But Glamour has all that except for animations, doesn't it? And the updates were released every 1 or 2 months. Sure it has a lot of drawbacks but it's still a thousand times better than 99.9% of the other games here. I don't understand why he lost support.The plot, something unusual, humor, animation, modern renderings.
A lack of forward momentum in the story was my reason for dropping support. The game was actually pretty good till 0.39-0.40 but after those updates the story just stalled for Kate and even regressed with the Max route. The overall plot for Kate and the college disappeared and Max took over even her route.But Glamour has all that except for animations, doesn't it? And the updates were released every 1 or 2 months. Sure it has a lot of drawbacks but it's still a thousand times better than 99.9% of the other games here. I don't understand why he lost support.
Everyone have different taste, but i'm pretty sure this VN isn't better then what you claimed 99,9% I mean. I've downloaded all the Key VN's (on this website) and storywise it's very good! i'm 100% sure Glamour can't beat it. Even when this story would have been finished.Sure it has a lot of drawbacks but it's still a thousand times better than 99.9% of the other games here. I don't understand why he lost support.
This is most shameful thing I ever read here. What he said is simple extortion.Progress report
This post has been a long time coming. It's probably one of, if not the most important post in the history of this project.
Our team has five people:
I write the game's story, dialogues and events, model scenes, render them, and combine it all into working events.
Another person translates these posts and all text in the game.
Our designer edits the images and turns them into what you see in the game.
Our programmer works on the engine, keeps the server going, builds working versions of the updates, and provides technical support by fixing the bugs as they crop up.
We also have one more person who tests new builds, finds bugs in the old versions, and talks to the players in social media and reddit.
As you might have noticed, the number of our supporters on patreon has been going down in the last months and at this point it has reached a critical level. The money have dried down to the point where not only we earn less than we could if we worked in our respective fields, at this point we can barely pay our rent. And thanks to the war, some of us had to migrate to other countries, which increased our expenses, further exacerbating the problem.
So the question is what do we do now? We all have the bills to pay, we need an income. No one wants to abandon the project, especially after all the effort we've put in it.
The last couple of months we've been working on releasing the game on steam. We're pretty close and if the things go well we should release Glamour in steam this month. Once the game is bought, the future updates of the steam version will be free. That being said, the updates in the steam version will be behind the patreon version.
We don't want to leave patreon and this step is something we have to do to keep the game afloat. If the steam release is successful, we can worry about balancing both platforms in the future.
If the financial situation doesn't improve, we will have no choice but to seek other employments to stay alive.
We're still working on 0.58, but the progress is understandably slower than usual. Most of the images are already rendered, and we're planning to release it before the end of the month.
If the steam release is successful, then we'll be able to keep working on the game and maybe even increase our productivity. If not, the project will have to be frozen.
P.S.: Personally, now that I got to work on my passion project, I would rather not go back to an office job. That being said, I can't keep working on Glamour all by myself, it's far too much work. The project has been designed around a team from the ground up, it's not something that can be done by one person.
So, plan B. If Glamour stops being profitable enough to support our team, I'll work solo on something new. I have some ideas and might show it to you if Glamour meets its untimely demise. The graphical style, setting, gameplay, and many other aspects of the new project will be drastically different from Glamour.
Yes, it has (except for animations). Relatively until around the release of the update with Neil. Then the plot as such disappeared. The quality of the dialogues and the script dropped to the level of a schoolboy preoccupied with sex.But Glamour has all that except for animations, doesn't it? And the updates were released every 1 or 2 months. Sure it has a lot of drawbacks but it's still a thousand times better than 99.9% of the other games here. I don't understand why he lost support.
BB was F95's most popular game by far when he dropped it. He had more patrons than Summertime Saga when it happened.At the time ds abandoned BB he had the most supporters he ever had and once he abandoned BB it drop to about half what he had.
When he was showing what he was making it was about 30k a month but now its only or less than 4k a month, it could be even less but without seeing it can't really tell.
Now I hope all his patreons will see what a scammer ds really is.
It's honestly been a long time and I've forgotten. What was the reason he gave for abandoning BB back then..?At the time ds abandoned BB he had the most supporters he ever had and once he abandoned BB it drop to about half what he had.
When he was showing what he was making it was about 30k a month but now its only or less than 4k a month, it could be even less but without seeing it can't really tell.
Now I hope all his patreons will see what a scammer ds really is.
Really have no idea why other than "incest" being the reason, but like you said a patch could have taken care of it.It's honestly been a long time and I've forgotten. What was the reason he gave for abandoning BB back then..?
EDIT: I think I remember now, something to do with Patreon and incest right? But tons of incest games are still on Patreon. At most they just go the roommate/landlady route and simply add an incest patch off Patreon to switch back the names. Was that not possible for BB?
I will say, for those who's gonna support him. when he's creating a new game.He admits decline of supporters (currently cca 900 on Patreon only x 10$ average) but whole post sounds like blaming supporters for that. Not a word about his failures in storytelling and combining stories into Frankenstein monster that displeased both sides.....
Now back to extortion: "fund me and 4 more lazy deadbeats (including one for social media) so we can continue to live on your money (because we really don't like to work normal jobs like you), while we are promising you only more frustrations." Really? And if not? "I'll start new project on my own." Who will trust the guy who abandoned 2 projects. And if you cutting Glamour because lacking money, how the hell you can afford it? Then, why don't you finish Glamour first? Give your supporters closure. Totally irresponsible and without any integrity.
To whoever wants to keep funding him: Don't do it. Neither him or game, as it is now, worth it
To whoever wants to keep supporting him for new project, expecting he'll honor his committments this time and finish project I urge to remeber Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Mainly because it was moddable/mod friendly. Some of the mods actually added more values to the game, and required even, because how grind-y the game was. And they thought that should have not happened, because (maybe) it would disrupt the story, etc. So for that reason they rebooted the game with the new shittier engine and shittier story, and practically non-moddable. And hope the project will be more successful (somehow).It's honestly been a long time and I've forgotten. What was the reason he gave for abandoning BB back then..?
EDIT: I think I remember now, something to do with Patreon and incest right? But tons of incest games are still on Patreon. At most they just go the roommate/landlady route and simply add an incest patch off Patreon to switch back the names. Was that not possible for BB?
They did reboot a fuckin' nothing. Glamour wasn't supposed to host a BB reboot half-game: it started with a different male protagonist.Mainly because it was moddable/mod friendly. Some of the mods actually added more values to the game, and required even, because how grind-y the game was. And they thought that should have not happened, because (maybe) it would disrupt the story, etc. So for that reason they rebooted the game with the new shittier engine and shittier story, and practically non-moddable. And hope the project will be more successful (somehow).
As a creator, you have to give your customers what they want: something TO FAP.But Glamour has all that except for animations, doesn't it? And the updates were released every 1 or 2 months. Sure it has a lot of drawbacks but it's still a thousand times better than 99.9% of the other games here. I don't understand why he lost support.
I see a lot of people disagree with me. Apparently, you play some other games and don't see what I see in this game. Which is renders. This game has some of the best renders and models out there. Most of the other games are unplayable (unfappable) for me for that reason, they pale in comparison. So, as boring as it is, it's one of the very few games worth playing for me. Although, lately the renders became worse - he doesn't care much about posing - but still.As a creator, you have to give your customers what they want: something TO FAP.
If they is nothing new to fap on, they leave. Simple.
Also the game is more and more boring with each update. Like if the game isn't moving forward anymore.
While publishing on steam sounds attractive, in reality they've a very inconsistent policy on adult games and will happily leave games banned even after the banning has been successfully appealed so with the marmite reaction to new releases I can see Glamour picking up complaints and having to deal with that possibility.to be fair if he would publish the Game on Steam and make the future Updates for free or with a Season Pass i would be totally fine with it and would buy it. i mean he have to make Money after all.
Wrong, 3 months with no contact with the dev or no game update in 18 months regardless how active the dev is.Two more weeks until this project can be marked as abandonned am i right ?
Anyways, my opinion on this is that we can fairly assume the game will never know another release, and by maintaining silence (like he's very good at) even towards the most basic questions from his patrons, he also maintains a status quo.
By not stating things officially, he's keeping as much donations per month as possible.
If he announced the termination of the game, more ppl would unsubscribe. And basically if he said anything at this point instead of releasing an update it would have for consequence the loss of more patrons.
Now, i don't think an update will come out either, too much time has passed.
I strongly believe DS's team have stuff cooked one or more months in advance before release (that would also explain the lack of respect towards poll results sometimes). So if they ran out of cash, they still would have content to release.
After all, when BB was abandoned he still released an ultimate update with sex with Ann etc.
I also think if the steam release was an actual doable thing for his team, he would communicate on this more instead of keeping silent.
But I also don't know if something's going on the discord.
I honestly will feel relieved this gets an abandoned tag in the end so everyone and specially patrons can move on and invest in some other creators.