Collection Video Guiltyk Collection [2022-09-13] [Guiltyk]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Oct 11, 2017
XMAS Gwen video just dropped on Kemono

edit: NVM i'm a retard, someone already posted it. Keeping it here in case there's a need for a spare link.


Apr 23, 2021
(Posted on patreon on 24th Feb. Hopefully he fully recovers soon!)


Been a silent while, time to share with you what's been goin...

So, unfortunately, somewhere before the end of January, I've got really sick. Not only me but my whole family actually. For about two weeks it was just a complete effin misery. The worst part of it was probably not the actual feeling of shittiness that illness brings, but just a sense of not being able to do something even remotely productive throughout all this time.
To be honest I'm still not at my 100% yet but I got back to working on stuff about a week ago or so.

I know I made it sound morbid but things are looking up now and the trajectory seems to be positive. I don't want pity and I don't like making excuses. I usually try to bring some new content every month but this time It's just ain't gonna happen and I apologize. I will aim to rectify it in March.

Yes, my main focus is still the big Gwen animation, and I still want to provide other content on the side. The changes around Patreon remain the same, so it is still on pause and will remain that way until the release, whenever it is going to be.

With that said, hope you all are safe and healthy, wherever you might be, cuz the world is a little bit on fire right now.

So yeah, thank you all as per usual, and go enjoy Elden Ring :)


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
Here's the torrent (Right Click > Download):
I been using torrents for a long time and still don't understand how Seeding worked?
- Does it automatically seeding once you progress reach 100%.
- How do you know your seeding? it said your seeding but the seeds users display hasn't added one more and the up speed B/s hasn't change from 0 B/s.
- Does moving the file away for its original directory make you lose your seeding?(like putting a file in a folder)

Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
I been using torrents for a long time and still don't understand how Seeding worked?
- Does it automatically seeding once you progress reach 100%.
- How do you know your seeding? it said your seeding but the seeds users display hasn't added one more and the up speed B/s hasn't change from 0 B/s.
- Does moving the file away for its original directory make you lose your seeding?(like putting a file in a folder)
Seeders are those that have the file and are actively running the program and uploading it. Leechers are those trying to download. And yes moving it from wherever you downloaded it to would make you no longer a seeder.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
Seeders are those that have the file and are actively running the program and uploading it. Leechers are those trying to download. And yes moving it from wherever you downloaded it to would make you no longer a seeder.
It still doesn't explain my two first points. Does a leechers automatically become a seeders once they download 100% of the file?


Jun 10, 2017
It still doesn't explain my two first points. Does a leechers automatically become a seeders once they download 100% of the file?
You become a seeder the moment you have any amount downloaded and seed that downloaded part, unless you turn off seeding in settings.
While specified torrent link is running you're seeding.
You can move file in another directory through torrent program and seed as long as files in the link are unchanged .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2021
I been using torrents for a long time and still don't understand how Seeding worked?
- Does it automatically seeding once you progress reach 100%.
- How do you know your seeding? it said your seeding but the seeds users display hasn't added one more and the up speed B/s hasn't change from 0 B/s.
- Does moving the file away for its original directory make you lose your seeding?(like putting a file in a folder)
- As long as you use the default settings, It does start seeding at the moment you have download one "chunk" of the torrent (between 1MB and 64BM depending on the torrent) and someone need it and you're "useful" to it (so if one user request it and other peer have higher bandwidth, you may not see any seeding since you're not really "needed" but if a lot of people suddenly download it, you will seed).
- Depending on the torrent client and how it show, some only display the "seeding" status once the download is finished (even if all client seed while downloading) and you will stay at 0 B/s if no peer download from you (for example a torrent in "stand-by" where no one currently download from it).
- Yes, and worse, not only it make you lose seeding of that files but your torrent client will see a missing files and try to redownload it, that's why I try to keep the same structure to be able to update some torrent without being bothersome BUT if you rearrange the files and remake a torrent of it using the same trackers, both torrent will be able to seed the same files toward all who need it, no matter which torrent they used (if you had 3 different torrent, as long as the files are the same in all three, you'll seed to each other since the tracker and the DHT will look at who "has" that files, no matter if you use a different torrent. That why if you make a brand new torrent with popular files already present in another torrent, you'll immediately see more seeder that just yourself).

Hello there, does the torrent contain everything on this thread o.o?
General Kenobi.
It has a least what's in OP and sometime I quickly run through some page of the thread to see if someone posted other files not present to OP (I try to do that but some thread being 100 pages long are harder to "crawl", so at least files from OP are download).
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Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2020
- As long as you use the default settings, It does start seeding at the moment you have download one "chunk" of the torrent (between 1MB and 64BM depending on the torrent) and someone need it and you're "useful" to it (so if one user request it and other peer have higher bandwidth, you may not see any seeding since you're not really "needed" but if a lot of people suddenly download it, you will seed).
- Depending on the torrent client and how it show, some only display the "seeding" status once the download is finished (even if all client seed while downloading) and you will stay at 0 B/s if no peer download from you (for example a torrent in "stand-by" where no one currently download from it).
- Yes, and worse, not only it make you lose seeding of that files but your torrent client will see a missing files and try to redownload it, that's why I try to keep the same structure to be able to update some torrent without being bothersome BUT if you rearrange the files and remake a torrent of it using the same trackers, both torrent will be able to seed the same files toward all who need it, no matter which torrent they used (if you had 3 different torrent, as long as the files are the same in all three, you'll seed to each other since the tracker and the DHT will look at who "has" that files, no matter if you use a different torrent. That why if you make a brand new torrent with popular files already present in another torrent, you'll immediately see more seeder that just yourself).

General Kenobi.
It has a least what's in OP and sometime I quickly run through some page of the thread to see if someone posted other files not present to OP (I try to do that but some thread being 100 pages long are harder to "crawl", so at least files from OP are download).
So large volume and higher bandwidth is when your start to notice it, okey that explain it. Here what got me mostly answered questions about it:


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2021
Here what got me mostly answered questions about it.
You don't have any direct peer connected to you, that's why. You see two number in the peer section (same goes for the seed by the way), those in parenthesis are the one in the "swarm" that want to download the files and those not in parenthesis are the one directly connected to you.

Meaning currently, for your first torrent for example, there's one seeder other than yourself in the swarm, the (1), that serves the other peer (6).

The Stalled torrent can be put on hold for multiple reason, either a limit on the active torrent (that's configurable, for example to not overload your computer), a lack of space or write right on the disk etc. Force Resume on qBittorrent mostly ignore any limit (like the third torrent) but it shouldn't be necessary if you didn't setup any limit.

Some thing you can do is

1) go to advanced settings and tick:
- Always announce to all trackers in a tier
- Always announce to all tiers

That will force update to all trackers in the torrent saying "Hello, I have some files for seed, give me some peer that want to download them" (note, that may add a little overhead if you have lot of trackers since it also use bandwidth to transmit that information and here it will send to all trackers, even duplicate).

But looking at the number of tracker and the name, it seem you downloaded from e-hentai and you most likely get only peer from this one + eventually those who use the Distributed Hash Table (the DHT below or "trackerless") so one thing you could do if e-hentai doesn't make their torrent "private" (basically excluding themselves from other and saying: this torrent only work for those who use my tracker) is:

2) adding more trackers by right clicking and putting some in it (I use this and this ).

That may give you more peer if the torrent isn't set private by e-hentai.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes