at the content and say:
"What a dastardly thing! You and the artist must be lazy! You're exploiting your 3 poor patreons!"

So... what did happen?
  • We revamped the artstyle, replaced all previous characters with new, much improved versions
  • We added a clothing system that allow clothing to be switched which alters the appearance of the character in the menu, the map and in combat
  • We overhauled and revamped the combat system, added a new combat interface, created blinking animations for the characters, recalculated the balancing system and designed entire excel spreadsheets that allow precise balancing calculations to ensure the engagements are challenging and tense but fair. (Which requires about 6 different plugins, partially rewritten to functions, and one I had to code myself)
  • We improved the lighting system, added shadow-generation, had to find out how to create multiple shadow & lightlayers and designed a system that allows us to get different lighting & different daytimes
  • We created a weather system that realistically changes cloud movement & rain patterns depending on the wind, that respects existing weather patterns when generating new ones in order to ensure that the differerent weather layers match up
  • We designed new systems for how to depict water, ensuring it's smoothly flowing, fluid and beautiful, rather than static barely animated pixels
  • We set up new game mechanics, such as lockpicking, and overhauled the stat system
  • I wrote about 20 pages of background story & character backgrounds to flesh out the characters and set them up
  • + many, many more detail adjustments, bugfixes, compatibility issues, etc.

The point is: game-wise no new content is present. But an immense amount of work was done, often 8-12 hours a day, in order to make sophisticated systems work in an engine that wasn't designed for them. From dialogue systems, dialogue functionality and dialogue patterns to control the focus of the player and clearly indicate who's speaking, Sexscene template designs & system decisions, to all the stuff above with combat mechanics & visual details, day & night systems, weather patterns, etc.

Sometimes it's hard to see in actual content how much work is done behind the scene. Often you can't just plug things in, can't just "add a few lines of code and it'll all work". You need to try and try again, experiment and find solutions as to why what should be working isn't.

Do I know that this creator has done a lot of work in the past 4 months? No.
No I don't. I don't have the evidence for that. Just like you.

But I understand that sometimes, a lot of the work isn't visible in content, or will only be visible at some point in the future.
And that's why I'm not quick to judge a creator who's kept updating his community, who briefs them about the progress and doesn't just "disappear in silence" like many of those who actually exploit their fans, when he's upfront about it AND notifies them that he's planning to switch to an update-based patreon payment plan.


Dec 5, 2017
The dev hasn't put out an update since June, this "workload" hardly constitutes burnout? "Hey, you need a month and a half off, after taking 4 months off, just rest and get yourself better"! WTF?
Are you referring to my post? If so, you'd do yourself a favor if you read it instead of skimming it.

And that's why I'm not quick to judge a creator who's kept updating his community, who briefs them about the progress and doesn't just "disappear in silence" like many of those who actually exploit their fans,
Updating his community =/= updating the game.

And if you're just generally remarking of how a lack of game updates is clearly also a sign of a lack of work being done...heck, you should read the post before yours, too.
It kinda holds the answer to your insinuations.
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