She believes she was. I'm willing to take her at her word.
So would I, if she had actually used that word or any known synonym. I have read through the script thoroughly and can find nothing close. Comforting is not instigating. Being a willing accomplice is not instigating. The fact that she takes the blame is also irrelevant, as we all know that victims of all kinds of abuse often do so.
If we find out subsequently that Haley instigated or even initiated sexual contact, I will cede this point. But not on the evidence presented thus far.
And we are talking about sex in any form here. Haley deciding to kiss this jerk in a moment of sympathy or (as she put it) comfort would not, to my mind, be instigating of a sex act.
As you have well pointed out, Haley is an obvious submissive. Given her empathy with the teacher's problems and her 15-year-old naivete, it probably didn't take much for him to take advantage of the situation. Hopefully, in the next release, we will learn more of the circumstances.