Why is everyone so fixated on the contrast of Norma's looks compared to her age?
She looks like a real (quite possibly, the most realistic) MILF than in a lot of other games. Yes, she looks a tad rough and has some wrinkles and laugh lines...and Spoiler: If/when we finally get her naked- she's probably going to have stretch marks from giving birth to 3-4 children, because that's what "life" does to a body. If you'd played the game, you'll no doubt remember that she was in an abusive relationship- physical, mental, and emotional abuse have a tendency to prematurely age the victim- due to the added stress and strain that they put on that person.
We don't know all of Norma's story or how rough her entire life has been up to this point- she could have an even more tragic background, for all we know. It's nuances like this, that add a degree of realism to a game that others don't have or don't want to even consider touching. It gives the character added depth and weight, rather than just being another generic model/asset copy'n'pasted from another game. It would also look like she isn't wearing any make-up- she's a natural woman. Maybe if she gussied herself up- broke out the face spackle to fill in the cracks, had a paint roller for lipstick, and had unnaturally tattooed eyebrows or eyeliner- she may be more appealing (to you), but they are just kind of on a roadtrip to the new town that they're going to be living in...not on their way to the President's Inaugural Correspondence Dinner.
I'm basing this off of what I've played so far, but there may even be a chance to cut off the Norma route- should you not find her to your liking? You already know that you can avoid the "Chewbacca" and "Willie Wanker" routes if you don't want to pursue those.
Also, some nationalities/races age better than others- some women age like a fine wine, others turn to vinegar once they hit 35 or younger. Unless you're Asian...then you can be 85 and look like you're 24. Lol