The point isn't that she had sex before, afterall she was with Jack when the story began and we accepted that. And it's not about Jack's size either as we didn't know about that until she left him.Because people are salty about her having had sex.
True, but that is a consistent trait from the start of the story. For the most part it was directed towards her brother and sometimes towards others, like the boss' sleazy husband, if the protagonist doesn't make the effort to talk her out of it.The point isn't that she had sex before, afterall she was with Jack when the story began and we accepted that. And it's not about Jack's size either as we didn't know about that until she left him.
The issue has to do with what Haley keeps telling MC about how she felt & feels about him since they were kids/teens then she finally has sex with him. Immediately after she tells him that she dreamt about the MC taking her virginity because he was everything to her she says kinda like... Oh yeah, I don't wanna tell you this cause you won't like it but I gave up my virginity to my Math teacher when I was 15 cause he looked sad, by the way, it was my idea and we had lots of sex.
It really makes her sound more manipulative than anything else.
I'd say the previous update was the perfect time, when there was the anticipation for their first time. Now that they've done it and it was ruined by cheap drama, this game (for me at least) went from awesome to `meh, i guess i'll check the next update to see where they take it from here`.
I think it's not a coincidence that you failed to mention the actual thing that ruined all of that setup and the act itself. But if you liked the 'we just fucked for the first time... btw i fucked a 48 year old dude when i was 15' shtick, then all the power to you. I didn't like it, at all. If you want to see a first time perfectly executed between brother and sister (perfect setup and execution of the act itself, and without any stupid shit added to it), check out the first time with Alice in Freeloading Family.I'm not sure that I'd say it was "cheap drama" at all. Think about the implications of the story when this came down.
1- she had these thoughts and just went to tease to see where he was for almost their entire lives
2- she finally got to the point where she was giving into them and mom calls and she flips the hell out and tries to get rid of it all
3- they go back to their parents house to celebrate being together for a long period of time
4- they go on a nostalgic journey through their old life prior to what we've been a part of before all of this
5- she literally gets to live out a fantasy that she had, in that very same house, in that very same room, with those very same thin walls, with the very same chance of getting caught, and those very same parents being of sound mind enough to know that it isn't "youthful experimenting" any more.
Combine all of this and you get a pretty hot and meaningful scene for both us and the characters themselves. I was worried that this would've been a cheap play, too, but we got anything but that in my eyes. And I, too, am waiting to see what happens next, because THAT, I feel, will determine the rest of the story/game from here on out.
"It's my fault. He looked so sad. Like I said, it was my fault. I wanted to comfort him."So would I, if she had actually used that word or any known synonym.
"So are you going to ask me? How many men I had? Including you...3. Don't get me wrong. I fuck a lot. It's just that I do it with the same guy."And we are talking about sex in any form here. Haley deciding to kiss this jerk in a moment of sympathy or (as she put it) comfort would not, to my mind, be instigating of a sex act.
It will be interesting to see how much the story punishes, blames, or even attempts to absolve him. And, for that matter, how Haley reacts to her brother confronting Klaus, which I think we can assume he will.As you have well pointed out, Haley is an obvious submissive. Given her empathy with the teacher's problems and her 15-year-old naivete, it probably didn't take much for him to take advantage of the situation. Hopefully, in the next release, we will learn more of the circumstances.
You, the reader/watcher weren't in a relationship with Haley then, and you have no reasonable expectation of being in one. (Also it'd be a crime.) Nor are you now. Like I said, this is an insane way to think about NTR. Frankly, the closest this game gets to any actual form of NTR in the core relationships is Haley's jealousy over how her mother treats her brother.Actually it's the very definition of NTR which is a plot device which is meant to trigger emotions of jealousy in the reader/watcher of a media outlet.
I really don't see why people have such a hard time understanding this. It's just another version of Master or Sir.It doesn't really have anything to do specifically with her dad (there definitely isn't anything actually sexual there)
I think there's a high probability that her choice of Daddy over the usual alternatives is indeed related to her parental relationships.I think her sexual quirks of submission are definitely related to her feelings of being less loved by her mother though.
Well worth remembering. Haley's plan to get back at Adriana, who at that point is treating her horribly, is to shamelessly flirt with Adriana's husband in front of Adriana. That's her first and only plan: to use her sexuality. It takes both Victor and the MC to talk her out of it, and even then she's still wearing the sexy underwear-free dress. I think we can assume that Haley has used her sexuality to manipulate situations before then. (And, of course, we've seen her deploy it against her brother, which finally caused him to snap.)like the boss' sleazy husband
I think the "revelation", and disgust I felt, overshadowed the event I've waited so long for.
This is one of those "things that can't be unseen" moments.Talk about ruining a moment...
I can now see MC wanting to distance himself from Haley.
Dude she was a minor and he was in a position of power. It's statutory rape.she said she wanted it she was not abused
You are correct my friend, I was just saying that every other dev that I know gives updates without a fixed interval for example if one update came out in 4 months, there is no surety that the next one will come out in the same time and it might take a lot more time. With this dev at least we are 100 percent sure that there will be 4 updates in 4 months.So, monthly updates, you go away for a few months and come back to an okay sized chunk of content.
Considering a lot of devs now take a few months to make decent sized updates if you did go away for a few months you'd only be getting the same as other devs do.
I doubt her not being a virgin was a concern since we already knew she was having sex with Jack. Well used to anyway.Why? Did you want her to be a virgin while you fucked around?
Play it, don't play it...I don't mind, but I like my game realistic. I don't expect every girl I meet to be a virgin. I call it real life.First of all I asked what was going on I haven't played it and after this I won't waste my time. Ntr not ntr I don't care what you call it or don't call it but this is a disgusting and useless addition after however damn long it's been. Peace.