You see, I'm saddened by this.
Oh, not about the review, it's pretty normal one might dislike the game of course, but about the contents of it.
Allow me to explain my feelings about it:
1- I'm trying to make the game as less grindy as it can without reducing difficulty to zero, or "videogames for dummies" as I call it. Still, this is an alpha game and really needs balancement yet.
2- Sorry, what's RNG? If you are talking about fame/money needed to progress the game it's a false assumption, since the story with every character and all medical exams can be played without the need of manage anything. Of course you won't get 100% score but who cares after all?
3- See #1, the game is in development and needs balancing
4- Can't say anything about this, someone like it, someone doesn't. You have the right to your opinion
5- So what? I never said there would be any animation, and most Visual Novels don't have them. Even the praised Big Brother had none but that didn't stop people from praising it every time
I mean, ok, you don't like the game, but most of your points about that are based on the fact this is a finished game you paid for, which isn't. And even when it'll hit Steam Early Access you still get an alpha release, where most things could change completely, be overhauled with time (as the MC character model, now based on Genesis 8).
Of course your review is legit, no doubt about it, I just ask myself if it wasn't based on false assumptions about the game and if it's compared to other productions which might be more animated but with way less content to play with.ù
Just my 2 cents.