You need to get the unimportant updates for your operating system, because there are some competent ones in there that you need to play, but do not choose those for the language then it should work. Assuming you still have Windows 7 if that also applies to Windows 10, I do not know.
I would assume when 0.17 online is released. There are a few fun new scenes in 0.16, but I think 0.17-.18 is where the plot really starts to ramp up. Nicholas appears to be the main antagonist in the Kate route, and I hear Eric is making a return in the Max route
I run a Win10 system with no problems, so yeah, I agree with d3dx. I highly recommend upgrading your OS. Last I heard it's free
I would assume when 0.17 online is released. There are a few fun new scenes in 0.16, but I think 0.17-.18 is where the plot really starts to ramp up. Nicholas appears to be the main antagonist in the Kate route, and I hear Eric is making a return in the Max route
Hehehe ... Sorry, noob error. Will keep that in mind! I haven't completed all the routes in BB, but so far he does just appear to be there to be a thorn in everyone's side
Hi Guys,
I'm stucked. I'm playing the version 0.16 online and I've tried to follow the guide few paged before but I think I'm still missing something...
do you have suggestions?
I cannot trigger fedor/veronica events
I run a Win10 system with no problems, so yeah, I agree with d3dx. I highly recommend upgrading your OS. Last I heard it's free
I would assume when 0.17 online is released. There are a few fun new scenes in 0.16, but I think 0.17-.18 is where the plot really starts to ramp up. Nicholas appears to be the main antagonist in the Kate route, and I hear Eric is making a return in the Max route
Is the Max route playable yet? I hadn't tried playing the male MC in awhile since originally it had literally zero content beyond the intro. I do prefer playing as a male even if I don't like Max much.
Is the Max route playable yet? I hadn't tried playing the male MC in awhile since originally it had literally zero content beyond the intro. I do prefer playing as a male even if I don't like Max much.
Not significantly. The main reason I'm playing BB now is to find out what all the fuss is about, and why people are complaining. And they're not wrong - compared to BB, the Max route is woefully lacking in content. But following his project board, he seems to have finished a whole bunch of Max content, so it is slowly getting there. It looks like stuff like Punishments is moving over to the Kate route at college, but apparently Max is going to be able to go to the college eventually anyway, so he'll get it too
I've heard something about Glamour being DS's original game it was abandoned to make BB. Can anyone confirm/deny?
Wpolo and Ciciput - I believe that's the end of the content for now
Darkside - you can take the pill on the couch between 2200 and 2300. But it's highly dependant on where you are in the plot. Initially Nick needs to be there, but other times he doesn't. It also depends how far you've gone in the Alice and Adam quests. It didn't work for me for ages, until I slept until midnight a couple of times and got the midnight events.
Not significantly. The main reason I'm playing BB now is to find out what all the fuss is about, and why people are complaining. And they're not wrong - compared to BB, the Max route is woefully lacking in content. But following his project board, he seems to have finished a whole bunch of Max content, so it is slowly getting there. It looks like stuff like Punishments is moving over to the Kate route at college, but apparently Max is going to be able to go to the college eventually anyway, so he'll get it too
Actualy we didn't get even half of what was planned for 0.16,because they have less time for the update.I realy hope 0.19 that will be Max again,won't once more be an update on which they work 1 week less.
No and yes.The first Glamour have almost nothing in common with BB.But yes it is his first game and yes abandoned to make BB,which was abandoned to make Glamour 2.0
In 2-3 weeks 0.16 offline will be out.But must warn you.There is not that much real content.Only the scenes with Kira are good enough.After all we are on level 1 relationship-only watching.And I am not sure that in next update we will move firther.
Talk to Nicolas about Veronika, ask Veronika about tutoring, wait a day, ask Veronika about tutoring and go to her house between 14:00-16:00 to start the first tutoring, complete a second tutoring, talk to Helen about Veronika’s key card, complete four more tutorings, talk to Nicolas about Veronika, complete one last tutoring.
Of course, being able to talk to Nicolas about Veronika requires that you have started the college committee quest.
Many people say that 0.16 haven't nearly nothing good Max-content. You might think that because Big Brother was abandoned and DS want old BB-fans back, then he make 0.16 very very much Max-content and he get old BB-fans back. Now i think that he get old BB-fans more and more angry, because 0.16 have nearly nothing good and we fans are waiting and waiting and waiting. Many BB-fans probably get bored waiting and waiting and not come back.
That picture feels uncomfortable. Don't know if it's that lack of personal space giving by each student, or that each student happens to be exactly at the same distance from each other, as if there was no randomness to it.