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Hi everyone. It's been a long time.
I took a huge break a year ago. Many resons. Burnt out. Personal problems. Non stop problems. Found new job. It was taking all my time, but salary was good.
I've received a lot of negative messages and mails from some crazy people so decided not to even bother reading it any more. Not to stumble upon some new rant. Feeled like it's the only place where I can read some rude shit about myself. So I started to ignore all incoming messages. Didn't visit Discord for more than a year. I don't use it for anything else at all. And I'm afraid to check it now.
I turned off monthly billing and didn't take your money because of it during all this period. Was thinking to come back to Gates Motel this spring. But guess what? I'm Ukrainian.
Now I'm homeless refugee. Lost my job, my house and I can't get in touch with most of my friends. Hope they're still alive, just hiding in their cellars with no electricity.
I spent two weeks hiding from deadly bombardments in my cellar with no power, water, food and heat. But, at least, with my family. I already caught a pigeon to cook a soup, but we decided to leave a little bit sooner. In the end of March we left everything and ran away from this war. I just took one travel bag. I disassembled my computer and took all I need to continue working on Gates Motel, like GPU (very expensive shit nowadays), CPU, HDDs, SSDs with all my work on them. My old laptop. And ended up in Germany. We are going to fly to USA next month and hope to stay there at least for now. Well, I have nowhere to go back. There's no future there. My house is probably ruined. Or will be when they will decide to get my city back...
At least I survived. Honestly there were a few moments when I was already waiting for it, accepting my fate. Whole neighborhood was on fire under neverending bombardment.
So... We need to settle down. I will look for some dumb job for starters, rent a room. Buy motherboard (it was too big, I had to leave it), and try to render some new porn for fuck's sake. I already miss it. Miss you. Thank you for staying with me. It means a lot. I hope that I can still get back to it.