I have created a guide that will help people create games just like Dark Silver. Here it is folks...
The Dark Silver Game Creation Guide:
Step 1: Use Unity, and not Renpy for your visual novel game. It doesn't matter that Renpy is better at everything than unity. Just go with unity anyways. People don't like it fuck them. If people want to port this game to renpy in an incompleted pirated form, fuck em. You can't do shit about it anyways.
Step 2: Build a game. Develop Characters, do this for a little over a year on unity. Somehow someway build a MASSIVE fan base with this game. Make it so people are making mods for your game, and fan art and it's one of the most popular games on the f95. Perhaps give a blowjob to a leprechaun or genie for a wish?
Step 3: You know that game you were working on? You know that huge fan base you had? Fuck those guys, and fuck your entire fan base! Here is what you are going to do. Take that flagship game you have created. This beautiful work of art, and just toss it in the dumpster. However, offer them a new game in the future instead. This will pretty much permanently remove about half of your huge patreon support base. Like in the graph here.
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That's okay, you over shot it at first too many supporters could cause confusion with how you should spend your big pile of money and you wouldn't want that.
Step 4: The new game... This time what you are going to do is make it so people MUST BE ONLINE to play. Any pirates, and fan art makers. Yeah fuck those guys. It doesn't matter they spread the popularity of your game and get you tons more supporters. You are to make this clear it's about money. You construct this paywall, and you make it right. You are to change the protagonist of the game to female from male as well. Keep it on unity too. It doesn't matter this would be a perfect time to change over to renpy. Keep it with unity. Fuck renpy too!
Step 5: You are going to notice the huge dip in supporters. What you are going to do to alleviate this release offline versions of that new game you made. However, you are to make sure that the offline version is always several months behind the online version. However, don't do this consistently or right away. Ya, release an offline version first as like a tech demo... like barely any content. Then shift it to all online for like 10 versions or so over about a year. Then one day out of the blue start letting the offlien versions come back again. It doesn't matter you will lose tons of supporters and fans.
Step 6: Okay so it's been like a while since you got bored of your old game that everyone loved. What you are going to do now is take that old game you abandoned... Now you cram it in to the new game and sorta remake it. You are gonna basically do a 2 games in 1 where 1 protagonist is female 1 is male like both games in 1... However, instead of starting off back where you were with the level of content on the game you built at first... Build it all over from scratch. Just rebuild it... I know it will take a lot longer and people loved it and would love to see a continuation of it. Nah fuck them though. Make them wait at least a couple more years to get back to where it was.