Ladies. I know it may be hard for ye, but cut out the NTR fights, and the arguing in general. Ye're adults (hopefully), not kids. Ye're here long enough. Any more lead to warnings and/or threadbans.
~ Your laziest friendly Staff Member ~
I like how you start, polite to me and insult the others, we'll get along fine.
We weren't fighting over that though. We were debating whether devs should cater to certain people or not.
My point being devs should make the games they want to make, the other point being they should cater to what they want.
I don't give a toss about those 3 letters, i'm not a guy, i'm not playing for immersion purposes. If people's ego's are so fragile that it bothers them then that's their issue. It's not something i'm going to argue about.
There are plenty of games on here, pretty sure everyone here are old enough to decide whether or not a game is to their tastes.