+I came for the game but stayed for the music

well, that was the last place I was at before I closed the game window (Quit).
+Yeah, I fell in love with it at first.. I thought "Yes! Finally someone made a game that MC gets penetrated instead of killed (Game Over) in between life bar refills."
+That the MC gets to continue on from where they got rooted on the spot.
= But this is where the game (for me) goes down hill.....
-On my first play, I got to an area to Turn off the Generator, and then MC was walking at 1 step every 3 seconds, and that's with the 'Run' option turned 'ON' - I couldn't see what was different in stats-wise for the reason. And turning on the generator is no an option.
-Thus I had to start new again, but this time I unlocked 100%, game starts off really nicely, I almost became invincible until I got blown up. Dunno if it was a coincidence; or if the game is programmed to be HARDER when 100% is unlocked.
-I have to be hard pressed against enemies to shoot them - literally pressing -> (or) D to touch my MC to enemy. So no run and shoot option? or stop and shoot? Being hard pressed against enemy is invitation for a sex scene

lol.. not that I'm complaining too much, but it's just realistic enough

-The choice of the letter keys I have to use to use weapons kept throwing me off.. like 'v' for laser, and 'x' for what again? ... And then half the time they didn't work. That's where I lost interest in the game and then started exploring what the "100% unlocked" had to offer ... my favorites are looking at the naked yummy guys in the dress/undress are, and the 'AUDIO' player (as I said in first line).
=In my 27yrs of gaming experience, I don't know if I'm all-platform-game'd-out, or certain platform games killed it for me, or I just grew out of them, or all-of-the-above, plus my experience of PSP (PlayStationPortable); platform games get super hard level by level, and PSP's were on the 4th level, that's how I feel about this game [Guilty Force].
-It's fun for the first few tries or 30 minutes worth of it but then got bored of it very quickly ...and never got to the end of the 1st level "O.O"
-Yes, the first level is too dingy = needs to be a bit brighter - You can put it as an option maybe!?
-Also add an option to turn off certain fetishes, like; MC gets rooted by male enemies only, or all females, or all futas, or all machines, or all the other differ creatures.
-The sound of the pink and metal enemy needs swapping out that doesn't sound like glass marbles being swirled around in a round plastic container ..lol..
-Wish we could zoom closer to sex acts.
=Overall, it's a pretty good game, I do recommend it for anyone that seeks this genre. I guess it's good for retro gamers - like I was still playing the PlayStation PSX games way into the era of PS4 until I got a pc in 2008 and almost immediately never touched another console game again, and with me in my 40's; I'm hunting for this era kind of games.