There is a lot of talking about this situation, possible abandonment while he still has 900 hostages... oops sorry... subscribers. Usually it means average cca 10$ per subscriber. 9000$ brutto. At least 5000$ net after taxes. But he said: "it is not good enough! And then we heard why. He has his lazy deadbeat entourage of 5 openly telling they enjoyed being pampered by subscribers so they don't want to have normal rl job. Their expenses has risen, they have to rent appartment since they escaped from war... shortly, our easygoing lifestyle is now too expensive for income they are receiving. solution? cut your team (for example ditch social media and communication guy)? improve game to attract new subscribers? try to get back subscribers you lost?... no! solution is ask subscribers for more money or you'll abandon the game. but what after? since you don't want to work your solution is: you'll launch a new game.
Man, one of reasons you are in this shit is abandoning projects and cheating subscribers. first you betrayed bb fans by abandoning their game, then you betrayed kate fans by minorizing her updates, then you disappointed your hardcore bb fan turning bb segment of glamour into house of max, then you infected kate game with max and lost all remaining kate supporters. just because in one moment it seems to you that max fans will be enough to cover loss of old subscribers and bring extra profit. each of your polls showed you that max has majority, but they also showed that you have 30-40% unhappy people paying money. you ignored that second part and it worked for short period. while your original subscribers were leaving, max fans were there. but core-base fans of max are teen fapers, wannabe max in rl. they basically have no steady income (mainly playing free and being very loud) and your game being grindy and repeatable couldn't keep their attention for a long (and there are whole bunch of fast, non-grind renpy games with max look-alike charachter dominating family and all girls around). depending just on pocket money income subscribers, alienating all other, your game with worse scripting from update to update your "world of max" (formerlly known as glamour) sailed into night toward ice berg. nobody can save you anymore, since nobody trust you anymore.
and all of that was avoidable if you and your lazy social media expert actually read what people were writing. all of them, not just praises.
btw, some fans here are so praising renders as reason why your game should be supported. they are very good, but not revolutionary good or good enough to keep financing this pack of lies and cheats