You sir or madam deserve some patreon love for being right the hell on top of this. I to truly love the work you do. Words cant express what I'm feeling! --------SemagodGaming
Many thanks for your patronage, can’t express my feelings enough. I strive to make people happy as much as I can.
“If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
I appreciate the support, however just keep in mind that I do the guides to spread the happiness around, I’m not in it for the money.
With that being said, I do hope everyone will support the developer of the games they like before anyone else, as without them we wouldn’t really enjoy the games we play.
Thanks again for all your support, be it a simple post like, comment or donation. They all fill me with joy and gratitude more than you’ll ever know.
Ps: For disclosure purposes, no biggie but I’m a dude.