I'm not sure which is chapter 11, but this should be close enough. In this save you reject sandra and you just ran into alana alone in the bar. I'm assuming you're looking for the alana sex scene, otherwise I've got some earlier saves in my no sandra route if you want.
I'm not sure which is chapter 11, but this should be close enough. In this save you reject sandra and you just ran into alana alone in the bar. I'm assuming you're looking for the alana sex scene, otherwise I've got some earlier saves in my no sandra route if you want.
This game has been amazing till now in dealing with a stereotypical theme with the most non stereotypical way. A brother-Sister incest relationship presented plausible, with slow steady pace, and without logic gaps. Major props to the writer till now. Even when rest of the team seemed to fall behind writer Was there to save the Day. Remember the occasion in previous chapter when He had to adress Haley's weird teeth or smile(probably some bad rendering)? He did it in a great way.
Until the Last update. I will give my thoughts about the content of this update wich seemed to be forced, not to the playerbase (everyone has a different responce to that) but to dev team itself.
1) Dad wearing a jacket in mid summer. Probably cause of laziness or the amount of renders in the update, it doesnt serve anything storywise. Writer had to adress that 2 times and He did it in a bad way presnting Dad As either an idiot or rude. Its a first indication of forced content.
2) School bathroom scene. Storywise the way that scene Is justified Is giving Haley a reason to start the past lovers diqussion based on her brother reaction. Still the "i used to take a 5 usd fee from every 20 usd bj your ex gave" Is a weird asf scene, unneseccarilly provocative out of pace and out of the game vibe. Just like a wtf emotional clickbate which Is clearly out of Games logic till now.
3) The panties on floor scene. Dads reaction seems logical. A typical Dad wanting his son going out with girls having fun and using his Dick while young. Seeing a pair of panties in sons room logical reaction Is that He Is banging some chick not that He Is banging his Sister. So what the purpose of that scene? If the subject has ended Is that a 3 renders unnecessary clickbate cliffhanger? Or a real cliffhanger? (many ways to bring that up, possibly in a Family table, where Mother seems whay more naive?)
4) The after sex scene. Writer had to adress 3 separate issues in that scene. Introducing the maths teacher story, dealing with halleys emotions and dealing with mcs emotions. Although MC Wasn't afraid till now to confront his Sister in the most direct ways, He convinienty stays silent raising only the issue of the daddy thing (a question already raised but reraised under the New scope of teacher-Sister relationship). She doesnt respond and He stays silent.
Halley seems in a trance. Timing, her brothers emotions, and possible outcomes are not concidered. A woman at her mid 20s Who refused to take responsibility for a relationship she always thought, and dreamed in every little detail Is presented to have taken full responsibility from since she Was 15 years old for her relationship with a 48 guy who she wanted to comfort cause He Was newly divorced and unhappy!!! And a woman at her mid 20s Who Just before 2 min had 2 lovers in her life, the 3 and a half Inc. Guy and the 48 years teacher claims "i fuck a lot"!!!
All these are unfolded to the reader together with the teacher-sister relationship in about 10 dialoque lines and in 2 static renders!!!
That Was the sloppiest of the sloppy scenes i have ever seen in a game that till now Was never sloppy.
And the dialoques were monumentally bad, rushed, and idiotic or naive from a writer Who Until now has presented the exact opposite.
In conclusion.
The update had so much content cramped, like an uper hand forced it in the update. The way parents favor their son. The parents not trusting Halley on her own. The mcs fat clone ex Haley's eye dryhumbing interest. The bathroom scene. First brother-Sister sex scene. The after sex dialoque. The Halley-teacher relationship. The panties on the floor. And so many cliffhanger-questions. The daddy issue. The halley-teacher relationship. The panties(?). The coming mc-teacher encounter. The reasons parents dont trust Halley.
It Was Just to much to put in a single update without changing the Games pace. Without leaving logic gaps. And without letting the Games dialoque down in so many cases. Even the most talented writer (when dialoques are this games main asset till now) could not cope with that (it almost feels that dialoques some times in this update where writen by a different person) While having to also justify why a dude Is wearing his jacket indoors mid summer while eating dinner...
Before the shitstorm introduced at Last update Is cleared out, the development team has to clear their shit out. I dont mind all the cliffhangers and questions that were introduced in the update but i mind the sloppy and out of pace way they were introduced, which Was totally different from game dev standrds till now. Or the feeling that an uper hand forced that outcome. Deal with the questions and cliffhangers that already being presented with the way that game evolved prior to this update.
And in case we see Dad indoors in next update. Render him a tshirt ffs...
The update had so much content cramped, like an uper hand forced it in the update. The way parents favor their son. The parents not trusting Halley on her own. The mcs fat clone ex Haley's eye dryhumbing interest. The bathroom scene. First brother-Sister sex scene. The after sex dialoque. The Halley-teacher relationship. The panties on the floor. And so many cliffhanger-questions. The daddy issue. The halley-teacher relationship. The panties(?). The coming mc-teacher encounter. The reasons parents dont trust Halley.
I see where you're coming from and I kind of agree. Although, personally I didn't I didn't think the pantie scene was a twist, more like the writers twisted sense of humor. There's the dad congratulating the MC on getting some pussy, all the while not realizing where that pussy came from.
I see where you're coming from and I kind of agree. Although, personally I didn't I didn't think the pantie scene was a twist, more like the writers twisted sense of humor. There's the dad congratulating the MC on getting some pussy, all the while not realizing where that pussy came from.
I tend to agree with you on this. I don't see any reason the Dad would ever bring up the subject on his own in front of the whole family.
Only if someone else starts talking about something that could lead him to mention it. If that does happen, the dynamic around the table would be interesting, to say the least. Haley might wind up hospitalized with a panic attack.
Acting Lessons could've gotten away with that plot twist if was, say, Depraved Awakening. It was already a story with some pretty heavy emotions (Liam), but the abrupt turn towards violence and death really came in a rush and almost entirely out of the blue. The other way it could've gotten away with it, however, is if it happened much earlier in the story. Because then you have the rest of the story to deal with the emotional and practical aftermath.
It's the latter possibility, along with the knowledge that this isn't going to be resolved by the end of the next update, that makes me optimistic. That suggests there's going to be sufficient remaining time to satisfactorily address such a significant change in tone.
When the WTF moment happened in AL there was immediate outrage over it. Now comments in AL's forum seem overwhelmingly positive. I wonder if in that story and in this one that the people that are the most upset are the one's that have been there since the beginning. When you spend months playing through the updates, do you have a stronger relationship with the characters than someone who can sit down and get to the current point in the story within a few hours?
At the very least I assume that both Haley and Sandra will be getting their own endings in this game. I'd be surprised if there isn't at least one bad ending too (although personally I'd consider any ending without Haley a bad ending). And maybe some of the other girls may get their own endings, although at this time all the other relationships seem very casual, not really worthy of an ending.
I'm also sure there will be a Sandra ending. A "bad" ending might just be a "occasional hookups with Diane and/or Alana" ending, because if they're not together one of the twins is going to have to leave both the apartment and the job (which could be the setup for a Sandra ending if it's the MC). I wouldn't mind a Lisa ending either, but they'd have to do some more work to justify that one.
I think it would be easy to disguise their relationship. They move to another city. They have the same last name so they tell people they are husband and wife. When talking to their parents they mention imaginary dates with other people but say they are too focused on their careers to settle down. All the people they have any contact with now are Sandra and her friends and they would be unlikely to stay in contact if MC and Sandra broke up. Neighbor is only a friend because she lives next door. So if they move away the only people of interest are the parents. When they visit their parents no problem just act like siblings again. If they live in at least a two apartment they move MC's stuff into the second bedroom and continue the charade when the parents visit, although when they visit let them have MC's room and this time MC takes the couch.
Forever? They keep this charade up forever? Their mail goes to the same address? They constantly have to maintain their home lives as if they're not lovers just in case someone drops by? They never date anyone else and fight off those questions forever? They can't have kids? That's living in fear, not a relationship. Honestly, if the game ended that way I would be disappointed; that's a handwave and a copout for a game that has, so far, dealt with incest more realistically and logically than any other I've seen. Maybe if their parents and all their other relatives and friends die in an unexpected house fire or something.
In conclusion.
The update had so much content cramped, like an uper hand forced it in the update. The way parents favor their son. The parents not trusting Halley on her own. The mcs fat clone ex Haley's eye dryhumbing interest. The bathroom scene. First brother-Sister sex scene. The after sex dialoque. The Halley-teacher relationship. The panties on the floor. And so many cliffhanger-questions. The daddy issue. The halley-teacher relationship. The panties(?). The coming mc-teacher encounter. The reasons parents dont trust Halley.
It Was Just to much to put in a single update without changing the Games pace. Without leaving logic gaps. And without letting the Games dialoque down in so many cases. Even the most talented writer (when dialoques are this games main asset till now) could not cope with that (it almost feels that dialoques some times in this update where writen by a different person) While having to also justify why a dude Is wearing his jacket indoors mid summer while eating dinner...
Before the shitstorm introduced at Last update Is cleared out, the development team has to clear their shit out. I dont mind all the cliffhangers and questions that were introduced in the update but i mind the sloppy and out of pace way they were introduced, which Was totally different from game dev standrds till now. Or the feeling that an uper hand forced that outcome. Deal with the questions and cliffhangers that already being presented with the way that game evolved prior to this update.
And in case we see Dad indoors in next update. Render him a tshirt ffs...
Yeah, I share the opinion the exposition, presented in the last update warranted two updates or at least more development time for a longer update. I think it felt rushed at times, because they were trying to add the sex scene in this one, but the writer had a lot of stuff he had to add to the story before it happens. The father's jacket can be viewed as an attempt from him to piss off his nagging wife, by wearing something that doesn't make sense at all. Still, nothing that can't be snuffed out when 0.60 drops.
This game has been amazing till now in dealing with a stereotypical theme with the most non stereotypical way. A brother-Sister incest relationship presented plausible, with slow steady pace, and without logic gaps. Major props to the writer till now. Even when rest of the team seemed to fall behind writer Was there to save the Day. Remember the occasion in previous chapter when He had to adress Haley's weird teeth or smile(probably some bad rendering)? He did it in a great way.
Until the Last update. I will give my thoughts about the content of this update wich seemed to be forced, not to the playerbase (everyone has a different responce to that) but to dev team itself.
1) Dad wearing a jacket in mid summer. Probably cause of laziness or the amount of renders in the update, it doesnt serve anything storywise. Writer had to adress that 2 times and He did it in a bad way presnting Dad As either an idiot or rude. Its a first indication of forced content.
2) School bathroom scene. Storywise the way that scene Is justified Is giving Haley a reason to start the past lovers diqussion based on her brother reaction. Still the "i used to take a 5 usd fee from every 20 usd bj your ex gave" Is a weird asf scene, unneseccarilly provocative out of pace and out of the game vibe. Just like a wtf emotional clickbate which Is clearly out of Games logic till now.
3) The panties on floor scene. Dads reaction seems logical. A typical Dad wanting his son going out with girls having fun and using his Dick while young. Seeing a pair of panties in sons room logical reaction Is that He Is banging some chick not that He Is banging his Sister. So what the purpose of that scene? If the subject has ended Is that a 3 renders unnecessary clickbate cliffhanger? Or a real cliffhanger? (many ways to bring that up, possibly in a Family table, where Mother seems whay more naive?)
4) The after sex scene. Writer had to adress 3 separate issues in that scene. Introducing the maths teacher story, dealing with halleys emotions and dealing with mcs emotions. Although MC Wasn't afraid till now to confront his Sister in the most direct ways, He convinienty stays silent raising only the issue of the daddy thing (a question already raised but reraised under the New scope of teacher-Sister relationship). She doesnt respond and He stays silent.
Halley seems in a trance. Timing, her brothers emotions, and possible outcomes are not concidered. A woman at her mid 20s Who refused to take responsibility for a relationship she always thought, and dreamed in every little detail Is presented to have taken full responsibility from since she Was 15 years old for her relationship with a 48 guy who she wanted to comfort cause He Was newly divorced and unhappy!!! And a woman at her mid 20s Who Just before 2 min had 2 lovers in her life, the 3 and a half Inc. Guy and the 48 years teacher claims "i fuck a lot"!!!
All these are unfolded to the reader together with the teacher-sister relationship in about 10 dialoque lines and in 2 static renders!!!
That Was the sloppiest of the sloppy scenes i have ever seen in a game that till now Was never sloppy.
And the dialoques were monumentally bad, rushed, and idiotic or naive from a writer Who Until now has presented the exact opposite.
In conclusion.
The update had so much content cramped, like an uper hand forced it in the update. The way parents favor their son. The parents not trusting Halley on her own. The mcs fat clone ex Haley's eye dryhumbing interest. The bathroom scene. First brother-Sister sex scene. The after sex dialoque. The Halley-teacher relationship. The panties on the floor. And so many cliffhanger-questions. The daddy issue. The halley-teacher relationship. The panties(?). The coming mc-teacher encounter. The reasons parents dont trust Halley.
It Was Just to much to put in a single update without changing the Games pace. Without leaving logic gaps. And without letting the Games dialoque down in so many cases. Even the most talented writer (when dialoques are this games main asset till now) could not cope with that (it almost feels that dialoques some times in this update where writen by a different person) While having to also justify why a dude Is wearing his jacket indoors mid summer while eating dinner...
Before the shitstorm introduced at Last update Is cleared out, the development team has to clear their shit out. I dont mind all the cliffhangers and questions that were introduced in the update but i mind the sloppy and out of pace way they were introduced, which Was totally different from game dev standrds till now. Or the feeling that an uper hand forced that outcome. Deal with the questions and cliffhangers that already being presented with the way that game evolved prior to this update.
And in case we see Dad indoors in next update. Render him a tshirt ffs...
Yes, even if you take out the revelation by Haley it was a sub par effort especially for this development team. It is the Klaus issue that is hard to get over. Haley is one of if not my favorite character in all of these games and stories. I feel like this update has diminished the Haley character. When Haley asks MC is he still loves her, the author might as well have asked do you the audience still love her. Before I get a bunch of responses telling me about in real life, this is not real life. This is a fantasy and we may all have unrealistic expectations of our fantasy women. It would be great that in the next update starts out with MC being awakened as Haley sneaks into his room, turning that Klaus confession into MC's nightmare. Probably too unrealistic a hope even for a fantasy. My hope is that it was a one time thing and not an actual relationship. MC sees Klaus. Klaus talks about how much he regrets the incident, how ashamed he has always felt. He explains that is why he had to stop tutoring Haley. Haley said that she did it because she felt sorry for Mr. Klaus. Feeling sorry for him might explain some thing happening once but not a longer term relationship. Hopefully when Haley said that she has had lots of sex she is referring to Jack because she has only had sex with MC once. If she had sex with Mr. Klaus more than once that turns him into a serial rapist and not just a man who had a moment of weakness (although he is still a statutory rapist.)
Acting Lessons could've gotten away with that plot twist if was, say, Depraved Awakening. It was already a story with some pretty heavy emotions (Liam), but the abrupt turn towards violence and death really came in a rush and almost entirely out of the blue. The other way it could've gotten away with it, however, is if it happened much earlier in the story. Because then you have the rest of the story to deal with the emotional and practical aftermath.
It's the latter possibility, along with the knowledge that this isn't going to be resolved by the end of the next update, that makes me optimistic. That suggests there's going to be sufficient remaining time to satisfactorily address such a significant change in tone.
I'm also sure there will be a Sandra ending. A "bad" ending might just be a "occasional hookups with Diane and/or Alana" ending, because if they're not together one of the twins is going to have to leave both the apartment and the job (which could be the setup for a Sandra ending if it's the MC). I wouldn't mind a Lisa ending either, but they'd have to do some more work to justify that one.
Forever? They keep this charade up forever? Their mail goes to the same address? They constantly have to maintain their home lives as if they're not lovers just in case someone drops by? They never date anyone else and fight off those questions forever? They can't have kids? That's living in fear, not a relationship. Honestly, if the game ended that way I would be disappointed; that's a handwave and a copout for a game that has, so far, dealt with incest more realistically and logically than any other I've seen. Maybe if their parents and all their other relatives and friends die in an unexpected house fire or something.
What I was pointing out in this particular story is that they seem to have no friends other than the friends that are tied to this particular location. These are not friends that they would probably keep in touch with if they moved. The only family ever mentioned has been the parents. Aunt Martha is not dropping by for a visit where they live now. So the only people that they have to fool is the parents. As far as kids are concerned, there are a lot of people that don't have kids. They just need to decide what's more important their relationship or kids. Hopefully there will be more than one possible ending. One ending where MC ends up with Haley which will make me happy since I played as faithful to Haley as the story will allow. Another ending that you can choose if you feel the story is better with a more realistic ending.
I see where you're coming from and I kind of agree. Although, personally I didn't I didn't think the pantie scene was a twist, more like the writers twisted sense of humor. There's the dad congratulating the MC on getting some pussy, all the while not realizing where that pussy came from.
Well i can imagine a scene with Family eating breakfast. Dad Is wearing his jacket cause reasons and mommy asks "Kids how did you sleep Last night. Was couch comfy honey?"
"Best sleep ever. There's nothing like home"
And then the "go get them Tiger" type of Dad pops up.
"Well our boy didn't get much sleep Last night"
"He managed to get a girl in his room Last night. She forgot her panties leaving. You dog..."
Haley chokes, MC Is playing with his cereals, Dad Is laughing proudly, mom raises eyebrow...
I wrote a dialoque i concider highly plausible, and in character, without being a writer or a developer, in 2 min, in my cellphone, while in toilet taking a dump.
The pantie thing can evolve in a Major issue with ease.
My point Is that even this Is a True cliffhanger there where to many cliffhangers forced in to the update.
If it Was a humor it Was a bad humor that noone laughed.
And shity humor isn't something we have been used to by this game writer till now.
From brilliant lines like the in bathroom "when you suck so many Dick you go places" line to the after sex humor lines or twists Is like writer has sufered a stroke.
As far as kids are concerned, there are a lot of people that don't have kids. They just need to decide what's more important their relationship or kids.
Apparently nowadays there are genetic tests that can be done to see if close family members who intend to have kids are likely to have a higher chance of birth defects.
I'm not a specialist but it depends on how much and which parts of their DNA they actually share.
I do have to agree with this. The devs have a lot of stuff to work out in the next updates.
Apparently nowadays there are genetic tests that can be done to see if siblings who have kids are likely to have a higher chance of birth defects.
I'm not a specialist but it depends on how much and which parts of their DNA they actually share.
But there are plenty of jurisdictions where sexual relationships between consenting adult family members is not illegal. Marriage may be a different topic.
And the same genetic problems can turn up in a relationship between cousins, which is traditionally not taboo.
Actually, it's only legal in two states. Three as long as a parental figure isn't involved. In the other 47/48 it's illegal. I've no idea about the rest of the world.
Actually, it's only legal in two states. Three as long as a parental figure isn't involved. In the other 47/48 it's illegal. I've no idea about the rest of the world.
Actually, it's only legal in two states. Three as long as a parental figure isn't involved. In the other 47/48 it's illegal. I've no idea about the rest of the world.
After the deed was done and we got that little backstory into Haley's sex life, and I finished the update, I stopped and thought a little on how would I react, and concluded I would react more or less like the MC. Sorry, but Haley's defense of this teacher sounds like BS
You are trying to convince me that the fifteen virgin girl was trying to confort the almost fifty year old man because she felt pity and gave him her first time? Sorry, but there's got to be more than that
And we know that she loves MC since high school, that is, 15 to 17 years old. Unless she fell in love with MC a little after the deed was done, I don't think she would have sex with anyone just a little after discovering her feelings, unless she tried really hard to forget them, fucking the guy that looks the least like MC
Even if she really just gave him her virginity like that, I would still be pissed at the teacher and wanting to kick his ass
Wow, this game was great right up until the end. That shit with the math teacher is just that, complete shit. Not touching this one again. Shame that the writer had to pull something like this, Haley is a great character, she doesn't deserve such a shitty backstory.
People who're playing Acting Lessons now are playing a finished game. They're not sitting on that cliffhanger for however long, convincing themselves and each other that no payoff is worth that price. People who're playing Dating My Daughter now are playing a game where the principals are boning. It's a completely different experience and a much more satisfying one. It's far more likely to be viewed positively. Assuming for the sake of argument that this Klaus issue is resolved well, players who experience Haley v1.1 (complete, bugfix) are going to look at this very differently than we are right now.
Episodic microanalysis is a mixed blessing. It's good for fandom because it intensifies interest. But it's terrible for enjoyment.
I never really thought about it, but your absolutely right, it’s a whole different experience when you play bit by bit over the course of a year or two instead of in one sitting like watching a movie. When you play over a long period the characters become more than a pretty piece of 3d art, especially when a game is well written like Haleys story or AL. You become attached, you start to feel for them, like them, hate them, love them. Also, you begin to put yourself in the MCs shoes, feel what he feels. It’s no longer “I understand why the MC hates mr klaus” it’s “I hate mr klaus”.
When the AL twist happened those of us who had been playing from the start, felt connected to the characters, it was like we where forced to watch a close friend die. We felt angry, we felt betrayed and we ranted. However, had I played AL as a completed game in one go the emotional connection wouldn’t have had time to develop, it would have just been some random plot twist. I wouldn’t have been upset; I would have just thought it was a bit lame.
I think it’s a testament to the skill of the writers when those twist can spark so much emotions in so many people. Having said that, I do prefer when these games cater to our happier emotions. After all, I play this as nice little escape from reality. If I wanted to fell angry or upset, I’d watch the news.