Seeking Girls Smoking in games

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Oct 3, 2021
I'm loving your posts and your analysis! Congrats!
Thanks, I was hoping it wouldn't come off as too self indulgent.

As for newer things, I was really hoping I would have some good to info to share. Instead, I can merely prevent others wasting* their time. Leap of Faith's thread has a fair amount of discussion about buying cigarettes for one of the girls, so I had high hopes going in. Had a bit of a false start early:
but whatever, that phrase is annoying but also legitimately a euphemism for "Let's talk privately." The game doesn't get into BS territory until you meet Holly later:
You and Holly discuss, among other things, her one-cig per day habit, where you have the option to either express disgust or neutrality. Later, there is a secret mini-branch where you can buy her cigarettes. There are even indirect ways to determine whether you get the correct brand or not.
So, if you make the correct choices and find the hidden option to buy cigarettes, something important must come of it, surely, right? Well...
for_this_1.jpg for_this_2.jpg (It's explicitly stated neither character has means to light the cigarettes at the time.

That's it. Oh, and depending on other choices, you might get points that might matter for your general relationship with Holly. Well, and the game will tell you in the end of chapter review how attentive to Holly's smoking needs you were. I just...why? Why would a dev go through the effort of coding and rendering content, with the extra effort of making it a secret, and even making it seemingly relevant if you got her brand or not, just to have it not matter at all? Once again, I don't expect anything ridiculous. Just, if I can approve or disapprove of a LI smoking, and can buy or not buy her cigarettes, I would at least expect her light up in my presence because I've demonstrated I'm cool with it, or pull one out after sex only to be shot down because she ain't stinking up the bedding, or something.

*When I say "wasting time", I refer only to time spent in hope of smoking content. Leap of Faith is actually very good, though also very flawed. I recommend it, just don't expect to get your smoking fetish fueled.

In further news of games being teases, Pale Carnations got an update.
box_of_fun.jpg going_to_party_without_mc.jpg
Well, they remembered Felicia smokes. And she's going to go smoke some weed with Mina. But MC isn't invited. Goddamnit.

Finally, to end on a positive note, I played some of Photo Hunt (recommended by Zongor above), and it does smoking (generally) right. In addition to having a reasonable number of shots, it actually integrates smoking lightly into the story and strongly into the characters that smoke. What I mean is that the devs don't throw smoking into a render at random, they clearly have given thought to how and when these characters do or don't smoke. Rather than seeing smoking has a habit one does or doesn't have, this dev(team?) knows different people use smoking differently, and has communicated this information entirely through showing, rather than telling. Good work.
blink_and_miss.jpg evelyn_bride.jpg fiona_repairshop_scene_5-5b.jpg holder.jpg
edit: I didn't misspell any names, shut up.
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MSL Games
Game Developer
May 22, 2021
Still relatively early in development, but my game, Nothing is Forever, also features a girl that smokes occasionally. Right now there’s only one scene where she smokes with the MC (this is mandatory, you can't miss it), but there will be more in the future, and, of course, some of them will be lewd scenes.

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg

I wouldn’t recommend playing it just for that 1 scene. But, if the rest of the game seems appealing to you, you might want to give it a try. It’s a slow burn VN with a couple lewd scenes per chapter.


Oct 3, 2021
All right, hopefully this isn't considered off topic. I know the tastes of the smoking fetish community can be varied, and have often wondered just how closely my view point on the content in game aligns with other users in this thread. Then today, I was conversing with MrSilverLust from the post above about the content in his game, and was unsure how good my advice on pleasing smoking fetishists actually was. So, if you'll indulge me, and any devs who might browse this thread looking for information, I'd like to do a little survey. Not going to use a polling site or anything, just answer in a post if you want to. If you choose to participate, please use the question numbers for your responses. The questions are intended to be open ended, you don't have to limit yourself to my examples. Nor do you have to answer every question. While I'm genuinely curious about these questions (particularly 4), I'm mainly trying to stimulate conversation. Thanks.

1: How do you feel about different kinds of smoking (E.G. Cigarette, Joint, Cigar, Vaping, Pipe, Kiseru, etc.)? Which do you love, like, hate, feel "meh" about?
2: Do you care about corks vs. all-whites? If so, how so?
3: Do you care about cigarette size? (E.G. kings, slims, 120's)
4: How important is technique/posture for you? This is an intentionally broad question, but I would appreciate feedback on how a character grips their cigarette, specifically "standard" grip (between index and middlefinger) vs. "pinch" grip (like joints are typically held, at least on film.)
5: Do you have preferences for inhale styles? Exhale styles? Do you women doing smoke tricks?
6: Do you care about what kind of smoker a character is? (I.E. light, social, chain, etc.)
7: Do you have preferences for what kind of non-sexual situations/places/settings a character smokes in?
8: Is just smoking enough, or does there need to be more to it? Conversely (I think), do you like explicitly sexual content with smoking, or do you prefer just normal smoking?
9: Do you have a particular character archetype you prefer to see smoking?
10: How much does this fetish influence whether you are attracted to a character or not? Does smoking make a character hot, or does a character being hot make the smoking interesting?
11: How important is any of this to whether you feel satisfied with the smoking in a game or not? If you answer, probably a good idea to make this a TL;DR for anyone who might be reading the thread for insight into the fetish, but doesn't have time to read through responses to somewhat esoteric questions.

12:How "into" the smoking fetish are you? Did even you find my questions esoteric? Are there any questions I should have asked but didn't?

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Sep 11, 2018
Still relatively early in development, but my game, Nothing is Forever, also features a girl that smokes occasionally. Right now there’s only one scene where she smokes with the MC (this is mandatory, you can't miss it), but there will be more in the future, and, of course, some of them will be lewd scenes.

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I wouldn’t recommend playing it just for that 1 scene. But, if the rest of the game seems appealing to you, you might want to give it a try. It’s a slow burn VN with a couple lewd scenes per chapter.
That looks incredibly promising! She's stunningly gorgeous and it's great to see some smoking. I'll surely give it a try :)
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Sep 11, 2018
1: How do you feel about different kinds of smoking (E.G. Cigarette, Joint, Cigar, Vaping, Pipe, Kiseru, etc.)? Which do you love, like, hate, feel "meh" about?
I'm mainly into cigarettes. Vapes do nothing for me and I'm not too much into joints.

2: Do you care about corks vs. all-whites? If so, how so?
Not really, but I do like corks.

3: Do you care about cigarette size? (E.G. kings, slims, 120's)
No, but I prefer normal sized.

4: How important is technique/posture for you? This is an intentionally broad question, but I would appreciate feedback on how a character grips their cigarette, specifically "standard" grip (between index and middlefinger) vs. "pinch" grip (like joints are typically held, at least on film.)
We don't get a lot of smoking in games, so I take what I can get. The standard grip is somewhat luscious and fits most situations, but I think the pinch grip is adequate to portraying heavily addicted women who are dragging heavily to get a nicotine fix. For normal situations it just feels out of place.

5: Do you have preferences for inhale styles? Exhale styles? Do you women doing smoke tricks?
I like smoking tricks! But again, I take what I can get. I haven't seen anything of the sort in any of the games I played.

6: Do you care about what kind of smoker a character is? (I.E. light, social, chain, etc.)
Heavier is better!

7: Do you have preferences for what kind of non-sexual situations/places/settings a character smokes in?
I like the addiction part of smoking, so it's awesome whenever someone lights up out of need in a situation when they are not expected to smoke.

8: Is just smoking enough, or does there need to be more to it? Conversely (I think), do you like explicitly sexual content with smoking, or do you prefer just normal smoking?
Sexual content makes it better! I'd also love a game documenting the journey of someone starting to smoke.

9: Do you have a particular character archetype you prefer to see smoking?
Probably the shy-girl-next-door type who wouldn't be expected to smoke. The super crazy tattoed punk girl smoking is hot too.

10: How much does this fetish influence whether you are attracted to a character or not? Does smoking make a character hot, or does a character being hot make the smoking interesting?
I'm a hardcore fetishist, so having a character smoke is a instant turn on. But surely it happening with already hot girls makes it all better. And, of course, character development is what glues it all together.

11: How important is any of this to whether you feel satisfied with the smoking in a game or not? If you answer, probably a good idea to make this a TL;DR for anyone who might be reading the thread for insight into the fetish, but doesn't have time to read through responses to somewhat esoteric questions.
I'll repeat DoodleConcord's answer here: "As for girls, so for games. Smoking content in an already amazing game makes it legendary (but it was amazing even without), smoking in a shit game won't save it. However, you can ruin a game by "teasing" smoking content that doesn't happen. And a game with good smoking content does get bonus points."

12:How "into" the smoking fetish are you? Did even you find my questions esoteric? Are there any questions I should have asked but didn't?
Very into. No esoteric questions and I can't remember anything I'd add to the list (if I do, I'll come back later with it!)
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New Member
Oct 23, 2017
Here are my answers:
1: How do you feel about different kinds of smoking (E.G. Cigarette, Joint, Cigar, Vaping, Pipe, Kiseru, etc.)? Which do you love, like, hate, feel "meh" about?
Strongly prefer cigarettes. Other don't do much for me

2: Do you care about corks vs. all-whites? If so, how so?
Prefer corks but either are fine.

3: Do you care about cigarette size? (E.G. kings, slims, 120's)
Normal sized cigarettes are best, but all are fine

4: How important is technique/posture for you? This is an intentionally broad question, but I would appreciate feedback on how a character grips their cigarette, specifically "standard" grip (between index and middlefinger) vs. "pinch" grip (like joints are typically held, at least on film.)
Normal regular holding is OK. And I prefer a more classy posture/smoking style, but that is harder to quantify.

5: Do you have preferences for inhale styles? Exhale styles? Do you women doing smoke tricks?
No, as long as are really visible.

6: Do you care about what kind of smoker a character is? (I.E. light, social, chain, etc.)
No, as long as the smoker is (or are in case of multiple smokers) part of the main cast of characters although is a pleasant surprise when somebody you didn't expected or doesn't usually smokes lights a cigarette. I also love to see a beginner starting and to see her evolution.

7: Do you have preferences for what kind of non-sexual situations/places/settings a character smokes in?
1. I like seeing smoking in situations where a smoker will feel the need to smoke like when being bored or sad or in stressful situations.
2. I like the corruption aspect, someone corrupting a nonsmoker or a social smoker into starting/ becoming a regular smoker

8: Is just smoking enough, or does there need to be more to it? Conversely (I think), do you like explicitly sexual content with smoking, or do you prefer just normal smoking?
Smoking is enough for me, I actually prefer if feels organic and not just to tick a box for people with smoking fetish.

9: Do you have a particular character archetype you prefer to see smoking?
The innocent looking/unlikely girl. The mature experience woman (mom, aunt for that kind of games). The femme fatale villain.

10: How much does this fetish influence whether you are attracted to a character or not? Does smoking make a character hot, or does a character being hot make the smoking interesting?
If the character is not hot just smoking does nothing for me, but smoking may make characters appear hotter.

11: How important is any of this to whether you feel satisfied with the smoking in a game or not? If you answer, probably a good idea to make this a TL;DR for anyone who might be reading the thread for insight into the fetish, but doesn't have time to read through responses to somewhat esoteric questions.
The most important to me are the following: 1. To be cigarettes and not vapes or joints
2. The characters to be shown actually inhaling and exhaling and not just holding cigarettes
3. The smoking characters to be hot

12:How "into" the smoking fetish are you? Did even you find my questions esoteric? Are there any questions I should have asked but didn't? to me this fetish is pretty important, but between an ugly smoker and a hot non-smoker I take the hot one:)


Oct 3, 2021
Thank you Hazyfire and Cerber1984. Your responses give me some confidence that the elements I consider important to note in a smoking review are also elements others care about. Particularly glad to see you both mention "start smoking stories" as of significant interest. I thought that was common, but wasn't positive I wasn't being solipsistic. Anyone else reading the thread, adding your opinion can only help the thread and any devs looking for insight.

On to games. It's actually been a great week. Started off with a few games I wasn't expecting much out of, and I was right. But for the sake of completionism, The Interview has I think 4 shots in 2 scenes of joint smoking. Come Home I didn't even download, much less play, but for the sake of any lurking/future pot fans, one of the preview images features a character with a joint. Finally, See You Yesterday has a scene near the end of the current build with your landlady* smoking a cigarette. *I'm legitimately not sure if this game is being coy or not.
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After that, I intended to have a palate cleanser by playing a game without smoking. So I tried Dusklight Manor because I like vampires. I was surprised when this happened early in the game. secrets_shared_with_strangers.jpg
I was gladdened when it was actually followed up with or_with_everyone.jpg and still_public.jpg .
Then, about halfway through the game, the dev said fuck it, and this happened:
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After that, apparently the dev got a letter from the Visual Novel Developers Conference letting him know he was being too generous to smoking fetishists. They told him to cut any future smoking content and he needed to include the sequence they apparently teach in dev school.
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*Sigh* The worst part is, the smoking was relatively unaffected by poor writing, other than the above dropped thread. The vampire elements, general lewd, and general story, on the other hand, were decimated. Plots holes, out of nowhere bullshit, inconsistent motivations/behavior, and dropped plot threads serioiusly mar what could have been a great VN.

The developer of Dusklight Manor, DanielsK, has at least two more games with smoking content: Pine Falls (which I haven't played and don't know which part has the smoking. Though if the gallery I got the images from is complete, there isn't much anyway.) and Nursing Back to Pleasure. Nursing Back to Pleasure only has one scene so far, and I'm not holding my breath for more.
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After playing/researching the DanielsK games, I thought I was going to be in a drought. But then a post on another site brought Hail to the King to my attention.
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Well. Two scenes so far, with more shots than I posted. So far Madison appears to be the only female smoker, but the game is very early in development. I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it.

Another game I'll be keeping an eye on is Dr. Amana Sexual Therapist (though reading the thread, it's apparently been in a year of development hell, and may be abandoned. Hope not.) Only one scene so far, at the very beginning of version 2. Just make sure you tell Dr. Amana that your wife is currently angry with you (Hate route). (You don't actually need to play the first part to see the smoking, since you can't carry over saves anyway, but the first part is very interesting and has some great scenes, writing wise. And the literal final shot of the first part is one of the strippers (which one depends on story choices) spying on you, cigarette in hand.) If this game does start getting updated again, I hope for good things. There's a few more confirmed smokers (totally not-daughter's punk friend, the strippers), Amanda has a corruption route (no reason to think it will involve cigs/weed in particular, but who knows), and Lupita states she likes the smell of cigars (though not that she smokes them) in a conversation with her.
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Next up, Thirsty for My Guest. I didn't actually play this one, it's huge. Which is probably good, because this one sets the land speed record for blueballing smoking fetishists. You play as a man who is allowing his ex's young adult daughter to stay with him for a few weeks so your ex can have a break or something. She arrives, walks through the door, sits down, and this happens:
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HE DID NOT SAY QUIT, HE SAID BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!:mad: Well, she heard quit, and that's what she does. At least the dev got it out of the way. However, another character does smoke a few times:
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Finally, for today, we have Down the Road, which I posted about before. But Fasder has released the first version, and I was pleasantly surprised. Amanda does smoke a cigarette, nothing impressive, but it's early and Fasder was explicit in not promising the world anyway. amanda_drag.jpg
But then this happens with MC's friend Alyx:

Wait, Fasder didn't say anything about Alyx smoking.

alyx light.jpg alyx_hold.jpg
Oh, it's a joint. Well, slightly disappointing, but I'll live.

Jesus. If this scene used cigarettes, I'd probably be in the hospital getting skin grafts right now.
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Oct 3, 2021
Great list KinkyGal69. Any chance you might be able to add the extent of the smoking fetish in the game? For example, in Timestamps there are many scenes and at least 4 female characters smoke throughout the game. Great game too, I might add, lol!

Just thinking I don't want to invest a lot of time in these games if it's just one fantasy or dream scene and that's it. ;-)
Yeah, I doubt Zongor needs a response to a question he asked 2.5 years ago to someone else, but I was curious, so let's do it.
Bright past
I'll actually cover this in another post.
Intimate relations
Not much here. Wife briefly smokes a couple times. Fitness trainer side character "bums" a cigarette once, which is nice for the "didn't see her smoking" factor, but there's no narrative impact and she's wearing a hoodie, so it's not really showing her off.
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Daughter for desert
These two already have posts elsewhere in the thread.
Dirty pool
Hrrm, not sure if I downloaded this and it didn't leave an impression, or if I saw the gallery and decided not to bother. Wait, no, I remember now, I know that's supposed to be a joint even though it looks like a cigarette. So I had to read the text at some point. So apparently it just wasn't interesting.
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Sins of the father
This game really tries to break the blueballing record set by "Thirsty for My Guest", and while you can argue it blueballs harder, it doesn't do it quite as fast. During the prologue, trauma causes one of your sisters to become a cigarette smoking delinquent, and the other to turn to pot. Fortunately, you and your mother overcome your grief and lay down the law and put a stop to that nonsense about 3 screens later. And that's it for smoking in the game.
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Mad Turn
All I saw in the gallery was a couple of shots that I didn't think were even good enough to share.
Angelica prigins
Actuallly Angelica Origins, but whatever. Just a couple of shots of the female MC's friend smoking in the bathroom.
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Second chance
Covered elsewhere in the thread.

On the revisiting old posts front, Where It All Began was mentioned earlier in the thread. I had high hopes going in, not only because of the mention here, but also because if you search f95 for "smoking", two of the first 20 or so posts that come up are people looking for this game, and they both mention the smoking as something they remembered. I found it disappointing and deeply ironic that the initial smoking scene (Leia is the character, btw) is all there is in the original build. But, the game is currently being reworked, and Leia's updated model is much better. I checked out the first chapter of the rework hoping to at least see the new model smoking. Well, apparently Ocean decided just to cut Leia's smoking entirely. That's the bad news. The good news is that her smoking scene is replaced by not one but two other scenes. Sure, the MC ruins one by being an uncultured plebian, and I'm not sure how these characters are going to fit into the new version of the story (if at all), but it's something.
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Finally for this post, the game Bright Lord (not to be confused with Bright Past, which I'll cover next post.) Not much so far, just MC's mom taking up the habit due to stress.
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The good news is I think there's more where that came from in future updates. The dev was asking the thread if he should change the mom's hair, and he posted this picture to illustrate the styles: bright_lord_choice_style.png


Oct 3, 2021
Another double post, deal with it, I'm a rebel. The three games in this post are not visual novels (I don't really consider sandbox dating sims visual novels, even though they use some of the same mechanics and these two are in renpy.) So if that's all you need to know, go ahead and check out.

First up, Bright Past. The good news is that the game has a somewhat fleshed out smoking mechanic for the female MC. You get bonuses to mood if you smoke, penalties if you go too long without a cig, and how addicted the MC is changes dynamically. You also can get special pictures of the MC smoking if you smoke in certain places in the game. The bad news is there's only a few images in the game of smoking that aren't those special pictures, and the smoking has almost no narrative impact at all. No getting friends or lovers started, no unlocking content based on addiction level, no meeting a character when you head outside for a smoke. It's just another button to push and number to grind up or down. There is one relationship of interest, actually, but I don't think MC's smoking status matters for this ending. You can start an affair with your yoga instructor. Near the end of that story, you actually walk in on her smoking a cigarette in her professional, corporate yoga studio. She's smoking "after not touching one for years" because she's having trouble processing how your relationship is making her feel and act.
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(On a side note, this game's thread is hilarious from the absolute meltdowns people have over smoking. I mean, if they just complained about it mechanically, they'd be right. It's not fun. But they have to make hyberbolic statements about how they haven't seen someone smoke a cigarette IRL ever in history and how Alex clearly wouldn't be able to walk around the city because she smokes 4 cigarettes a day and her lungs would be shot.)

Next, another grindfest dating sim, Love&Sex: Second Base. All of this is for the male MC route unless noted. The TL;DR is that for smoking purposes, this game is frustrating at best. Only two visuals and very sporadic passing mentions of smoking. Except for the route that you are basically forced to start at the beginning of the game. It starts exactly like a smoking fetish route would. But doesn't end that way. *sigh*
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Finally, a Japanese RPG Maker game, Lilith in Nightmare. In this game, you wonder around the dream world trying to find your memories so you can return to reality. Unfortunately, there are many succubi about, and they want your life energy. You defeat them by making them orgasm before you do. The point for our purposes is that one of the succubi (who is also a cat girl, because Japan) smokes:
And she's not about to let a little thing like sex get between her and nicotine. So we get:
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I'll note that little loops like these are strung together in game for the battle scenes, there's actually 12 or so for Sina. So there's more variety and a little better quality than these gifs suggest. But it is crude animation. But it exists. Which is more than I thought I would ever be able to say.
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Oct 3, 2021
Of Birds and Bees is a game I've been putting on the back burner basically since I joined the site. The preview shots didn't excite me at best and were turnoffs at worst, and the theme of the game isn't particularly compelling to me. The fact that one poster thought it should have a smoking tag "because every other scene has someone smoking" didn't mean much to me; I figured it was someone exaggerating a few scenes into many, and probably just the male characters were smoking anyway.

I should have listened to that poster. If anything, "every other scene" is underselling the smoking in this game. And the women smoke more than the men. The fun starts as a group of late-teens friends hang out in a bar:
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The same group later has an all day party in a park:
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This amount of content is already enough to make this a top 10 smoking fetish game. But I haven't even gotten to the good part. The female MC, Melanie, apparently used to smoke. She takes the habit back up. Slowly. Starts with filching from her sister, moves on to guiltily smoking by herself, by the time of the end of the current build, she has a cigarette in her mouth before she's out the door at work. I can't think of another game that has this sort of progression in the narrative. Simply outstanding.
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Normally, I try to be fairly neutral on game content outside of the smoking in these reviews. Everyone can read the preview posts, the reviews, and the tags and decide for themselves whether the game is for them outside of smoking content. But my review so far has been glowing, and this game is an odd duck. I don't want to oversell the game, nor can I give it an unequivocal recommendation, just a very strong one. My enthusiasm is actually somewhat tempered for the following reasons:
First, there's no outright glamorization/fetishization of smoking. Lots of depictions of the normal everyday lives of smokers, but nothing outright erotic.
Second, this is a horror game first, an erotic game second. There's not much erotic content, particularly if you don't want to see the fattest, ugliest, hairiest men in VN's involved. Though I will say you can avoid most content with the uglies, and I don't think there is a single smoking render you miss if you do so.
Third, the renders aren't always great. The models for me are 8/10 at best in the right light and at the right angle. The lighting is too dark at times. And the posing is just bad at times and never great. All somewhat subjective stuff, but this does bring the game down a bit, at least for me.

TL;DR: This game overcomes some graphical issues, not really being a porn game, and a bizarre fetish of the creator to vie for the title of best VN for the smoking fetish, at least amongst those I've played.

Next up is Out of Touch. This is a game made with Koikatsu graphics I found using the . The entry there said three of the main girls smoked, and as my avatar might suggest I like anime style art, so I had high hopes. The game managed to simultaneously fulfill and dash them. It fulfilled them by the fact that all 3 of those girls are indeed shown smoking in the game. It dashed my hopes by achieving some remarkable blueballing anyway. (That's the TL;DR, by the way: don't bother just for the smoking. Or at all, really, unless you really like Koikatsu graphics or teenage melodrama.)
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Alright, that's enough bloviating, just a couple of quick notes to finish up. In One Day at Time, your girlfriend smokes. However, this is represented by her constantly having a pack, lighter, and ashtray in front of her. She never actually holds a cigarette. The only depiction of smoking in the game is when another character smokes a cigarette that they removed the tobacco from and refilled with marijuana.
Finally, there is no smoking in Picture Perfect, but the dev did post this image of Sasha in her rebellious phase in the game thread:


Oct 3, 2021
Lots of leads that didn't pan out this week.
A Town Uncovered has no visuals and a one line reference to smoking pot.
Two Weeks has one (1) screen with a joint.
Meeting Her has no smoking depicted and I honestly don't predict any in the future, but both the main LI's friends (one male, one female) are stated to smoke cigarettes, so it might be worth keeping an eye on if it's otherwise your kind of game.
Dreams of Desire You see your aunt smoke a couple of times.
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Ashes has the MC hold a nearly invisible joint and one female character who smokes a cigarette with poor posing.
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Dreaming of Dana only has four shots of three characters, two of whom have models I'm not fond of. To the game's credit, two of the scenes are at least interesting set ups. One post-coital cigarette (YES!), one from-nowhere-goes-nowhere stress cigarette (meh), and one former heavy smoker who can't quite quit entirely. MC and her are on a date in a park, and MC bums one from a schoolkid hanging around so she can smoke. Not the sexiest scenario, but at least it's a mini-smoking quest with some payoff.
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Heir Apparent features a girl named Winter (I think she's MC's cousin?) smoking a couple times.
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In Personal Trainer, the barista character smokes a couple times. barista_personal_trainer.jpg

Autumn Boulevard is by the same dev as Of Birds and Bees. While AB doesn't seem to be quite as saturated with nicotine as OBaB, the female MC smokes frequently and other female characters smoke from time to time. Highlight is probably one character getting eaten out* by another while smoking. I haven't had a chance to play it, and it's RPG Maker, whose scripts are not stored in a readily human parsable manner, so I can't say precisely how much and in what manner the script references smoking. But I can tell you the word "cigarette" comes up at least 20 times in the game. Also, same warning applies to this as OBaB: this game is at times deliberately freaky, violent, horrific, and/or disgusting. Player discretion is advised.
*Sexually, not literally. That actually needs to be said for this game.
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Finally, we come to the oeuvre of Blackheart Games. Another developer that makes games I strongly encourage you to read the tags and reviews for before diving in. Dev does not pull punches.
Blackheart Hotel has a few scenes. The substance/item being smoked is referred to as weed/joint, but the games uses a cigarette prop.
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Secrets of Whispering Pines has just one scene with an explicit spliff.
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The Guardian...I don't know. Not downloading, not playing, it exceeds my personal tolerance threshold for youth. But one of the preview screens has a little of what appears to be an adult female character holding a cigarette at the edge. If someone with more tolerance/interest wants to investigate and share with the thread, I would be grateful.
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Oct 3, 2021
Shameless Girl smokes pot with MC a couple of times.
SWTA: The Author Beatrix has quit actually smoking, but still pantomimes smoking with unlit cigarettes she carries around in one scene.
Now&Then Sydney the med-student smokes in a few scenes somewhere in the chaps 11-15 range. No inhales or exhales I remember though. To the game's credit, the MC's efforts to acquire cigarettes for Sydney are not only rewarded by actually seeing her smoke, we also get a little bit of dialog about her tastes. Note that I didn't do my due diligence and downloaded this just before the latest update, so it's technically possible chap. 24 has some smoking content, but I doubt it.
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The Family Business: Parallel Universe Tech Demo etc. et al esq
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Well, we learned that both MC and this sister smoke cigs at least occasionally, and they plan to smoke pot together on the regular. So what happens next? Well, no one knows. This is technically an "alternate universe" demo for the purpose of attracting patrons to a larger game. But through the convolutions of (choose one or more: life/covid/bad luck/being scammers) that larger game never materialized. But, the game has recently been handed off to another dev. So while new content for the game should be forthcoming, we don't know if the original plan contained more smoking, much less the new dev's plan. So the waiting game begins.

Free Pass only has one brief scene of fem MC's friend smoking near the beginning of the game. MC can choose to either tell her friend to quit (including taking the cig and smushing it out) or let it go. The friend doesn't seem to take MC seriously if told to quit, and the game does have a flag to record which decision was made, but no further smoking occurs either way.
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Deviancy has got you covered if you're into aunts straddling the MiLF/GiLF line who smoke with holders. At least once the relevant character actually shows up in I believe chapter 7 (of 8, currently). Good news for those interested is she uses that holder often. Another character mentions she could use a fag at the very end of the current build, so maybe more to come?

Reunion has...stats I should have noted before deleting the game. Uhh, anyway, Reunion has some thousands of renders and some large number (I'll say 20) of girls to interact with. It also has a smoking fetish toggle at the start of the game, like Timestamps. Take a guess how many renders it has of females smoking.
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The Way has a fair bit of smoking. It's important to note that the game has 3 separate routes to play through, and route "a" has the vast majority of the smoking content.
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Finally, we come to Bloody Passion. This one is very early, but already has 3 scenes. One scene of your sister having a completely unremarked upon cigarette while chatting with your other sister and your mother, and two scenes of a mysterious goth girl (who is talking to herself about cigarettes while smoking). Someone bitched in the game thread about the smoking. The dev questioned why the poster hadn't heeded the warning screen at the beginning of the game that stated it contained sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, and stated the poster needed to deal with it. (edit: apparently I'm thinking of another thread for another game. Oops.) I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
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edit: I got the thread for "Family Business" confused with the thread for "Bloody Passion".
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Oct 3, 2021
Lust Theory (Season 2) has a couple of scenes and a hint at least one more in the future. First scene is a nice post-coital smoke from late in the current build. Solid renders and posing, good text, no visible inhales/exhales unfortunately.
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Don't get your hopes up for more from this character. Reality isn't stable in this game in general, and it's really unstable in this scene. (For instance, there is nowhere for her to have gotten that cigarette from and no way to light it, and I think that was deliberate, not a mistake by the dev. Also the exorcist head spin she does in between screen 7 and screen 8.)

The second scene isn't as good for fetish fuel purposes, but I still like seeing characters in stories discussing smoking like normal human beings, rather than propaganda drones. This scene is in post-game bonus content where MC (who is in a Groundhog Day style time loop) decides it's No Fucks Given day. He acts like even more of a git than normal, and decides to take up smoking on a whim. The spoilered content is the only bit where one of the girls actually interacts with cigarettes, but for those interested, the scene does have a little more content of characters reacting to MC smoking.
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Finally, there is a currently unused character interaction button depicting Megan smoking something, it's not big enough to tell if it's a cig or a joint. Hopefully a future update will cause that button to link to a nice smoking scene.
Edit: As of what is supposed to be the last content update, this button is unused and there is no more smoking in this game.
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In other items, I found this in my files:
It's from the game Our Fate. Pretty sure that's the only smoking content in the game. Sad, it's a decent smoking render and the girls in that game are hot.
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Oct 3, 2021
Lots of leads this week. Lots of frustration. I'll start with the best content/frustration ratio and work my way down.

Found out Knockout Master had smoking in it when a user on another site said he had to drop it because of an LI smoking. He dropped the game over this: leah_phone.jpg Yes, that was so disgusting he couldn't play. *sigh* Good news is, there's actually a decent follow up. (It's at the beginning of round 5, and you must cum inside Leah.) This one didn't give me any good reason to complain.
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Let's see, I guess Retro Style Soviet Undies is next. The title is weird, but the game is pretty straight forward. I was frustrated by a scene where my LI of choice was smoking a cigarette, but it was never actually shown on camera. (It made sense why this was so, it was still annoying as hell.) She doesn't have another smoking scene at this time. But, for holder people, the MC's boss has a magic cigarette holder that she uses once, and may again.
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The bad news about Deeper is that it's absolutely unplayable, and abandoned. The good news is it actually has a decent amount of decent smoking content. So when it upda...wait, that was more bad news. Shit. Anyway, I wish the dev had kept at this one and made it good; any game with a character that literally always has a cig in her mouth is alright by me.
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Edit: At some point, the dev unabandoned the game, started remaking all the renders, and as of 7-27-23, there is no smoking in the game. So, fuck.

No More Money has one render in the latest update. It actually generated a healthy, balanced conversation in the thread. Dev eventually came in and stated it was an intentionally desexualized one-shot deal though. Dang.
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Max's Life doesn't have nearly enough smoking content to justify over 20gb of downloads. But if your ever tempted to play it for other reasons... You've got an aunt in chapter 3 with a couple of brief cig scenes before MC gets her to quit. (What the crap is up with all the uncultured MCs in AVNs?) A joint scene in chapter 3 in a school toilet where the girl dangles during an animated handjob. A joint scene with a different girl in the friggin classroom. The principal and her teacher walk in on this, she just continues to smoke, and both principal and teacher say nothing. And finally, a cig scene with second joint girl that's actually not half bad. This last girl is in chapter 4.
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All Demons Go To Heaven, a Koikatsu game, has one character who smokes. Not much content, but if you're into the style, it's there. First scene starts off with the character telling MC: "Thanks to you, I can once again enjoy the pleasure of a cigarette." They talk a little, and then she doesn't immediately stop smoking when he starts sexy time. Second scene is just her in the background, but at least it's follow up.
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Not a Girl's Name is not my game, but renders that look like they are from 2005 and BBW's with cigars is probably somebody's fetish. If that someone is you, go thank the dev.
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New Coral City has a few shots, but I thought they were so bad I didn't even save them. According to my notes, 1 cigarette, 2 joints, and 2 *cringes* e-cigs *spits at the word*

Now the "fun" part, where I deal with 2 games that literally couldn't have been more frustrating if they tried. Winds of the Destiny (not a typo on my part) is a Koikatsu game that actually has some decent renders if you like Koikatsu, but took the Braveheart Academy route of pissing me off. College Bound... it's like the dev read this thread and deliberately did everything I said not to do. Anyway, that's it for today, I'm just going to go in some spoilers and rant. You all can leave.

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Oct 3, 2021
Adult romance connected by cigarettes!
A story about enjoying the spoony on of a cool older sister.
The small space of the smoking area is an alien space where hierarchical relationships fade away,
it is different from private life, and that is why it becomes so intimate.

Remember when I said Aletta's route in "Love and Sex:SB" started as a smoking fetish story, it just didn't end as one? Yeah, Sugar Kiss is that smoking fetish story written to completion. This game gets massive points in my book for actually delivering on its premise (and that cover image. :love:) . But I do need to clarify a few things:
1: It's a kinetic novel. There is one choice in the entire game, and it only determines whether you end a scene cumming inside or out.
2: The actual game translation is fine. There's some cultural artifacts, but the engrish in the above blurb is not present in game. Also, early on, the MC has a bad habit of repeating in his "thoughts" whatever dialogue was just said. This gets better later in the game.
3: There is no "hardcore" fetish content, for lack of a better term. It's just two people who smoke romancing each other. But they smoke often, and they talk about it often. They talk about why they smoke. They talk about how they started. They try new brands. They discuss what it's like to kiss after they smoke. Yuki (the girl) even uses cigarettes to flirt a couple times. (She pretends their lighters are out so she has an excuse to cigarette kiss in one instance. In another (unfortunately unvisualized) instance, she asks MC for a cigarette. He agrees and starts to pull one out of the pack; she takes his cig out of his mouth, drags, and sticks it back in. If if I recall correctly, he's like "What was that?" and she answers something to the effect of "I wanted that one.")
4: They do have lives outside of smoking. They only smoke in maybe one third of the scenes. However, given that's better than every other game on this site other than maybe "Of Birds and Bees", I think it's okay.
5: In the Japanese style, the visuals are sparse. The game would have benefited from a little more variety in the poses, and from a few more smoking CGs. Still, I'll take it, especially for this site's price. ;)
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Another game most definitely of interest is Life Happened. It has smoking listed in the genre section of the op. But what does that mean for content?
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So, just cigars so far (for the women, MC smokes cigs occasionally), and not the best dialogue ever, but it leaves no doubt where (the dev's)/(some high tier patron's) head is at.

Desert Stalker has one sequence with two scenes. Unfortunately, the second visit to this location has no smoking, so I'm concerned it might be dropped. I hope not; this game is really good.
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The bad news about Duality is that this punktest1.jpg is the only smoking in the game. The good news is that one screen is a full half of that LI's content so far. So when that character actually gets content, things may improve.

Welcome to Free Will has one scene where a character lights her cigarette (with a Zippo or Zippo like lighter). MC is walking by, says hey, and states he didn't know she smokes. She states she doesn't and throws the cigarette away. It didn't come off to me that she was bullshitting or trying to hide her habit. It was just a scene I can't figure out the purpose of. Anyway, that's it. Oh, and a short pot scene.
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Alive Alone doesn't have any smoking in the demo in the main thread. However, a preview in this thread suggests it's worth keeping an eye on. alive_alone_dev_thread_render.jpg

Reclusive Bay has a cigarette scene (redhead) and a weed-disguised-as-cigarette scene (alt girl).
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Oct 3, 2021
I really do love your reviews! Thanks for them!
Thank you, I appreciate feedback. Hopefully I've helped you and others find some games. I should have this post and then one more within a week, and then be done finding all the smoking games on the site that the other posters in this thread haven't already mentioned. Well, Ren'py games, anyway. But I've thought that three times before, and my posts just keep getting bigger. I must say, there's actually more smoking content than I expected to find, as long as you just want a female character smoking at some point. Games that get good marks on all four of my "four qualities of a smoking fetish game"* are still rare (meaning Timestamps is still the only one I've played)**, but games with good marks in 2 or 3 categories happen, so that's always a nice surprise.

*Quantity of smoking content, Visual quality of smoking content, Writing quality of smoking content, Sexualization of smoking content.
** I still haven't played most of the games recommended in the thread before I started posting. I've downloaded several, but then I find some new rabbit hole to dive down looking for new stuff.

Anyway, on to actual content.
I know of Good girl gone bad and Big Brother

Are there any others
The very first post in the thread. First, I just want to mention how frustrating these FemMC corruption games are to me. (Or, honestly, most games with female corruption, but the FemMC ones take it to another level.) Girl learns to blow her daddy while jacking off her shota brother and snorting coke while drunk on a bottle of whiskey with a dog lapping her clit and a horse having its way with her anus which excites the multi-ethnic gang bukkaking her and they can't help but also hit the futa taking a shit on her? Perfectly fine. Girl learns to smoke? Can't have that kind of disgusting degeneracy in a sex game. Not trying to kink shame, it's just weird and frustrating as someone old enough to remember when suggesting "smoking indoors should be restricted" was a mark of being a kook. And the fact that these games seem to want to cram in literally every fetish known to man, except cigarette smoking.

My real reason for quoting that post though is I want to talk about Big Brother. It has, I think, 2 official versions (the abandoned Big Brother and an ongoing mashup with the dev's other game, Glamour), an ongoing fanmade Ren'py remake, and at least two other fan remakes/extensions that're dead and ignorable. All versions have dealing with your sister Alice's smoking as a centerpiece of the early game. And I think all versions had that mission bugged at some point, because a LARGE quantity of posts if you search these forums for "smoking" or "cigarette" are pertaining to this mission. The game seemed buggy, time wasting, and possibly like it was malware. Since I'd seen the relevant renders from the original game on e-hentai and (correctly, as far as I can tell) dismissed the smoking as just an excuse to have something to punish her for, I elected not to play. (Though one other character smokes as well, there still isn't much.)
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Then I happened upon the change log for Glamour.
changelog - Copy.png
Hrrm. The other girls are absurdly hot. Particularly Ann. My curiosity was piqued. I decided I'd just have to be extra diligent with my anti-virus and firewall. And I was rewarded. The game is time-wasting, and Alice's smoking is just kind of there outside of being an excuse to punish her.
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But there are actually two other scenes with smoking. The first is when you spy on your neighbor's backyard, you find it to have a rotating cast of beauties smoking cigarettes, including your Aunt Kira. Who shouldn't be the other smoker mentioned in the changelog for update .40, since this content is from update .19 iirc.
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I pressed the button to sleep a lot. I waited for bullshit events to fire. I repeated the same damn events 20 friggin' times. And I finally got to update .40 content. I'm not sure it was worth it, but it did give me what I wanted.
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Ann is indeed the other smoker. It's not clear if she's taken the habit back up after quitting or if she's just been in the closet, but she's stressed about work and needs some late night nicotine. This is also why she's so anal about Alice smoking: she knows the downsides of smoking firsthand.
Ann gives MC a blowjob in this scene (not a smoking one :() and comments on how much she wants a cigarette after sucking him off. (She does light one up.) I can only imagine how much she'll enjoy a cigarette if Darksilver actually depicts her with one after her orgasm at some point.
So that's the smoking content in the male route of Glamour. The female route has zero smoking content as far as I can tell. I'm not sure what to expect from this game in the future. On the one hand, neither the backyard content nor the Ann content were really necessary. And the game is absolutely pregnant with possibility and potential smoking plotlines. (Three of the four girls living in MC's house smoke, that's... Timestampsian. Oh, but at least at the point I stopped playing, only Alice's smoking is public knowledge.) That said, the MC is not a man of culture (but nor does he have an absolute hate boner for smoking.) And while the game is pregnant with possibility, there aren't any dangling plot threads or potential foreshadowing of smoking content. So if there isn't anymore, I can't bitch about bad writing on that account. Nothing to do but cross my fingers I guess. Or win the lottery and throw money at Darksilver.

You may have noted I didn't describe the ongoing fan remake as ignorable. That is because it has some unique renders of Alice smoking and the conversations with her aren't completely uninteresting. (She has a brand and the topic of how she started comes up. Her dad (whatever happened to him) smoked, she tried it because the smell reminded her of him, she got hooked.) I don't know that it's worth paying attention to, but it does have qualities to set it apart.
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Finally, I took the liberty of gathering all the smoking content that's easy to find from the Big Brother Fan Art thread. First render by Rich, middle renders by FunFiction, last render by Epicuren. Epicuren render is from this post. Epicuren has another smoking set with Alice here.
Edit: That's not actually the full Epicuren Alice set. This post has a link to a MEGA with the full set. Furthermore, one of the many mods uses this set in game, and actually photoshops in an exhale on one of the renders to make it a full on smoking blowjob.
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Oct 3, 2021
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Frustration is the emotion we experience when our expectations are unfulfilled. Blueballs is a specific form frustration, where sexual activities/scenes are predicted but not realized. The point is that the worst cases of blueballs will occur when a situation is otherwise hitting all your buttons, it just doesn't finish the job. Foot of the Mountains is proof of concept. I don't know that I've ever been this frustrated by a VN, smoking fetish wise. However, I also would say this game is in the top five for smoking fetish content. My review today will explore how one game can evoke two opposed reactions simultaneously.
The "fun" starts on the first day when you find your absurdly attractive cousin smoking, with her parents in the room, at a party.
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This is, of course, the only scene with her smoking in the entire game.* Seriously, is there not one dev of AVN's who has read about the principal of Chekhov's gun? Is there some weird coding thing with Ren'py that a character shown smoking within the first 10 minutes of play can never smoke again? What the hell? I'm legitimately mystified at how often this occurs. *It repeats, and has variants, but she has nothing that could be considered a separate scene.
Anyway, enough about your cousin Ann. While Ann disappoints, your aunt Melinda (who is also absurdly attractive) smokes fairly often for someone who has quit and claims to the MC when he asks her about one instance "it's a one time thing."
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Ok, so Melinda redeems the game a bit, but you're probably wondering where the hell I got "top five smoking fetish game" from. So far, it's just attractive women holding.

Let me introduce Cynthia, MC's sister. poker_fotm.jpg As far as I can tell, a very significant portion of her content revolves around her efforts to acquire cigarettes, and your efforts to acquire cigarettes for her.** If you do acquire cigarettes for her, and you take her to the lake, she'll ask you for one.
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She'll then ask you for another one later in the same day.
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Finally, one night after a poker game she'll tell you "Uncle William is so nice. He gave me the money that we won together and 3 cigarettes!" She then offers to share with you.
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That... is some Ottomans at Malta level of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I actually cut some of her pre-sex smoking renders from that last scene, by the way. It was going perfect. Then... the dev just punts the damn ball at the one-inch line with no defenders in sight. What. The. Hell.

So, to sum up. On the blueballing hand, we have my favorite trope, "Character introduced as a smoker but never otherwise shown smoking." and "Smoking scene with smoking dialogue where the female character FUCKING SAYS smoking makes sex better and she lets her partner penetrate her while holding a cigarette but there isn't any smoking during or after intercourse." That is next level bullshit.

On the "It's actually a good smoking fetish game." hand, well let's look at my four criteria I mentioned a post or two ago.
Quantity of smoking? 7 scenes will get it done.
Quality of smoking? It's not one-hundred percent consistent, and it's mainly holding, but that scene where Cynthia smokes in MC's lap carries a ton of weight for me. Good here.
Writing of smoking? Not the best, but there's some. Plus, you have to grade vs. other games here, not vs. In which case, this game passes handily. (Also see the ** note.)
Sexualization of smoking? Giant middle finger at the end of Cynthia's route not withstanding, this game is fine with sexy and cigarettes being in the same render. Pass.
So, by my little "rubric", this game is great. The end result is simultaneously an immensely frustrating and an immensely satisfying experience, at least as far as smoking is concerned. As I said in the spoiler before my review, the game in general is garbage. Pretty garbage with very attractive women, but garbage.
Oh, and I think this wbeach5_fotm2.jpg is the only render from part 2 with a cigarette. So there's that.
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Oct 3, 2021
When I downloaded Foot of the Mountains, I expected to write maybe a 2 sentence review. In fact, I downloaded it against my better judgment. I was sure it was another game with a smoking fetch quest that didn't actually have smoking. How wrong I was. Anyway, that review was supposed to be a bit piece of this post, instead of the monstrosity it became. Buckle up, this is another big one. Every bit of research I haven't already discussed is going here.

Speaking of games that are mixed bags, let's start with Big City's Pleasures. MC moves in with his female friend and her female roommate for college. They have a small party that night so he can meet some people.
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No points if you can guess how much alcohol she drinks in the game. *sigh* There's also the fact that you can buy, among other things, cigarettes at the store. These serve absolutely no purpose, other than getting the cashier girl to turn around so you can look at her ass. *sigh* There are a couple of bright sides, however. First, Olivia doesn't actually have much content. Once she has a proper route, there might actually be some smoking on it. Second...
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Just the one scene for now, but we are explicitly promised more in future updates. That said, I expect Ocean to finish both of his games before this game is done. Dev is slow.

The Headmaster isn't a mixed bag, but like Foot of the Mountains, it does have a scene that brushes upon greatness, only to punt at the last possible second for no reason. So, for plot reasons, young adults are being forced into special closed academies to renew their educations, and you are headmaster at one. You catch one of the girls, Charlotte, smoking. The first time, you can let her off, spank her immediately (not protocol), or spank her later (protocol). The second time, you have the same choices (I think), but she also suggests a bargain: you let her smoke, she gives you a handjob. If you agree to her proposal, you still tell her to drop the smoke, and she says no, the deal is I get to smoke it. (Warning, spoiler contains large gifs.)
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So. Fucking. Close.

Were Never Seen Again has one smoking character. More shots in her "bonus" scene than in the actual game so far, but it's early. I found it interesting that the script never mentions her smoking at all, it's only in the visuals.
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Banking on Bella has one girl who smokes in the first preview image. She unfortunately fell just on the "too young" side for me, which is too bad, the game had decent posing on her smoking.

Favorite Son has a smoking preview image.
Heart Problems has one
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I found to be meh.
Teacher's Pets has at least one
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who smokes. edit: This should actually be in the "didn't research section." I was tired, my apologies.

Workplace Rhapsody has, as far as I know, just one drawing of one of the LI's with a cigarette. It's in the first preview video on Steam, if for some reason you really care. Oh, and the cigarette lighting mini-game mentioned in the change log a)sucks and b)has a male lightee.
Life of Desmond has a smoking lady in a preview image. I actually downloaded it, and saw few more of her, but nothing else.
Lust City has two smokers, but I didn't find the content particularly interesting.
Intense Carnality is abandoned and, in my opinion, didn't have the best renders. But it did have a lot of them. According to my notes, 17 of 350 renders (so almost 5%) were of "Gwen" smoking.
The Assistant has a joint scene that's bad. But it's special weed that's also an aphrodisiac.
Smartass is by the same dev as "The Way". It has
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with just the one scene right now. But there is an ex-smoker character who talks a couple of times about how much she'd like a cigarette, except she's quit.
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edit: finishing up
A couple of games that I want to comment on:

Inheritance is a predominately text based game that has a range of smoking content. One female character smokes cigarettes in multiple scenes. The (male) MC can also choose to smoke, which can provoke events involving some of the girls. These are generally them reacting negatively or humorously though. There is one girl that seems interested, but a)it doesn't go anywhere and b)she's twelve. One interesting bit of text in the code (it might have been text associated with items in game, I dunno) was a guide to the difference between inhaling and not inhaling smoke. Not so much how to inhale or not, but rather when to inhale or not, and what the difference looks like.

Femdom Fiends is super not my scene, but if you like hardcore smoking femdom, it seems worth checking out based on the op, I guess?

In Deserted in Paradise you are trapped on an island with a bevy of beauties. One of them smokes cigarettes, but is out and jonesing hard. So you use hypnosis to make her not want to smoke. Another girl smokes weed. You manage to find magic cannabis seeds that grow into a large plant overnight so she can toke up. I'm not even joking. *sigh*

There is one character who smokes with a holder in Innocent Witches, along with some randos in the background in one scene.

Second Happiness is currently downloading. I'm not expecting much, if anything, but I'll edit in the result.
edit: Actually better than I thought. Graphics are limited by source (I'm guessing Sims 3?) and the English isn't the best but it has 3 smokers.
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Smoker 3 is MC's teacher/prof and happens upon him smoking in the bathroom at a party. Scene is edited for brevity.
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Games that I didn't really research for various reasons but might interest others:
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Games that had posts that suggested smoking but don't actually have any:
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And that's it. I mean, that's all I know about. Other than old Japanese VN's referenced on VNDB, which I'm not bothering with.
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